hyprwm / Hyprland

Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks.
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Wrong geometry recognition and control limited when using virtual pointer with multiple displays #6749

Closed gac3k closed 1 month ago

gac3k commented 2 months ago



System Info and Version

System/Version info ```sh Hyprland, built from branch main at commit 2fa57f2dc4909be697d003a22ce6870039e4db9b (pointer: change min cursor padding to 0 (6027)). Date: Tue Jul 2 12:17:48 2024 Tag: v0.41.2-16-g2fa57f2d, commits: 4902 flags: (if any) System Information: System name: Linux Node name: archus Release: 6.9.6-arch1-1 Version: #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri, 21 Jun 2024 19:49:19 +0000 GPU information: 2d:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GA104 [GeForce RTX 3070] [10de:2484] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) NVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 550.90.07 Fri May 31 09:35:42 UTC 2024 os-release: NAME="Arch Linux" PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux" ID=arch BUILD_ID=rolling ANSI_COLOR="38;2;23;147;209" HOME_URL="https://archlinux.org/" DOCUMENTATION_URL="https://wiki.archlinux.org/" SUPPORT_URL="https://bbs.archlinux.org/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://gitlab.archlinux.org/groups/archlinux/-/issues" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/" LOGO=archlinux-logo plugins: ======Config-Start====== Config File: /home/dom/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf: Read Succeeded # # Please note not all available settings / options are set here. # For a full list, see the wiki # source=~/.config/hypr/themes/macchiato.conf #autogenerated = 1 # remove this line to remove the warning # See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Monitors/ monitor=DP-1,highres,1080x0,1 #monitor=HDMI-A-1,highres,0x0,1 monitor=HDMI-A-1,highres,0x0,1,transform,1 #monitor=DP-1,preferred,0x0,1 ## unscale XWayland #xwayland { # force_zero_scaling = true #} # toolkit-specific scale #env = GDK_SCALE,2 #env = XCURSOR_SIZE,32 workspace=1,monitor:HDMI-A-1 workspace=2,monitor:HDMI-A-1 #workspace=4,on-created-empty:webstorm # See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Keywords/ for more # Execute your favorite apps at launch exec-once=/usr/lib/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1 #exec-once=hyprctl setcursor Bibata-Modern-Classic 24 exec-once = hyprpaper exec-once = gammastep-indicator exec-once = sleep 5 && syncthingtray exec-once = hypridle #exec-once = yin-yang #exec-once = waybar #exec = pkill waynergy exec-once = waynergy -E &>> /var/log/waynergy.log exec-once = nm-applet exec-once = hyprshade auto exec-once = gammastep #exec = pkill ags exec-once = sleep 2 && ags # Source a file (multi-file configs) # source = ~/.config/hypr/myColors.conf # Some default env vars. env = XCURSOR_SIZE,18 env = LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME,nvidia env = XDG_SESSION_TYPE,wayland env = GBM_BACKEND,nvidia-drm env = __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME,nvidia env = WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS,1 env = NVD_BACKEND,direct #env = HYPRCURSOR_THEME,rose-pine-cursor-hyprcursor #env = HYPRCURSOR_SIZE,24 # For all categories, see https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Variables/ input { kb_layout = pl # kb_variant =~/.config/waynergy/xkb_keymap # kb_model = # kb_options = lv3:caps # kb_rules = follow_mouse = 1 touchpad { natural_scroll = no } sensitivity = 0 # -1.0 - 1.0, 0 means no modification. } device { name = "cvirtualkeyboard" # kb_variant = ,qwerty kb_layout = pl kb_options = altwin:lv3 } #cursor = { # no_hardware_cursors = true; #} # device:wlr_virtual_keyboard_v1 { # kb_layout = pl # kb_variant=~/.config/waynergy/xkb_keymap; # kb_options = altwin:lv3 # } general { # See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Variables/ for more gaps_in = 5 gaps_out = 15 border_size = 1 col.active_border = rgba(33ccffee) rgba(00ff99ee) 45deg col.inactive_border = rgba(595959aa) layout = dwindle } dwindle { preserve_split = true # you probably want this #no_gaps_when_only = true } decoration { # See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Variables/ for more #rounding = 3 #blur { # enabled = true # size = 3 # passes = 1 #} # Blur rules rounding = 10 # Blur blur { enabled = yes size = 1 passes = 4 new_optimizations = on ignore_opacity = false } drop_shadow = yes shadow_range = 4 shadow_render_power = 3 col.shadow = rgba(1a1a1aee) } animations { enabled = yes # Some default animations, see https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Animations/ for more bezier = myBezier, 0.05, 0.9, 0.1, 1.05 animation = windows, 1, 7, myBezier animation = windowsOut, 1, 7, default, popin 80% animation = border, 1, 10, default animation = borderangle, 1, 8, default animation = fade, 1, 7, default animation = workspaces, 1, 6, default } dwindle { # See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Dwindle-Layout/ for more pseudotile = yes # master switch for pseudotiling. Enabling is bound to mainMod + P in the keybinds section below preserve_split = yes # you probably want this } master { # See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Master-Layout/ for more #new_is_master = true } gestures { # See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Variables/ for more workspace_swipe = off } # Example per-device config # See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Keywords/#executing for more #device:epic-mouse-v1 { # sensitivity = -0.5 #} # Example windowrule v1 # windowrule = float, ^(kitty)$ # Example windowrule v2 # windowrulev2 = float,class:^(kitty)$,title:^(kitty)$ # See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Window-Rules/ for more binds { allow_workspace_cycles = true } # See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Keywords/ for more $mainMod = SUPER_L # Example binds, see https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Binds/ for more bind = $mainMod, RETURN, exec, alacritty bind = ALT, TAB, exec, hyprctl dispatch focuswindow address:"$(hyprctl -j clients | jq -r '.[]|select(.address != "" and .title != "")|(.class + "\t" + .address + "\t" + .title)' | rofi -dmenu | cut -f2)" bind = $mainMod_SHIFT, Q, killactive, bind = $mainMod_CTRL, Q, exec, rofi -show p -modi p:rofi-power-menu bind = $mainMod, M, exit, bind = $mainMod, E, exec, dolphin bind = $mainMod, V, togglefloating, bind = $mainMod, D, exec, rofi -show combi bind = $mainMod, P, pseudo, # dwindle bind = $mainMod, J, togglesplit, # dwindle bind = $mainMod, F, fullscreen bind = $mainMod_ALT, F, fakefullscreen # Move focus with mainMod + arrow keys bind = $mainMod, left, movefocus, l bind = $mainMod, right, movefocus, r bind = $mainMod, up, movefocus, u bind = $mainMod, down, movefocus, d # Switch workspaces with mainMod + [0-9] bind = $mainMod, 1, workspace, 1 bind = $mainMod, 2, workspace, 2 bind = $mainMod, 3, workspace, 3 bind = $mainMod, 4, workspace, 4 bind = $mainMod, 5, workspace, 5 bind = $mainMod, 6, workspace, 6 bind = $mainMod, 7, workspace, 7 bind = $mainMod, 8, workspace, 8 bind = $mainMod, 9, workspace, 9 bind = $mainMod, 0, workspace, 10 # Move active window to a workspace with mainMod + SHIFT + [0-9] bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 1, movetoworkspace, 1 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 2, movetoworkspace, 2 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 3, movetoworkspace, 3 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 4, movetoworkspace, 4 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 5, movetoworkspace, 5 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 6, movetoworkspace, 6 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 7, movetoworkspace, 7 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 8, movetoworkspace, 8 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 9, movetoworkspace, 9 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 0, movetoworkspace, 10 bind = $mainMod, N, movetoworkspacesilent, special:minimized bind = $mainMod Control, N, togglespecialworkspace, minimized bind = $mainMod Control, N, movetoworkspace, +0 # Scroll through existing workspaces with mainMod + scroll bind = $mainMod, mouse_down, workspace, e+1 bind = $mainMod, mouse_up, workspace, e-1 bind = CONTROL SHIFT, right, workspace, e+1 bind = CONTROL SHIFT, left, workspace, e-1 # Move/resize windows with mainMod + LMB/RMB and dragging bindm = $mainMod CONTROL, mouse:272, movewindow bindm = $mainMod CONTROL, mouse:273, resizewindow bind = $mainMod, F9, exec, playerctl play-pause bind = $mainMod, F10, exec, playerctl next bind = $mainMod, F8, exec, playerctl previous bind = Ctrl Alt, LEFT, exec, hyprctl dispatch workspace e-1 bind = Ctrl Alt, RIGHT, exec, hyprctl dispatch workspace e+1 # will switch to a submap called resize bind=$mainMod,R,submap,resize # will start a submap called "resize" submap=resize # sets repeatable binds for resizing the active window binde=,right,resizeactive,50 0 binde=,left,resizeactive,-50 0 binde=,up,resizeactive,0 -50 binde=,down,resizeactive,0 50 # use reset to go back to the global submap bind=,escape,submap,reset # will reset the submap, meaning end the current one and return to the global one submap=reset misc { disable_hyprland_logo = true } # spotify windowrulev2 = monitor HDMI-A-1,class:^(Spotify)$ windowrulev2 = workspace: 2,class:^(Spotify)$ # jetbrains windowrulev2 = monitor DP-1,class:^(jetbrains-webstorm)$ #windowrulev2 = workspace: 4,class:^(jetbrains-webstorm)$ #windowrulev2 = stayfocused,class:^(jetbrains-webstorm)$ #windowrule = center,class:jetbrains-idea #windowrulev2 = float,class:^(jetbrains-webstorm)$ #windowrulev2 = opacity 0.99 0.99,class:^(jetbrains-webstorm)$ #windowrulev2 = pseudo,class:^(jetbrains-webstorm)$ #windowrulev2 = noinitialfocus,class:^jetbrains-(?!toolbox),floating:1 ######## Window rules ######## windowrule = float, ^(steam)$ windowrule = float, ^(guifetch)$ # Dialogs windowrule=float,title:^(Open File)(.*)$ windowrule=float,title:^(Open Folder)(.*)$ windowrule=float,title:^(Save As)(.*)$ windowrule=float,title:^(Library)(.*)$ windowrulev2 = rounding 17, floating:1 ######## Layer rules ######## layerrule = blur, gtk-layer-shell layerrule = ignorezero, gtk-layer-shell layerrule = blur, notifications layerrule = ignorezero, notifications plugin { hyprbars { bar_color = rgba(090727FF) bar_height = 20 bar_text_size = 10 bar_text_color = rgba(7775D0FF) } } Config File: /home/dom/.config/hypr/themes/macchiato.conf: Read Succeeded $rosewater = rgb(f4dbd6) $rosewaterAlpha = f4dbd6 $flamingo = rgb(f0c6c6) $flamingoAlpha = f0c6c6 $pink = rgb(f5bde6) $pinkAlpha = f5bde6 $mauve = rgb(c6a0f6) $mauveAlpha = c6a0f6 $red = rgb(ed8796) $redAlpha = ed8796 $maroon = rgb(ee99a0) $maroonAlpha = ee99a0 $peach = rgb(f5a97f) $peachAlpha = f5a97f $yellow = rgb(eed49f) $yellowAlpha = eed49f $green = rgb(a6da95) $greenAlpha = a6da95 $teal = rgb(8bd5ca) $tealAlpha = 8bd5ca $sky = rgb(91d7e3) $skyAlpha = 91d7e3 $sapphire = rgb(7dc4e4) $sapphireAlpha = 7dc4e4 $blue = rgb(8aadf4) $blueAlpha = 8aadf4 $lavender = rgb(b7bdf8) $lavenderAlpha = b7bdf8 $text = rgb(cad3f5) $textAlpha = cad3f5 $subtext1 = rgb(b8c0e0) $subtext1Alpha = b8c0e0 $subtext0 = rgb(a5adcb) $subtext0Alpha = a5adcb $overlay2 = rgb(939ab7) $overlay2Alpha = 939ab7 $overlay1 = rgb(8087a2) $overlay1Alpha = 8087a2 $overlay0 = rgb(6e738d) $overlay0Alpha = 6e738d $surface2 = rgb(5b6078) $surface2Alpha = 5b6078 $surface1 = rgb(494d64) $surface1Alpha = 494d64 $surface0 = rgb(363a4f) $surface0Alpha = 363a4f $base = rgb(24273a) $baseAlpha = 24273a $mantle = rgb(1e2030) $mantleAlpha = 1e2030 $crust = rgb(181926) $crustAlpha = 181926 ======Config-End======== ```


