hyprwm / Hyprland

Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Red screen of death on 0.42.0 with hyprlock or swaylock #7276

Open abigrock opened 1 month ago

abigrock commented 1 month ago



System Info and Version

System/Version info ```sh Hyprland, built from branch at commit 9a09eac79b85c846e3a865a9078a3f8ff65a9259 (props: bump version to 0.42.0). Date: Wed Aug 7 19:17:10 2024 Tag: v0.42.0, commits: 5069 flags: (if any) System Information: System name: Linux Node name: turtle-penguin Release: 6.10.3-zen1-2-zen Version: #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue, 06 Aug 2024 07:47:21 +0000 GPU information: 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Navi 21 [Radeon RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT] [1002:73bf] (rev c1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) os-release: NAME="Arch Linux" PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux" ID=arch BUILD_ID=rolling ANSI_COLOR="38;2;23;147;209" HOME_URL="https://archlinux.org/" DOCUMENTATION_URL="https://wiki.archlinux.org/" SUPPORT_URL="https://bbs.archlinux.org/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://gitlab.archlinux.org/groups/archlinux/-/issues" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/" LOGO=archlinux-logo plugins: ======Config-Start====== Config File: /home/kaden/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf: Read Succeeded ################ ### MONITORS ### ################ monitor = DP-1,3440x1440@144,0x1440,1 monitor = DP-2,2560x1440@144,440x0,1 ################### ### MY PROGRAMS ### ################### $terminal = kitty $fileManager = nautilus $menu = wofi --show drun -i --allow-images -a ################# ### AUTOSTART ### ################# exec-once = dbus-update-activation-environment DISPLAY XAUTHORITY WAYLAND_DISPLAY exec-once = /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 exec-once = gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=secrets #exec-once = ~/.config/hypr/scripts/idle.sh exec-once = pkill hypridle ; hypridle exec-once = pkill hyprpaper ; hyprpaper exec-once = waybar exec-once = mako exec-once = nm-applet exec-once = blueman-applet exec-once = xsettingsd exec-once = xrandr --output DP-1 --primary ############################# ### ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ### ############################# env = XCURSOR_SIZE,24 env = HYPRCURSOR_SIZE,24 env = QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME,qt6ct ##################### ### LOOK AND FEEL ### ##################### general { gaps_in = 4 gaps_out = 8 border_size = 2 col.active_border = rgba(E0E0E0ff) col.inactive_border = rgba(272727ff) resize_on_border = false allow_tearing = false layout = dwindle } decoration { rounding = 10 active_opacity = 1.0 inactive_opacity = 1.0 drop_shadow = true shadow_range = 4 shadow_render_power = 3 col.shadow = rgba(1a1a1aee) blur { enabled = true size = 3 passes = 1 vibrancy = 0.1696 } } animations { enabled = true bezier = myBezier, 0.05, 0.9, 0.1, 1.05 animation = windows, 1, 7, myBezier animation = windowsOut, 1, 7, default, popin 80% animation = border, 1, 10, default animation = borderangle, 1, 8, default animation = fade, 1, 7, default animation = workspaces, 1, 6, default } dwindle { pseudotile = true # Master switch for pseudotiling. Enabling is bound to mainMod + P in the keybinds section below preserve_split = true # You probably want this split_width_multiplier = 1.25 } master { new_status = master } misc { disable_hyprland_logo = true allow_session_lock_restore = true vrr = 2 #mouse_move_enables_dpms = true #key_press_enables_dpms = true } render { direct_scanout = true } ############# ### INPUT ### ############# input { kb_layout = us kb_variant = kb_model = kb_options = kb_rules = accel_profile = flat numlock_by_default = true follow_mouse = 1 sensitivity = 0 # -1.0 - 1.0, 0 means no modification. touchpad { natural_scroll = false } } gestures { workspace_swipe = false } #################### ### KEYBINDINGS ### #################### # Sets "Windows" key as main modifier $mainMod = SUPER # Example binds, see https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Binds/ for more bind = $mainMod, Return, exec, $terminal bind = $mainMod Shift, Q, killactive, bind = $mainMod Shift, E, exit, bind = $mainMod Shift, Space, togglefloating, bind = $mainMod, D, exec, $menu bind = $mainMod, P, pseudo, # dwindle bind = $mainMod, J, togglesplit, # dwindle bind = $mainMod, F, fullscreen, 0 # Move focus with mainMod + arrow keys bind = $mainMod, left, movefocus, l bind = $mainMod, right, movefocus, r bind = $mainMod, up, movefocus, u bind = $mainMod, down, movefocus, d # Switch workspaces with mainMod + [0-9] bind = $mainMod, 1, workspace, 1 bind = $mainMod, 2, workspace, 2 bind = $mainMod, 3, workspace, 3 bind = $mainMod, 4, workspace, 4 bind = $mainMod, 5, workspace, 5 bind = $mainMod, 6, workspace, 6 bind = $mainMod, 7, workspace, 7 bind = $mainMod, 8, workspace, 8 bind = $mainMod, 9, workspace, 9 bind = $mainMod, 0, workspace, 10 # Move active window to a workspace with mainMod + SHIFT + [0-9] bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 1, movetoworkspace, 1 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 2, movetoworkspace, 2 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 3, movetoworkspace, 3 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 4, movetoworkspace, 4 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 5, movetoworkspace, 5 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 6, movetoworkspace, 6 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 7, movetoworkspace, 7 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 8, movetoworkspace, 8 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 9, movetoworkspace, 9 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 0, movetoworkspace, 10 # Move to nextprevious workspace on monitor bind = $mainMod Ctrl, right, workspace, r+1 bind = $mainMod Ctrl, left, workspace, r-1 bind = $mainMod Ctrl Shift, right, movetoworkspace, r+1 bind = $mainMod Ctrl Shift, left, movetoworkspace, r-1 # Example special workspace (scratchpad) bind = $mainMod, S, togglespecialworkspace, magic bind = $mainMod SHIFT, S, movetoworkspace, special:magic # Scroll through existing workspaces with mainMod + scroll bind = $mainMod, mouse_down, workspace, e+1 bind = $mainMod, mouse_up, workspace, e-1 # Move/resize windows with mainMod + LMB/RMB and dragging bindm = $mainMod, mouse:272, movewindow bindm = $mainMod, mouse:273, resizewindow # Lock bind = $mainMod, L, exec, loginctl lock-session # Screenshot bind = , Print, exec, grimblast --freeze save area - | satty -f - # Volume control bind = , XF86AudioMute, exec, amixer sset 'Master' toggle bind = , XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, amixer sset 'Master' 5%- bind = , XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, amixer sset 'Master' 5%+ # Media keys bind = , XF86AudioPlay, exec, playerctl play-pause bind = , XF86AudioNext, exec, playerctl next bind = , XF86AudioPrev, exec, playerctl previous bind = , XF86AudioStop, exec, playerctl stop ############################## ### WINDOWS AND WORKSPACES ### ############################## windowrule = idleinhibit fullscreen,^(.*)$ windowrulev2 = suppressevent maximize, class:.* # You'll probably like this. windowrulev2 = float,class:(com.gabm.satty) # Default workspaces workspace = 1, monitor:DP-1, default:true, persistent:true workspace = 2, monitor:DP-2, default:true, persistent:true ======Config-End======== ```