The issue occurring is a really specific, so it's also a bit hard to describe properly. But when I am using a waynergy which is a synergy compatible client for wayland, and since upgrading to version 0.40.0 (and later), the virtual pointer protocol seems to not operate properly anymore when multiple displays are connected.

In my setup I have a macos device which is running Barrier/Input-Leap as synergy protocol server and pc with arch linux on the top of Hyprland which is a client, utilizing waynergy. I have to displays connected to my PC, the primary one on the left to the macos server, and the secondary one, rotated so that it's placed vertically on the far left (so yet left to the primary screen). Now, whenever I am connecting with waynergy, the virtual pointer (mouse cursor) is always limited to the screen where the mouse is currently at, and in addition by default it's moving the mouse to the secondary monitor (far left one) not the primary one, when I am moving mouse from my server to the client for the first time, then if I manually switch the workspaces using a keyboard shortcut to one of the ones that are on the primary monitor, mouse is then bound to the primary display, but I can no longer move the mouse to the secondary one. In general, later on whenever I am moving mouse back to server, and then back to client, cursor is returning to the display that it was on the client for the last time.

In addition, because the resolution for waynergy client is detected as a combination of resolutions of my screens so 4520x1980 (because I have one screen with 3440x1440, and secondary 1920x1080, but rotated, so it's actually 1080px of width), a mouse movements are actually calculated relatively to the full geometry but the cursor is still attached to the single display, therefore on both screens the actual movement is a bit off, but on the secondary screen it's really problematic because while there's only 1080px of space, the move is calculated for 4520px screen, so even the big movements of mouse are actually making just a small movement of actual cursor.

I was debugging a lot the waynergy client itself, also created similar issue in the respective waynergy repository. There are no other solutions I can use for that setup as there are no other solutions implementing portals and libeip properly to be utilized with Hyprland. It was also working just fine before, and broke right after the deployment of 0.40.0 version, which introduced plenty of new wayland protocol implementation, so I think it has to be corelated somehow but as long as I was trying to dive into that, it's super tricky as the amount of changes was enormous recently. (Great job BTW!)

The issue does not persist in other wayland compositors, and also is of course not occuring if I am using a standard mouse and keyboard attached to PC. It also works fine if I downgrade Hyprland to 0.39.* version, but that's of course not the path I want to follow.

Another thing that might be important here is that while waynergy is by default utilizing wlr protocol to create virtual pointer, it's also allowing to utilize uinput as backend, and this is an option that I also tried thinking that the issue might be specific to wlr_virtual_pointer implementation itself, but the issue seems to persist with that backend either, so I think that it might be sometihng on more generic level.

How to reproduce

  1. Install waynergy and connect to the server
  2. Have a multiple displays attached
  3. Move the cursor from the server to the client

Crash reports, logs, images, videos

No response

vaxerski commented 2 months ago

I am pretty sure what the issue is but can you post a log

gac3k commented 2 months ago

not sure if this is enough, but this is the part of the debug log for a time period where I was reproducing the issue.

Log output ```sh [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] Window 5a9447fb38c0 set title to tail -f [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: tail -f) [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a944b60cb68 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a5cd10: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a5cd20 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a5cd48 -> 5a9455a5cd40, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a5cd10: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a5cd20 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a5cd48 -> 5a9455a5cd40, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for text [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a59368 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a637c0: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a637d0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a637f8 -> 5a9455a637f0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a637c0: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a637d0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a637f8 -> 5a9455a637f0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Keybind triggered, calling dispatcher (64, , 51) [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: tail -f) [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New offer 5a9455a69800 for data source 5a9453405c90 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a69800 supports mime text/html [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a69800 supports mime STRING [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a69800 supports mime text/plain;charset=utf-8 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a69800 supports mime TEXT [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a69800 supports mime UTF8_STRING [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a69800 supports mime text/plain [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a69800 supports mime text/plain;charset=utf-8 [LOG] Set keyboard focus to surface 1, with [Window 5a944b6077f0: title: "dom@archus:~"] [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: dom@archus:~) [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New offer 5a944ba227f0 for data source 5a944c013790 [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 9 -> text [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a64c78 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a5cd10: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a5cd20 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a5cd48 -> 5a9455a5cd40, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a5cd10: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a5cd20 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a5cd48 -> 5a9455a5cd40, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: dom@archus:~) [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New offer 5a9455a62320 for data source 5a9453405c90 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a62320 supports mime text/html [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a62320 supports mime STRING [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a62320 supports mime text/plain;charset=utf-8 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a62320 supports mime TEXT [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a62320 supports mime UTF8_STRING [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a62320 supports mime text/plain [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a62320 supports mime text/plain;charset=utf-8 [LOG] Set keyboard focus to surface 1, with [Window 5a9447f80ed0: title: "Variables – Hyprland Wiki - Google Chrome"] [LOG] Searching for matching rules for google-chrome (title: Variables – Hyprland Wiki - Google Chrome) [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New offer 5a944b5f22d0 for data source 5a944c013790 [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for default [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a59368 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a5cd10: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a5cd20 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a5cd48 -> 5a9455a5cd40, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a5cd10: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a5cd20 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a5cd48 -> 5a9455a5cd40, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a5c278 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for default [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a59368 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 4 -> pointer [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for pointer [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a62798 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for default [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a945344e138 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 9 -> text [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for text [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a64f98 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for default [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a62798 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 9 -> text [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for text [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a628f8 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for default [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a944b5f2228 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 4 -> pointer [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for pointer [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a69238 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a5cd10: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a5cd20 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a5cd48 -> 5a9455a5cd40, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a5cd10: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a5cd20 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a5cd48 -> 5a9455a5cd40, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a944ba1e2a8 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for pointer [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a59368 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for default [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a944ba1e2a8 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 4 -> pointer [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for pointer [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a944b60a628 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for default [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a68df8 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Searching for matching rules for google-chrome (title: Variables – Hyprland Wiki - Google Chrome) [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New offer 5a9455a65220 for data source 5a9453405c90 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a65220 supports mime text/html [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a65220 supports mime STRING [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a65220 supports mime text/plain;charset=utf-8 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a65220 supports mime TEXT [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a65220 supports mime UTF8_STRING [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a65220 supports mime text/plain [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a9455a65220 supports mime text/plain;charset=utf-8 [LOG] Set keyboard focus to surface 1, with [Window 5a944b6077f0: title: "dom@archus:~"] [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: dom@archus:~) [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New offer 5a944c017340 for data source 5a944c013790 [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 9 -> text [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for text [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a628f8 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a944b5bbbd8 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for text [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a59368 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a658f8 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a64910: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a64920 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a64948 -> 5a9455a64940, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Keybind triggered, calling dispatcher (64, , 49) [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: dom@archus:~) [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New offer 5a944b5bd820 for data source 5a9453405c90 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a944b5bd820 supports mime text/html [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a944b5bd820 supports mime STRING [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a944b5bd820 supports mime text/plain;charset=utf-8 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a944b5bd820 supports mime TEXT [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a944b5bd820 supports mime UTF8_STRING [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a944b5bd820 supports mime text/plain [LOG] [WLDataDevice] | offer 5a944b5bd820 supports mime text/plain;charset=utf-8 [LOG] Set keyboard focus to surface 1, with [Window 5a9447fb38c0: title: "tail -f"] [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: tail -f) [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New offer 5a94534c9720 for data source 5a944c013790 [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 9 -> text [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for text [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a944b5bbbd8 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a5cb58 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for text [LOG] Callback 5a943be39bc0 -> 5a943be39bb8, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a943be39ae0: 5a9455a62f48 -> 5a943be39b98 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a9446ea1f58 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 5a9455a69010: 5a94472ba798 -> 5a9455a69020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 5a9455a69048 -> 5a9455a69040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 ```
vaxerski commented 2 months ago

can you just attach the entire log? it's easier that way.

gac3k commented 2 months ago

@vaxerski sure thing

Log output ```sh [LOG] Instance Signature: 0a6e83005f1910b5c1ec78476fcffc05af47833a_1720195508_480082703 [LOG] Runtime directory: /run/user/1000/hypr/0a6e83005f1910b5c1ec78476fcffc05af47833a_1720195508_480082703 [LOG] Hyprland PID: 2318 [LOG] ===== SYSTEM INFO: ===== [LOG] System name: Linux [LOG] Node name: archus [LOG] Release: 6.9.7-arch1-1 [LOG] Version: #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:32:50 +0000 [LOG] GPU information: 2d:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GA104 [GeForce RTX 3070] [10de:2484] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) [WARN] Warning: you're using an NVIDIA GPU. Make sure you follow the instructions on the wiki if anything is amiss. [LOG] os-release: NAME="Arch Linux" PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux" ID=arch BUILD_ID=rolling ANSI_COLOR="38;2;23;147;209" HOME_URL="https://archlinux.org/" DOCUMENTATION_URL="https://wiki.archlinux.org/" SUPPORT_URL="https://bbs.archlinux.org/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://gitlab.archlinux.org/groups/archlinux/-/issues" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/" LOGO=archlinux-logo [LOG] ======================== [INFO] If you are crashing, or encounter any bugs, please consult https://wiki.hyprland.org/Crashes-and-Bugs/ [LOG] Current splash: Alors on danse [LOG] Old rlimit: soft -> 1024, hard -> 524288 [LOG] New rlimit: soft -> 524288, hard -> 524288 [LOG] Creating the EventLoopManager! [LOG] Creating the HookSystem! [LOG] Creating the KeybindManager! [LOG] Creating the AnimationManager! [LOG] Created a bezier curve, baked 255 points, mem usage: 4.08kB, time to bake: 18.93µs. Estimated average calc time: 0.04µs. [LOG] Creating the ConfigManager! [LOG] Created a bezier curve, baked 255 points, mem usage: 4.08kB, time to bake: 7.31µs. Estimated average calc time: 0.02µs. [LOG] Using config: /home/dom/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf [INFO] !!!!HEY YOU, YES YOU!!!!: further logs to stdout / logfile are disabled by default. BEFORE SENDING THIS LOG, ENABLE THEM. Use debug:disable_logs = false to do so: https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Variables/#debug [LOG] Disabling stdout logs! Check the log for further logs. [LOG] Creating the PointerManager! [wlr] [EGL] command: eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT, error: EGL_BAD_PARAMETER (0x300c), message: "EGL_BAD_PARAMETER error: In eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT: Invalid format " [wlr] [render/egl.c:864] Failed to query dmabuf number of modifiers [wlr] [EGL] command: eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT, error: EGL_BAD_PARAMETER (0x300c), message: "EGL_BAD_PARAMETER error: In eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT: Invalid format " [wlr] [render/egl.c:864] Failed to query dmabuf number of modifiers [wlr] [EGL] command: eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT, error: EGL_BAD_PARAMETER (0x300c), message: "EGL_BAD_PARAMETER error: In eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT: Invalid format " [wlr] [render/egl.c:864] Failed to query dmabuf number of modifiers [wlr] [EGL] command: eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT, error: EGL_BAD_PARAMETER (0x300c), message: "EGL_BAD_PARAMETER error: In eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT: Invalid format " [wlr] [render/egl.c:864] Failed to query dmabuf number of modifiers [LOG] Creating the CHyprOpenGLImpl! [LOG] Creating the Hypr OpenGL Renderer! [LOG] Using: OpenGL ES 3.2 NVIDIA 555.58.02 [LOG] Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation [LOG] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070/PCIe/SSE2 [LOG] Supported extensions: (217) GL_EXT_base_instance GL_EXT_blend_func_extended GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_clear_texture GL_EXT_clip_control GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_conservative_depth GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_depth_clamp GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_EGL_image_array GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage GL_EXT_EGL_image_external_wrap_modes GL_EXT_float_blend GL_EXT_frag_depth GL_EXT_geometry_point_size GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_map_buffer_range GL_EXT_multi_draw_indirect GL_EXT_multisample_compatibility GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2 GL_EXT_multiview_texture_multisample GL_EXT_multiview_timer_query GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_post_depth_coverage GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_EXT_raster_multisample GL_EXT_render_snorm GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_shader_group_vote GL_EXT_shader_implicit_conversions GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_shadow_samplers GL_EXT_sparse_texture GL_EXT_sparse_texture2 GL_EXT_sRGB GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_tessellation_point_size GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_filter_minmax GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_EXT_texture_norm16 GL_EXT_texture_query_lod GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_view GL_EXT_draw_transform_feedback GL_EXT_unpack_subimage GL_EXT_window_rectangles GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_debug GL_EXT_memory_object GL_EXT_memory_object_fd GL_NV_memory_object_sparse GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_KHR_robustness GL_EXT_semaphore GL_EXT_semaphore_fd GL_NV_timeline_semaphore GL_KHR_shader_subgroup GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr GL_NV_bgr GL_NV_bindless_texture GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_NVX_blend_equation_advanced_multi_draw_buffers GL_NV_blend_minmax_factor GL_NV_clip_space_w_scaling GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_conservative_raster GL_NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap_triangles GL_NV_copy_buffer GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_draw_buffers GL_NV_draw_instanced GL_NV_draw_texture GL_NV_draw_vulkan_image GL_NV_EGL_stream_consumer_external GL_NV_explicit_attrib_location GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_NV_fill_rectangle GL_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock GL_NV_framebuffer_blit GL_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample GL_NV_generate_mipmap_sRGB GL_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough GL_NV_instanced_arrays GL_NV_internalformat_sample_query GL_NV_gpu_shader5 GL_NV_image_formats GL_NV_memory_attachment GL_NV_mesh_shader GL_NV_occlusion_query_samples GL_NV_non_square_matrices GL_NV_pack_subimage GL_NV_packed_float GL_NV_packed_float_linear GL_NV_path_rendering GL_NV_path_rendering_shared_edge GL_NV_pixel_buffer_object GL_NV_polygon_mode GL_NV_primitive_shading_rate GL_NV_read_buffer GL_NV_read_depth GL_NV_read_depth_stencil GL_NV_read_stencil GL_NV_representative_fragment_test GL_NV_sample_locations GL_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage GL_NV_scissor_exclusive GL_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation GL_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint GL_NV_shading_rate_image GL_NV_shadow_samplers_array GL_NV_shadow_samplers_cube GL_NV_sRGB_formats GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering GL_NV_texture_array GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_border_clamp GL_NV_texture_compression_latc GL_NV_texture_compression_s3tc GL_NV_texture_compression_s3tc_update GL_NV_texture_dirty_tile_map GL_NV_timer_query GL_NV_viewport_array GL_NV_viewport_array2 GL_NV_viewport_swizzle GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_EXT_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_sub_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_copy_image GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_texture_border_clamp GL_OES_tessellation_point_size GL_OES_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_buffer GL_OES_geometry_point_size GL_OES_geometry_shader GL_OES_gpu_shader5 GL_OES_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_texture_view GL_OES_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_sample_variables GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_viewport_array GL_OVR_multiview GL_OVR_multiview2 GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB24 (0x34324241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB24 (0x34324258) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format R8 (0x20203852) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RG88 (0x38384752) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format R16 (0x20363152) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RG32 (0x32334752) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format UYVY (0x59565955) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR12 (0x32315241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB12 (0x32314241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RA12 (0x32314152) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format BA12 (0x32314142) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XR15 (0x35315258) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB15 (0x35314258) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RX15 (0x35315852) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format BX15 (0x35315842) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR15 (0x35315241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB15 (0x35314241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RA15 (0x35314152) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format BA15 (0x35314142) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB4H (0x48344241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB4H (0x48344258) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR24 (0x34325241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [wlr] [EGL] command: eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT, error: EGL_BAD_PARAMETER (0x300c), message: "EGL_BAD_PARAMETER error: In eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT: Invalid format " [ERR] EGL: Failed to query mods [wlr] [EGL] command: eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT, error: EGL_BAD_PARAMETER (0x300c), message: "EGL_BAD_PARAMETER error: In eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT: Invalid format " [ERR] EGL: Failed to query mods [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XR24 (0x34325258) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RGB8 (0x38424752) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RG16 (0x36314752) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format BG16 (0x36314742) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RG24 (0x34324752) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format BG24 (0x34324742) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR30 (0x30335241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RX24 (0x34325852) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format BX24 (0x34325842) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RA24 (0x34324152) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format BA24 (0x34324142) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XR30 (0x30335258) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB30 (0x30334258) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RX30 (0x30335852) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format BX30 (0x30335842) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RA30 (0x30334152) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format BA30 (0x30334142) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format R101 (0x31303152) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format R100 (0x30303152) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB30 (0x30334241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format B101 (0x31303142) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format B100 (0x30303142) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=8,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=1 (0x300000000e08010) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=5,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606015) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=4,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606014) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=3,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606013) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=2,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606012) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=1,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606011) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier BLOCK_LINEAR_2D,HEIGHT=0,KIND=6,GEN=2,SECTOR=1,COMPRESSION=0 (0x300000000606010) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU12 (0x32315559) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV12 (0x3231564e) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV21 (0x3132564e) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV16 (0x3631564e) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV24 (0x3432564e) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P010 (0x30313050) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P210 (0x30313250) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P012 (0x32313050) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format HD01 (0x31304448) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format UHD0 (0x30444855) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: 54 formats found in total. Some modifiers may be omitted as they are external-only. [LOG] Creating the ProtocolManager! [LOG] [WLSeat] Registered global [LOG] [WLDataDevice] Registered global [LOG] [WLCompositor] Registered global [LOG] [WLSubcompositor] Registered global [LOG] [WLSHM] Registered global [LOG] [Viewporter] Registered global [LOG] [TearingControl] Registered global [LOG] [FractionalScale] Registered global [LOG] [XDGOutput] Registered global [LOG] [CursorShape] Registered global [LOG] [IdleInhibit] Registered global [LOG] [RelativePointer] Registered global [LOG] [XDGDecoration] Registered global [LOG] [AlphaModifier] Registered global [LOG] [GammaControl] Registered global [LOG] [ForeignToplevel] Registered global [LOG] [PointerGestures] Registered global [LOG] [ForeignToplevelWlr] Registered global [LOG] [ShortcutsInhibit] Registered global [LOG] [TextInputV3] Registered global [LOG] [PointerConstraints] Registered global [LOG] [OutputPower] Registered global [LOG] [XDGActivation] Registered global [LOG] [IdleNotify] Registered global [LOG] [SessionLock] Registered global [LOG] [IMEv2] Registered global [LOG] [VirtualKeyboard] Registered global [LOG] [VirtualPointer] Registered global [LOG] [OutputManagement] Registered global [LOG] [ServerDecorationKDE] Registered global [LOG] [FocusGrab] Registered global [LOG] [TabletV2] Registered global [LOG] [LayerShell] Registered global [LOG] [Presentation] Registered global [LOG] [XDGShell] Registered global [LOG] [DataDeviceWlr] Registered global [LOG] [PrimarySelection] Registered global [LOG] [XWaylandShell] Registered global [LOG] [MesaDRM] Registered global [LOG] [LinuxDMABUF] Registered global [LOG] ToplevelExportManager started successfully! [LOG] TextInputV1Manager started successfully! [LOG] GlobalShortcutsManager started successfully! [LOG] ScreencopyProtocolManager started successfully! [LOG] Creating the SeatManager! [LOG] Creating the ThreadManager! [LOG] Creating CHyprCtl [LOG] Hypr socket started at /run/user/1000/hypr/0a6e83005f1910b5c1ec78476fcffc05af47833a_1720195508_480082703/.socket.sock [LOG] Creating the InputManager! [LOG] Creating the HyprRenderer! [LOG] DRM driver information: nvidia-drm v0.0.0 from 20160202 description NVIDIA DRM driver [WARN] NVIDIA detected, please remember to follow nvidia instructions on the wiki [LOG] Creating the XWaylandManager! [LOG] Creating the SessionLockManager! [LOG] Creating the EventManager! [LOG] Creating the HyprDebugOverlay! [LOG] Creating the HyprNotificationOverlay! [LOG] Creating the PluginSystem! [LOG] Creating the DecorationPositioner! [LOG] Creating the CursorManager! [hc] CHyprcursorManager: attempting to find theme from env [hc] themeNameFromEnv: env unset [hc] CHyprcursorManager: attempting to find any theme [hc] getFirstTheme: found /home/dom/.local/share/icons/HyprBibataModernClassicSVG [hc] getFullPathForThemeName: found /home/dom/.local/share/icons/HyprBibataModernClassicSVG [hc] Found theme HyprBibataModernClassicSVG at /home/dom/.local/share/icons/HyprBibataModernClassicSVG [hc] loadThemeStyle: loading for size 18 [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5c8e18f8 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Starting XWayland [LOG] Starting up the XWayland server [LOG] XWayland found a suitable display socket at DISPLAY: :0 [WARN] Failed to change process scheduling strategy [LOG] Hyprland init finished. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fcd710: 557e51fcd738 -> 557e34115060 (owner: Backend) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fcd710: 557e51fcd728 -> 557e34115040 (owner: Backend) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e521cf5a0: 557e521cf5a0 -> 557e34115020 (owner: WLRRenderer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fada88: 557e521f2b60 -> 557e34115000 (owner: DRM) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fcd7a0: 557e51fcd900 -> 557e34114fe0 (owner: Session) [LOG] wl_display_add_socket for wayland-1 succeeded with 0 [LOG] Executing systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME PATH XDG_DATA_DIRS && hash dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME PATH XDG_DATA_DIRS [LOG] Process Created with pid 2357 [LOG] Running on WAYLAND_DISPLAY: wayland-1 [LOG] Attached a keyboard with name Power Button [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5c8e8700: 557e5c95b368 -> 557e5c8e8928 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5c8e8700: 557e5c95b488 -> 557e5c8e8990 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5c8e8700: 557e5c95b4a8 -> 557e5c8e8a60 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5c8e8700: 557e5c95b498 -> 557e5c8e89f8 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5c8e8700: 557e5c95b4b8 -> 557e5c8e8ac8 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "power-button", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: activeLayout [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5c8e8700's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "power-button" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 557e5c8e8700 and WLR: 557e5c95b358 [LOG] Attached a keyboard with name Power Button [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5c92e4d0: 557e5ca2e8b8 -> 557e5c92e6f8 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5c92e4d0: 557e5ca2e9d8 -> 557e5c92e760 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5c92e4d0: 557e5ca2e9f8 -> 557e5c92e830 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5c92e4d0: 557e5ca2e9e8 -> 557e5c92e7c8 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5c92e4d0: 557e5ca2ea08 -> 557e5c92e898 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "power-button-1", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5c92e4d0's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "power-button-1" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 557e5c92e4d0 and WLR: 557e5ca2e8a8 [LOG] Attached a keyboard with name Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5ca81470: 557e5ca94668 -> 557e5ca81698 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5ca81470: 557e5ca94788 -> 557e5ca81700 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5ca81470: 557e5ca947a8 -> 557e5ca817d0 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5ca81470: 557e5ca94798 -> 557e5ca81768 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5ca81470: 557e5ca947b8 -> 557e5ca81838 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "yubico-yubikey-otp+fido+ccid", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5ca81470's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "yubico-yubikey-otp+fido+ccid" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 557e5ca81470 and WLR: 557e5ca94658 [LOG] Attached a keyboard with name SteelSeries ApS Ikari Laser Keyboard [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cae7070: 557e5caf9d58 -> 557e5cae7298 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cae7070: 557e5caf9e78 -> 557e5cae7300 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cae7070: 557e5caf9e98 -> 557e5cae73d0 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cae7070: 557e5caf9e88 -> 557e5cae7368 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cae7070: 557e5caf9ea8 -> 557e5cae7438 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "steelseries-aps-ikari-laser-keyboard", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5cae7070's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "steelseries-aps-ikari-laser-keyboard" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 557e5cae7070 and WLR: 557e5caf9d48 [LOG] Attached a mouse with name SteelSeries ApS Ikari Laser Mouse [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4cb40: 557e5cb5f3d0 -> 557e5cb4ce40 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4cb40: 557e5cb5f3f8 -> 557e5cb4cea8 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4cb40: 557e5cb5f408 -> 557e5cb4cf10 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4cb40: 557e5cb5f418 -> 557e5cb4cf78 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4cb40: 557e5cb5f428 -> 557e5cb4cfe0 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4cb40: 557e5cb5f438 -> 557e5cb4d048 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4cb40: 557e5cb5f448 -> 557e5cb4d0b0 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4cb40: 557e5cb5f468 -> 557e5cb4d118 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4cb40: 557e5cb5f458 -> 557e5cb4d180 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4cb40: 557e5cb5f478 -> 557e5cb4d1e8 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4cb40: 557e5cb5f498 -> 557e5cb4d250 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4cb40: 557e5cb5f488 -> 557e5cb4d2b8 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4cb40: 557e5cb5f4a8 -> 557e5cb4d320 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4cb40: 557e5cb5f4b8 -> 557e5cb4d388 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] New mouse has libinput sens 0.00 (0.00) with accel profile 2 (2) [LOG] Attached pointer steelseries-aps-ikari-laser-mouse to global [LOG] Applied config to mouse steelseries-aps-ikari-laser-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] New mouse created, pointer WLR: 557e5cb5f3c0 [LOG] Attached a keyboard with name SteelSeries ApS Ikari Laser [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4d900: 557e5cb4d418 -> 557e5cb4db28 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4d900: 557e5cb4d538 -> 557e5cb4db90 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4d900: 557e5cb4d558 -> 557e5cb4dc60 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4d900: 557e5cb4d548 -> 557e5cb4dbf8 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cb4d900: 557e5cb4d568 -> 557e5cb4dcc8 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "steelseries-aps-ikari-laser", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5cb4d900's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "steelseries-aps-ikari-laser" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 557e5cb4d900 and WLR: 557e5cb4d408 [LOG] Attached a keyboard with name Logitech MX Master 3 [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cbb2a70: 557e5cbc51f8 -> 557e5cbb2c98 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cbb2a70: 557e5cbc5318 -> 557e5cbb2d00 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cbb2a70: 557e5cbc5338 -> 557e5cbb2dd0 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cbb2a70: 557e5cbc5328 -> 557e5cbb2d68 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cbb2a70: 557e5cbc5348 -> 557e5cbb2e38 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "logitech-mx-master-3", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5cbb2a70's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "logitech-mx-master-3" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 557e5cbb2a70 and WLR: 557e5cbc51e8 [LOG] Attached a mouse with name Logitech MX Master 3 [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc2a450: 557e5cbc5370 -> 557e5cc2a750 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc2a450: 557e5cbc5398 -> 557e5cc2a7b8 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc2a450: 557e5cbc53a8 -> 557e5cc2a820 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc2a450: 557e5cbc53b8 -> 557e5cc2a888 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc2a450: 557e5cbc53c8 -> 557e5cc2a8f0 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc2a450: 557e5cbc53d8 -> 557e5cc2a958 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc2a450: 557e5cbc53e8 -> 557e5cc2a9c0 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc2a450: 557e5cbc5408 -> 557e5cc2aa28 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc2a450: 557e5cbc53f8 -> 557e5cc2aa90 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc2a450: 557e5cbc5418 -> 557e5cc2aaf8 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc2a450: 557e5cbc5438 -> 557e5cc2ab60 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc2a450: 557e5cbc5428 -> 557e5cc2abc8 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc2a450: 557e5cbc5448 -> 557e5cc2ac30 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc2a450: 557e5cbc5458 -> 557e5cc2ac98 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] New mouse has libinput sens 0.00 (0.00) with accel profile 2 (2) [LOG] Attached pointer logitech-mx-master-3-1 to global [LOG] Applied config to mouse steelseries-aps-ikari-laser-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse logitech-mx-master-3-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] New mouse created, pointer WLR: 557e5cbc5360 [LOG] Attached a keyboard with name Logitech MX Keys [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc18430: 557e5cc17f48 -> 557e5cc18658 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc18430: 557e5cc18068 -> 557e5cc186c0 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc18430: 557e5cc18088 -> 557e5cc18790 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc18430: 557e5cc18078 -> 557e5cc18728 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc18430: 557e5cc18098 -> 557e5cc187f8 (owner: CKeyboard) [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "logitech-mx-keys", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5cc18430's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "logitech-mx-keys" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 557e5cc18430 and WLR: 557e5cc17f38 [LOG] Attached a mouse with name Logitech MX Keys [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc8f3f0: 557e5cc180c0 -> 557e5cc8f6f0 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc8f3f0: 557e5cc180e8 -> 557e5cc8f758 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc8f3f0: 557e5cc180f8 -> 557e5cc8f7c0 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc8f3f0: 557e5cc18108 -> 557e5cc8f828 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc8f3f0: 557e5cc18118 -> 557e5cc8f890 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc8f3f0: 557e5cc18128 -> 557e5cc8f8f8 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc8f3f0: 557e5cc18138 -> 557e5cc8f960 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc8f3f0: 557e5cc18158 -> 557e5cc8f9c8 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc8f3f0: 557e5cc18148 -> 557e5cc8fa30 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc8f3f0: 557e5cc18168 -> 557e5cc8fa98 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc8f3f0: 557e5cc18188 -> 557e5cc8fb00 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc8f3f0: 557e5cc18178 -> 557e5cc8fb68 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc8f3f0: 557e5cc18198 -> 557e5cc8fbd0 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc8f3f0: 557e5cc181a8 -> 557e5cc8fc38 (owner: CMouse) [LOG] New mouse has libinput sens 0.00 (0.00) with accel profile 2 (2) [LOG] Attached pointer logitech-mx-keys-1 to global [LOG] Applied config to mouse steelseries-aps-ikari-laser-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse logitech-mx-master-3-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse logitech-mx-keys-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] New mouse created, pointer WLR: 557e5cc180b0 [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc9a2d0: 557e5cc7d358 -> 557e5cc9a7d8 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc9a2d0: 557e5cc7d3e8 -> 557e5cc9a840 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc9a2d0: 557e5cc7d3d8 -> 557e5cc9a8a8 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc9a2d0: 557e5cc7d368 -> 557e5cc9a910 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc9a2d0: 557e5cc7d378 -> 557e5cc9a978 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc9a2d0: 557e5cc7d398 -> 557e5cc9a9e0 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc9a2d0: 557e5cc7d3b8 -> 557e5cc9aa48 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5cc9a2d0: 557e5cc7d3a8 -> 557e5cc9aab0 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Applying monitor rule for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] Monitor HDMI-A-1: Applying highest mode 1920x1080@59.938999. [LOG] output HDMI-A-1 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 [LOG] Monitor HDMI-A-1 -> destroyed all render data [LOG] arrangeMonitors: 1 to arrange [LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-1 explicit [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-1 xwayland [0, 0] [LOG] Monitor HDMI-A-1 data dump: res 1920x1080@59.94Hz, scale 1.00, transform 1, pos 0x0, 10b 0 [hc] loadThemeStyle: loading for size 18 [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5d02d2b8 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] CRenderbuffer: wlr_egl_create_image_from_dmabuf found at 557e33f46e20 [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d0335c0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5d0335d0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Shaders initialized successfully. [LOG] Callback 557e5d0335f8 -> 557e5d0335f0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d0335c0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5d0335d0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d0335f8 -> 557e5d0335f0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Added new monitor with name HDMI-A-1 at [0, 0] with size [1920, 1080], pointer 557e5cc7d2b0 [LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 1, exists: 0 [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: createWorkspace [LOG] [WLOutput (HDMI-A-1)] Registered global [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5c8e18f8 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d0335c0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5d0335d0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d0335f8 -> 557e5d0335f0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d0335c0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5d0335d0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d0335f8 -> 557e5d0335f0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d0b3e10: 557e5cc7dfb8 -> 557e5d0b4318 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d0b3e10: 557e5cc7e048 -> 557e5d0b4380 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d0b3e10: 557e5cc7e038 -> 557e5d0b43e8 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d0b3e10: 557e5cc7dfc8 -> 557e5d0b4450 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d0b3e10: 557e5cc7dfd8 -> 557e5d0b44b8 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d0b3e10: 557e5cc7dff8 -> 557e5d0b4520 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d0b3e10: 557e5cc7e018 -> 557e5d0b4588 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d0b3e10: 557e5cc7e008 -> 557e5d0b45f0 (owner: CMonitor) [LOG] Applying monitor rule for DP-1 [LOG] Monitor DP-1: Applying highest mode 3440x1440@159.962006. [LOG] output DP-1 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 [LOG] Monitor DP-1 -> destroyed all render data [LOG] arrangeMonitors: 2 to arrange [LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-1 explicit [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-1 explicit [1080, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-1 xwayland [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-1 xwayland [1080, 0] [LOG] Monitor DP-1 data dump: res 3440x1440@159.96Hz, scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 1080x0, 10b 0 [hc] loadThemeStyle: loading for size 18 [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5d449278 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d034010: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5d034020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d034048 -> 557e5d034040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d034010: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5d034020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Shaders initialized successfully. [LOG] Callback 557e5d034048 -> 557e5d034040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d034010: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5d034020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d034048 -> 557e5d034040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d034010: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5d034020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d034048 -> 557e5d034040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Added new monitor with name DP-1 at [1080, 0] with size [3440, 1440], pointer 557e5cc7df10 [LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 3, exists: 0 [LOG] [WLOutput (DP-1)] Registered global [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d034010: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5d034020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d034048 -> 557e5d034040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d034010: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5d034020 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d034048 -> 557e5d034040, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Hyprland is ready, running the event loop! [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: tick [LOG] Executing systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME PATH XDG_DATA_DIRS && hash dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME PATH XDG_DATA_DIRS [LOG] Starting XWayland with "Xwayland :0 -rootless -core -listenfd 47 -listenfd 48 -displayfd 85 -wm 82", bon voyage! [LOG] Process Created with pid 2377 [LOG] Executing /usr/lib/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1 [LOG] Process Created with pid 2380 [LOG] Executing hyprpaper [LOG] Process Created with pid 2382 [LOG] Executing gammastep-indicator [LOG] Process Created with pid 2384 [LOG] Executing sleep 5 && syncthingtray [LOG] Process Created with pid 2386 [LOG] Executing hypridle [LOG] Process Created with pid 2389 [LOG] Executing waynergy -E &>> /var/log/waynergy.log [LOG] Process Created with pid 2391 [LOG] Executing nm-applet [LOG] Process Created with pid 2394 [LOG] Executing hyprshade auto [LOG] Process Created with pid 2399 [LOG] Executing gammastep [LOG] Process Created with pid 2401 [LOG] Executing sleep 2 && ags [LOG] Process Created with pid 2403 [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "power-button", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5c8e8700's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "power-button" [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "power-button-1", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5c92e4d0's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "power-button-1" [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "yubico-yubikey-otp+fido+ccid", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5ca81470's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "yubico-yubikey-otp+fido+ccid" [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "steelseries-aps-ikari-laser-keyboard", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5cae7070's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "steelseries-aps-ikari-laser-keyboard" [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "steelseries-aps-ikari-laser", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5cb4d900's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "steelseries-aps-ikari-laser" [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "logitech-mx-master-3", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5cbb2a70's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "logitech-mx-master-3" [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "logitech-mx-keys", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5cc18430's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "logitech-mx-keys" [LOG] Applied config to mouse steelseries-aps-ikari-laser-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse logitech-mx-master-3-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse logitech-mx-keys-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applying monitor rule for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] Monitor HDMI-A-1: Applying highest mode 1920x1080@59.938999. [LOG] output HDMI-A-1 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 [LOG] arrangeMonitors: 2 to arrange [LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-1 explicit [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-1 explicit [1080, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-1 xwayland [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-1 xwayland [1080, 0] [LOG] Monitor HDMI-A-1 data dump: res 1920x1080@59.94Hz, scale 1.00, transform 1, pos 0x0, 10b 0 [hc] loadThemeStyle: loading for size 18 [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5d887698 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d032cc0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5d032cd0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d032cf8 -> 557e5d032cf0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d032cc0: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5d032cd0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d032cf8 -> 557e5d032cf0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d032cc0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5d032cd0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d032cf8 -> 557e5d032cf0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d032cc0: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5d032cd0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d032cf8 -> 557e5d032cf0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Applying monitor rule for DP-1 [LOG] Monitor DP-1: Applying highest mode 3440x1440@159.962006. [LOG] output DP-1 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 [LOG] arrangeMonitors: 2 to arrange [LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-1 explicit [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-1 explicit [1080, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-1 xwayland [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-1 xwayland [1080, 0] [LOG] Monitor DP-1 data dump: res 3440x1440@159.96Hz, scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 1080x0, 10b 0 [hc] loadThemeStyle: loading for size 18 [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5dc244f8 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d44bfc0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5d44bfd0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d44bff8 -> 557e5d44bff0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d44bfc0: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5d44bfd0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d44bff8 -> 557e5d44bff0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d44bfc0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5d44bfd0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d44bff8 -> 557e5d44bff0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d44bfc0: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5d44bfd0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d44bff8 -> 557e5d44bff0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [hc] loadThemeStyle: loading for size 18 [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5dfbfe68 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d88a310: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5d88a320 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d88a348 -> 557e5d88a340, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d88a310: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5d88a320 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5d88a348 -> 557e5d88a340, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: render [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d88a310: 557e5cbf07e8 -> 557e5d88a320 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Monitor HDMI-A-1 -> destroyed all render data [LOG] Shaders initialized successfully. [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:875] connector HDMI-A-1: Failed to page-flip output: a page-flip is already pending [LOG] Hyprctl: keyword decoration:screen_shader : /home/dom/.local/state/hyprshade/blue-light-filter.glsl [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5d0c0660: 557e5d070a88 -> 557e5d0c0670 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Monitor DP-1 -> destroyed all render data [LOG] Shaders initialized successfully. [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_wm_base at 557e5e00e3c0 [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e010680 [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e015ee0 [LOG] [IdleNotify] Registered idle-notification for 600000ms [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e02f2f0 [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e034690 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New datamgr resource bound at 557e5e0100c0 [LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_wm_base at 557e5d4bd710 [LOG] [DataDeviceWlr] New wlr_data_control_manager at 557e5e035300 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary_seletion_manager at 557e5e034df0 [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e035d00 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New datamgr resource bound at 557e5e0358b0 [LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_wm_base at 557e5e035c80 [LOG] [DataDeviceWlr] New wlr_data_control_manager at 557e5e0364e0 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary_seletion_manager at 557e5e0366d0 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [DataDeviceWlr] New wlr data device bound at 557e5e034900 [LOG] [DataDeviceWlr] New wlr data device bound at 557e5e0363d0 [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e03a150 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New datamgr resource bound at 557e5e03a530 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New data device bound at 557e5e02f3c0 [LOG] [TextInputV3] New tiv3 at 0000557e5c935830 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary_seletion_manager at 557e5e03bba0 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary selection data device bound at 557e5d458c50 [LOG] [VirtualPointer] New VPointer at id 12 [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03cac0: 557e5c9dba68 -> 557e5e03cdc0 (owner: CVirtualPointer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03cac0: 557e5c9dba90 -> 557e5e03ce28 (owner: CVirtualPointer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03cac0: 557e5c9dbaa0 -> 557e5e03ce90 (owner: CVirtualPointer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03cac0: 557e5c9dbab0 -> 557e5e03cef8 (owner: CVirtualPointer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03cac0: 557e5c9dbac0 -> 557e5e03cf60 (owner: CVirtualPointer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03cac0: 557e5c9dbad0 -> 557e5e03cfc8 (owner: CVirtualPointer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03cac0: 557e5c9dbae0 -> 557e5e03d030 (owner: CVirtualPointer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03cac0: 557e5c9dbb00 -> 557e5e03d098 (owner: CVirtualPointer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03cac0: 557e5c9dbaf0 -> 557e5e03d100 (owner: CVirtualPointer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03cac0: 557e5c9dbb10 -> 557e5e03d168 (owner: CVirtualPointer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03cac0: 557e5c9dbb30 -> 557e5e03d1d0 (owner: CVirtualPointer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03cac0: 557e5c9dbb20 -> 557e5e03d238 (owner: CVirtualPointer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03cac0: 557e5c9dbb40 -> 557e5e03d2a0 (owner: CVirtualPointer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03cac0: 557e5c9dbb50 -> 557e5e03d308 (owner: CVirtualPointer) [LOG] Attached pointer cvirtualpointerv1resource to global [LOG] Applied config to mouse steelseries-aps-ikari-laser-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse logitech-mx-master-3-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse logitech-mx-keys-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] New virtual mouse created, pointer WLR: 557e5c9dba58 [LOG] [VirtualKeyboard] New VKeyboard at id 14 [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03dee0: 557e5e03dd08 -> 557e5e03e108 (owner: CVirtualKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03dee0: 557e5e03de28 -> 557e5e03e170 (owner: CVirtualKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03dee0: 557e5e03de48 -> 557e5e03e240 (owner: CVirtualKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03dee0: 557e5e03de38 -> 557e5e03e1d8 (owner: CVirtualKeyboard) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e03dee0: 557e5e03de58 -> 557e5e03e2a8 (owner: CVirtualKeyboard) [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "cvirtualkeyboard", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout pl with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 557e5e03dee0's translation state from an active index 0 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to pl and variant to for keyboard "cvirtualkeyboard" [LOG] New virtual keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 557e5e03dee0 and WLR: 557e5e03dcf8 [LOG] [IdleNotify] Registered idle-notification for 30000ms [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e0a75e0: 557e5d044848 -> 557e5e0a75f0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e05ff30: 557e5cc83498 -> 557e5e05ff40 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_wm_base at 557e5e07d0d0 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New datamgr resource bound at 557e5e0aa9a0 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary_seletion_manager at 557e5e0aaab0 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 8704 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 8704 to 21504 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 21504 to 47104 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 47104 to 98304 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 98304 to 200704 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 200704 to 405504 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 405504 to 815104 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 815104 to 1634304 [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e05f4a0 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 23 at 557e51fe0720 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary selection data device bound at 557e5e059890 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New data device bound at 557e5e03b830 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 26 at 557e51fdfc20 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New datamgr resource bound at 557e5e0b12f0 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary_seletion_manager at 557e5e0b0da0 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 8704 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 8704 to 21504 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 21504 to 47104 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 47104 to 98304 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 98304 to 200704 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 200704 to 405504 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 405504 to 815104 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 815104 to 1634304 [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e072e50 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 23 at 557e51fdf210 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary selection data device bound at 557e5e03a2d0 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New data device bound at 557e5e0a8fe0 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 26 at 557e51fde390 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New datamgr resource bound at 557e5e059510 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary_seletion_manager at 557e5e077080 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 8704 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 8704 to 21504 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 21504 to 47104 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 47104 to 98304 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 98304 to 200704 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 200704 to 405504 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 405504 to 815104 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 815104 to 1634304 [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e042d40 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 23 at 557e51fdd9e0 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary selection data device bound at 557e5e047260 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New data device bound at 557e5e047490 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 26 at 557e51fce650 [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e043510 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 23 at 557e51fce1e0 [LOG] XWayland is ready [LOG] xfixes version: 6.0 [LOG] xres version: 1.2 [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] [seatmgr] Rejecting a setCursor because the client ain't in focus [ERR] [xwm] xcb error: XFixes (SelectSelectionInput), code Match (no extension), seq 138, val 241 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_wm_base at 557e5e0d7a80 [LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_wm_base at 557e5e0d7200 [LOG] ToplevelExportManager bound successfully! [LOG] GlobalShortcutsManager bound successfully! [LOG] ScreencopyProtocolManager bound successfully! [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 20 at 557e5e083110 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 21 at 557e5e04ecb0 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_region with id 22 at 557e5e0aba40 [LOG] CWLSurface 557e5e03eea0 called init() [LOG] LayerSurface 557e5c9d28e0 (namespace hyprpaper layer 0) created on monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [LayerShell] New wlr_layer_surface 557e5c9d28e0 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 26 at 557e5e04bcf0 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 27 at 557e5e078c30 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_region with id 28 at 557e5e070f70 [LOG] CWLSurface 557e5e0ddd70 called init() [LOG] LayerSurface 557e5c9daba0 (namespace hyprpaper layer 0) created on monitor DP-1 [LOG] [LayerShell] New wlr_layer_surface 557e5c9daba0 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_wm_base at 557e5e0c73a0 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 1296 to 3616 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 3616 to 8256 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 8256 to 17536 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 17536 to 36096 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 36096 to 73216 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 73216 to 147456 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 147456 to 295936 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 295936 to 592896 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_region with id 12 at 557e5e05e1f0 [LOG] LayerSurface 1 mapped [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: openLayer [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 1296 to 3616 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 3616 to 8256 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 8256 to 17536 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 17536 to 36096 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 36096 to 73216 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 73216 to 147456 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 147456 to 295936 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 295936 to 592896 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_region with id 33 at 557e5e0e3380 [LOG] LayerSurface 1 mapped [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New datamgr resource bound at 557e5e070f70 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary_seletion_manager at 557e5e06a6a0 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 8704 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 8704 to 21504 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 21504 to 47104 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 47104 to 98304 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 98304 to 200704 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 200704 to 405504 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 405504 to 815104 [LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 815104 to 1634304 [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e079880 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 23 at 557e5e104f50 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary selection data device bound at 557e5e040d90 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New data device bound at 557e5e0411b0 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 26 at 557e5e07f700 [LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_wm_base at 557e5e0a85e0 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] Socket2 accepted a new client at FD 130 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_wm_base at 557e5e0d7310 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 31 at 557e5e080000 [LOG] CWLSurface 557e5e020f20 called init() [LOG] LayerSurface 557e5c9cca10 (namespace mpris layer 1) created on monitor DP-1 [LOG] [LayerShell] New wlr_layer_surface 557e5c9cca10 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 35 at 557e5e07bd20 [LOG] CWLSurface 557e5e078a90 called init() [LOG] LayerSurface 557e51ff2c60 (namespace notifications1 layer 2) created on monitor DP-1 [LOG] [LayerShell] New wlr_layer_surface 557e51ff2c60 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 37 at 557e5e09c9c0 [LOG] CWLSurface 557e5e038200 called init() [LOG] LayerSurface 557e5e059c50 (namespace bar-0 layer 2) created on monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [LayerShell] New wlr_layer_surface 557e5e059c50 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 39 at 557e5e109050 [LOG] CWLSurface 557e5e0777a0 called init() [LOG] LayerSurface 557e5e109380 (namespace bar-1 layer 2) created on monitor DP-1 [LOG] [LayerShell] New wlr_layer_surface 557e5e109380 [LOG] LayerSurface 1 mapped [LOG] LayerSurface 1 mapped [LOG] LayerSurface 1 mapped [LOG] LayerSurface 1 mapped [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e083e80 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New datamgr resource bound at 557e5e0d6600 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New data device bound at 557e5e070bd0 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary_seletion_manager at 557e5e078900 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary selection data device bound at 557e5e077930 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e068c60 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New datamgr resource bound at 557e5e07ff30 [LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_wm_base at 557e5e0db4f0 [LOG] [DataDeviceWlr] New wlr_data_control_manager at 557e5e0d64c0 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary_seletion_manager at 557e5e07b3c0 [LOG] [DataDeviceWlr] New wlr data device bound at 557e5e049010 [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: mouseAxis [LOG] [DataDeviceWlr] New wlr data source bound at 557e5e0e44b0 [LOG] [DataDeviceWlr] wlr manager requests primary selection to 557e5e0e44b0 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New selection for data source 557e5e0e44b0 [LOG] [DataDeviceWlr] New primaryselection for data source 557e5e0e44b0 [LOG] [DataDeviceWlr] New primary offer 557e5e06dc30 for data source 557e5e0e44b0 [LOG] [DataDeviceWlr] New primary offer 557e5e071a70 for data source 557e5e0e44b0 [LOG] [DataDeviceWlr] New primary offer 557e5e047850 for data source 557e5e0e44b0 [LOG] [DataDeviceWlr] Offer 557e5e071a70 asks to send data from source 557e5e0e44b0 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] Keybind triggered, calling dispatcher (64, , 51) [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] Keybind triggered, calling dispatcher (64, , 49) [LOG] Keybind triggered, calling dispatcher (64, , 51) [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] Keybind triggered, calling dispatcher (64, , 100) [LOG] Executing rofi -show combi [LOG] Process Created with pid 2860 [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e186a90 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New datamgr resource bound at 557e5e0873c0 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary_seletion_manager at 557e5e18fde0 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New data device bound at 557e5e0598d0 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary selection data device bound at 557e5e0478a0 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 3 at 557e5e1896e0 [LOG] CWLSurface 557e5e190380 called init() [LOG] LayerSurface 557e5e194860 (namespace rofi layer 3) created on monitor DP-1 [LOG] [LayerShell] New wlr_layer_surface 557e5e194860 [LOG] LayerSurface 1 mapped [LOG] Set keyboard focus to surface 1 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New offer 557e5e045c80 for data source 557e5e0e44b0 [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for default [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5e0480e8 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e087f30: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5e087f40 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e087f68 -> 557e5e087f60, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e087f30: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5e087f40 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e087f68 -> 557e5e087f60, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] LayerSurface 1 destroyed [LOG] Forcing an unmap of a LS that did a straight destroy! [LOG] LayerSurface 1 unmapped [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: closeLayer [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5dfbfe68 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e194c40: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5e194c50 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e194c78 -> 557e5e194c70, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e194c40: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5e194c50 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e194c78 -> 557e5e194c70, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New offer 557e5e0d69b0 for data source 557e5e0e44b0 [LOG] CWLSurface 557e5e190380 called destroy() [LOG] LayerSurface 0 destroyed [LOG] [ForeignToplevelWlr] CForeignToplevelWlrManager: finished [LOG] Keybind triggered, calling dispatcher (64, , 65293) [LOG] Executing alacritty [LOG] Process Created with pid 2883 [LOG] Cleanup: destroyed a layersurface [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e186a90 [LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_wm_base at 557e5e0db2d0 [LOG] [TextInputV3] New tiv3 at 0000557e5e05ecf0 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 22 at 557e5e1896e0 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New datamgr resource bound at 557e5e0711d0 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary_seletion_manager at 557e5e0743e0 [LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 557e5e194a90 [LOG] [WLDataDevice] New data device bound at 557e5e072cc0 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary selection data device bound at 557e5e070790 [LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 41 at 557e5e1975f0 [LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_surface at 557e5e06a190 [LOG] [XDGShell] xdg_surface 557e5e0db2d0 gets a toplevel 557e51fe2c90 [LOG] CWLSurface 557e5e00f720 called init() [LOG] [XDGDecoration] setMode: MODE_SERVER_SIDE. Sending MODE_SERVER_SIDE as reply. [LOG] Window 557e5dfd7040 set class to Alacritty [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: ) [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: windowUpdateRules [LOG] Window 557e5dfd7040 set title to Alacritty [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: Alacritty) [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: Alacritty) [LOG] Layout predicts size [Vector2D: x: 3440, y: 1440] for [Window 557e5dfd7040: title: "Alacritty"] [LOG] [XDGShell] xdg_surface 557e5e06a190 requests geometry 0x0 3440x1440 [ERR] [LinuxDMABUF] FIXME: surface feedback stub [LOG] [LinuxDMABUF] Creating a dmabuf, with id 50: size [Vector2D: x: 3440, y: 1440], fmt 875713089, planes 1 [LOG] [LinuxDMABUF] | plane 0: mod 216172782120099860 fd 142 stride 13760 offset 0 [LOG] New window contains HL_INITIAL_WORKSPACE_TOKEN: 8477cd28-6a4a-48b0-86fc-1cd9b95c2ac8 [LOG] HL_INITIAL_WORKSPACE_TOKEN 8477cd28-6a4a-48b0-86fc-1cd9b95c2ac8 -> 3 [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: Alacritty) [LOG] OPENINGON: [Node nullptr], Monitor: 1 [LOG] Set keyboard focus to surface 1, with [Window 557e5dfd7040: title: "Alacritty"] [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: Alacritty) [LOG] Map request dispatched, monitor DP-1, window pos: [1095.00000, 48.00000], window size: [3410.00000, 1377.00000] [LOG] [ForeignToplevelWlr] Newly mapped window 0000557e5dfd7040 [LOG] [PrimarySelection] New offer 557e5e010a20 for data source 557e5e0e44b0 [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: Alacritty) [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 9 -> text [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for text [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5e0480e8 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e117ab0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5e117ac0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e117ae8 -> 557e5e117ae0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e117ab0: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5e117ac0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e117ae8 -> 557e5e117ae0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] [XDGShell] xdg_surface 557e5e06a190 requests geometry 0x0 3408x1375 [LOG] [LinuxDMABUF] Creating a dmabuf, with id 49: size [Vector2D: x: 3408, y: 1375], fmt 875713089, planes 1 [LOG] [LinuxDMABUF] | plane 0: mod 216172782120099860 fd 88 stride 13632 offset 0 [LOG] [LinuxDMABUF] Creating a dmabuf, with id 51: size [Vector2D: x: 3408, y: 1375], fmt 875713089, planes 1 [LOG] [LinuxDMABUF] | plane 0: mod 216172782120099860 fd 143 stride 13632 offset 0 [LOG] Window 557e5dfd7040 set title to dom@archus:~ [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: dom@archus:~) [LOG] [LinuxDMABUF] Creating a dmabuf, with id 52: size [Vector2D: x: 3408, y: 1375], fmt 875713089, planes 1 [LOG] [LinuxDMABUF] | plane 0: mod 216172782120099860 fd 144 stride 13632 offset 0 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] Window 557e5dfd7040 set title to nvim /home/dom/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: nvim /home/dom/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf) [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for default [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5d455788 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e117ab0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5e117ac0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e117ae8 -> 557e5e117ae0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e117ab0: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5e117ac0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e117ae8 -> 557e5e117ae0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-1 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-1 [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 9 -> text [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for text [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5e0480e8 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e117ab0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5e117ac0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e117ae8 -> 557e5e117ae0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e117ab0: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5e117ac0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e117ae8 -> 557e5e117ae0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for default [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5d455788 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e117ab0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5e117ac0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e117ae8 -> 557e5e117ae0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e117ab0: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5e117ac0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e117ae8 -> 557e5e117ae0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 9 -> text [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for text [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5e0480e8 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e117ab0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5e117ac0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e117ae8 -> 557e5e117ae0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e117ab0: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5e117ac0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e117ae8 -> 557e5e117ae0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for default [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5d455788 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e117ab0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5e117ac0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e117ae8 -> 557e5e117ae0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e117ab0: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5e117ac0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e117ae8 -> 557e5e117ae0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 9 -> text [hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for text [LOG] Callback 557e51fade70 -> 557e51fade68, CPointerManager removed. [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e51fadd90: 557e5e0480e8 -> 557e51fade48 (owner: CPointerManager) [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e117ab0: 557e5d033518 -> 557e5e117ac0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e117ae8 -> 557e5e117ae0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Registered signal for owner 557e5e117ab0: 557e5d44c268 -> 557e5e117ac0 (owner: CRenderbuffer) [LOG] Callback 557e5e117ae8 -> 557e5e117ae0, CRenderbuffer removed. [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1049] Failed to pick cursor plane format [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:89] DMA-BUF format is external-only [wlr] [backend/drm/renderer.c:177] Failed to begin render pass with multi-GPU destination buffer [LOG] Window 557e5dfd7040 set title to dom@archus:~ [LOG] Searching for matching rules for Alacritty (title: dom@archus:~) [LOG] Created a bezier curve, baked 255 points, mem usage: 4.08kB, time to bake: 13.49µs. Estimated average calc time: 0.05µs. [LOG] Using config: /home/dom/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf ```
Robitx commented 1 month ago

I'm seeing something very similar, the EGL errors lead me to this issue:

$cat /persist/nix-config/hyprland.log | grep -E 'ERR|WARN' | head -n 50
[WARN] Warning: you're using an NVIDIA GPU. Make sure you follow the instructions on the wiki if anything is amiss.
[ERR] EGL: Failed to query mods
[ERR] EGL: Failed to query mods
[WARN] NVIDIA detected, please remember to follow nvidia instructions on the wiki
[ERR] Hyprcursor failed loading theme "", falling back to X.
[WARN] Failed to change process scheduling strategy
[WARN] No rule found for Unknown-1, trying to use the first.
[WARN] No rules configured. Using the default hardcoded one.
[ERR] output Unknown-1 failed basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888
[ERR] output Unknown-1 failed basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XBGR8888
[ERR] output Unknown-1 failed basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_INVALID
[ERR] Couldn't commit output named Unknown-1
[WARN] wlr_output_commit_state failed in CMonitor::onCommit
[WARN] No rule found for Unknown-1, trying to use the first.
[WARN] No rules configured. Using the default hardcoded one.
[ERR] output Unknown-1 failed basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888
[ERR] output Unknown-1 failed basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XBGR8888
[ERR] output Unknown-1 failed basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_INVALID
[ERR] Couldn't commit output named Unknown-1
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1
[ERR] renderer: couldn't beginRender()!
[ERR] Failed to configure primary swapchain for Unknown-1


Robitx commented 1 month ago

Managed to get hyprland working again by adding

boot.kernelParams = [ "nvidia-drm.fbdev=1" ];

( https://www.reddit.com/r/hyprland/comments/1cva5g8/latest_version_crashing_on_nvidia/ )

gac3k commented 1 month ago

Hey @vaxerski just a question whether there's anything that I can do here to potentially help you to test or reproduce further, because I saw that you are now resolving 0.42 milestone marked issues, and it would be great if you could tackle that one as well, because despite the fact I am able to use Hyprland in general with the limitations it's pretty challenging to operate like that on a daily basis, and on the other hand I know that this problem is pretty specific to that particular configuration and as such is probably not the highest priority at the moment, so I am happy to assist in any tests or experiments, or if there's additional data/information needed, if that may speed up the process anyhow!

vaxerski commented 1 month ago

please check latest git, pushed some fixes

gac3k commented 1 month ago

@vaxerski unfortunately, does not seem to help, I can still reproduce using latest v0.41.2-128-g23a8f065. Maybe just to give you yet some more background, despite I don't know whether it's going to be any helpful:

I am also attaching a picture of the actual setup, just in case it helps anyhow, the two displays on the left are the ones with Hyprland, the other two on the right are connected to mac and I am using them along with macbook primary screen. position

vaxerski commented 1 month ago

wait a moment, so your issue is that the pointer is bound to one display instead of being able to travel around freely?

gac3k commented 1 month ago

yes, exactly. Which was working fine in the old versions, and is in general is working fine in other wayland compositors i.e. sway, but since 0.40 release of Hyprland it's always bound to a specific output, first it only attaches itself to the display on the left, then if I use a keybind to move to the workspace on the primary screen a cursor is automatically moved to that one, and then I can also only move cursor within boundries of that display... I can still move from the Hyprland to the synergy protocol host (macbook in that case), but the mouse is always going from the screen where I am currently at directly to macbook, so I am let's say on that far left display and I'll move the cursor towards the edge, it'll go directly to the macbook screen and other way around, if I go back from the macbook back to the client with Hyprland, it'll go straight to that far left screen.

On the other hand, if I will switch the workspace to the one that is bound to the primary hyprland screen (ultra-wide one) it'll be the same behavior but with that monitor instead, so I will be able to move it to the macbook, and when going back from macbook it'll properly move it to the nearest screen, but if I'll go to the left edge, it won't go any further.

So what I am currently doing right now as a workaround is that I am using workspace keybind shortcuts to move across the workspaces so that the cursor will follow, but then of course it's not perfect, and there's another problem, that despite a cursor is bound to one or another display, an eventual geometry is recognized properly so the mouse movements on the far left screen are super odd, because it has 1080px of resolution in width (due to the vertical transformation), and the recognized pointer geometry is something like (3440+1080), so even when I am doing a quite big mouse movement it only moves the cursor a tiny bit as the calculation is wrong.

gac3k commented 1 month ago

@vaxerski that's why I was asking whether there's anyway I could help to debug, because I know that it's something super specific, but the fact that it was working before makes me thinking that it's possible to make it working again :D

I also know, since I was reporting an issue in waynergy repository that I am not the only person affected by that and there's at least one more guy :p

vaxerski commented 1 month ago

ahhhh I see you. Alright, I misunderstood the problem.

I assume you have to launch waynergy manually (or exec-once) in hyprland, can you launch it with WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 <cmd> |& tee ~/waynergy.log and then attach the log here from trying to move your mouse to another screen

gac3k commented 1 month ago

waynergy.log I did following steps which are in this log:

If you want I can also send a smaller one containing only a first step, but due to the fact that whenever I am going to the right edge a mouse is going back to synergy host, it's a bit harder to send a meaningful result :) @vaxerski

gac3k commented 1 month ago

as you can see motion_absolute is always being executed against a virtual both screen width and height combined (4520 and 1920) but the actual physical cursor movement is always bound to single output

vaxerski commented 1 month ago

patch.txt try this

gac3k commented 1 month ago