When my idle daemon uses hyprlock or swaylock to lock my session then puts my monitors into displayport deep sleep using hyprctl dispatch dpms off OR I manually power off both my monitors I see a red screen of death when I wake or power my monitors back up. I've found that running pkill -USR1 hyprlock does not clear the red screen either. On prior release versions of hyprland it worked sometimes but I still would get red screens often, but not every time like on 0.42.0.

How to reproduce

  1. On hyprland 0.42.0 lock your screen with hyprlock or swaylock
  2. Turn off your monitors and wait for a few minutes
  3. Turn your monitors back on

Crash reports, logs, images, videos

I don't see anything out of the ordinary in the hyprland logs after the red screen occurs.

vaxerski commented 1 month ago

can you bisect the issue https://wiki.hyprland.org/Crashes-and-Bugs/#bisecting-an-issue

abigrock commented 1 month ago

Haven't had a chance to do a git bisect so far, but worth mentioning that I see no red screens using gtklock.

myned commented 1 month ago

Bisected @ 016da234d0e852de3ef20eb2e89ac58d2a85f6e7 with swaylock & sleep 1 && hyprctl dispatch dpms off, launched from TTY. Related: https://github.com/hyprwm/hyprlock/issues/434

Possibly relevant crash report while bisecting @ 928d1dd38a6e4a791d4a4374a4a3bf02311adbb2, but wasn't able to reproduce a report at the final commit:

hyprlandCrashReport123094.txt ``` -------------------------------------------- Hyprland Crash Report -------------------------------------------- I don't feel so good... Hyprland received signal 11(SEGV) Version: 928d1dd38a6e4a791d4a4374a4a3bf02311adbb2 Tag: System info: System name: Linux Node name: hostname Release: 6.10.3-xanmod1 Version: #1-NixOS SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 UTC 1980 GPU: 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Navi 22 [Radeon RX 6700/6700 XT/6750 XT / 6800M/6850M XT] [1002:73df] (rev c0) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) os-release: ANSI_COLOR="1;34" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues" BUILD_ID="24.11.20240809.5e0ca22" DOCUMENTATION_URL="https://nixos.org/learn.html" HOME_URL="https://nixos.org/" ID=nixos IMAGE_ID="" IMAGE_VERSION="" LOGO="nix-snowflake" NAME=NixOS PRETTY_NAME="NixOS 24.11 (Vicuna)" SUPPORT_URL="https://nixos.org/community.html" VERSION="24.11 (Vicuna)" VERSION_CODENAME=vicuna VERSION_ID="24.11" Backtrace: # | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland(_Z12getBacktracev+0x48) [0x7157b8] getBacktrace() ??:? #1 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland(_ZN13CrashReporter18createAndSaveCrashEi+0x805) [0x66d0c5] CrashReporter::createAndSaveCrash(int) ??:? #2 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland(_Z25handleUnrecoverableSignali+0x5f) [0x5dd99f] handleUnrecoverableSignal(int) ??:? #3 | /nix/store/0wydilnf1c9vznywsvxqnaing4wraaxp-glibc-2.39-52/lib/libc.so.6(+0x405c0) [0x7f23287635c0] ?? ??:0 #4 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland(_ZN16IWaylandProtocol8protoLogIJRNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEEEv8LogLevelSt19basic_format_stringIcJDpNSt13type_identityIT_E4typeEEEDpOSB_+0x1d) [0x82339d] void IWaylandProtocol::protoLog, std::allocator >&>(LogLevel, std::basic_format_string, std::allocator >&>::type>, std::__cxx11::basic_string, std::allocator >&) ??:? #5 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland() [0x845376] std::_Function_handler, wl_resource*)::{lambda(CZwlrGammaControlV1*, int)#1}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, CZwlrGammaControlV1*&&, int&&) ??:? #6 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland() [0x99aba4] _CZwlrGammaControlV1SetGamma(wl_client*, wl_resource*, int) ??:? #7 | /nix/store/nrr9qkx1pg9d3bypardwmz4q4n7cz2h4-libffi-3.4.6/lib/libffi.so.8(+0xa052) [0x7f2328cc4052] ?? ??:0 #8 | /nix/store/nrr9qkx1pg9d3bypardwmz4q4n7cz2h4-libffi-3.4.6/lib/libffi.so.8(+0x8125) [0x7f2328cc2125] ?? ??:0 #9 | /nix/store/nrr9qkx1pg9d3bypardwmz4q4n7cz2h4-libffi-3.4.6/lib/libffi.so.8(ffi_call+0xd8) [0x7f2328cc2d38] ?? ??:0 #1 | /nix/store/hgvky83ijhl0fl625g4hwllwzmpdnksl-wayland-1.23.0/lib/libwayland-server.so.0(+0xf351) [0x7f2329505351] ?? ??:0 #11 | /nix/store/hgvky83ijhl0fl625g4hwllwzmpdnksl-wayland-1.23.0/lib/libwayland-server.so.0(+0x9d6a) [0x7f23294ffd6a] ?? ??:0 #12 | /nix/store/hgvky83ijhl0fl625g4hwllwzmpdnksl-wayland-1.23.0/lib/libwayland-server.so.0(wl_event_loop_dispatch+0x1d2) [0x7f2329502ed2] ?? ??:0 #13 | /nix/store/hgvky83ijhl0fl625g4hwllwzmpdnksl-wayland-1.23.0/lib/libwayland-server.so.0(wl_display_run+0x25) [0x7f23295005d5] ?? ??:0 #14 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland(_ZN17CEventLoopManager9enterLoopEv+0x363) [0x7cb183] CEventLoopManager::enterLoop() ??:? #15 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland(main+0xcf4) [0x59f2f4] main ??:? #16 | /nix/store/0wydilnf1c9vznywsvxqnaing4wraaxp-glibc-2.39-52/lib/libc.so.6(+0x2a14e) [0x7f232874d14e] ?? ??:0 #17 | /nix/store/0wydilnf1c9vznywsvxqnaing4wraaxp-glibc-2.39-52/lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0x89) [0x7f232874d209] ?? ??:0 #18 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland(_start+0x25) [0x5dd655] _start ??:? Log tail: [LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting DP-2 with 3440x1440@100.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] udev: new udev change event for card1 [LOG] [AQ] udev: DRM device card1 changed [LOG] [AQ] drm: Got a hotplug event for /dev/dri/card1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connectors for /dev/dri/card1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 113 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 113 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Ignoring connector 113 because it has no CRTC [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 121 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 121 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 121 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-2 disconnected [LOG] Destroy called for monitor DP-2 [LOG] onDisconnect called for DP-2 [LOG] Removed monitor DP-2! [LOG] [LinuxDMABUF] Resetting format table [WARN] Unplugged last monitor, entering an unsafe state. Good luck my friend. [LOG] Entering unsafe state [WARN] No rule found for FALLBACK, trying to use the first. [LOG] Applying monitor rule for FALLBACK [WARN] updateSwapchain: No mode? [LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible [LOG] output FALLBACK succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 [WARN] updateSwapchain: No mode? [LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible [LOG] arrangeMonitors: 2 to arrange [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-2 auto [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: FALLBACK auto [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-2 xwayland [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: FALLBACK xwayland [3440, 0] [LOG] Monitor FALLBACK data dump: res 0x0@60.00Hz, scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 3440x0, 10b 0 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 151 [WARN] updateSwapchain: No mode? [LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible [LOG] Added new monitor with name FALLBACK at [3440, 0] with size [0, 0], pointer 1 [LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 2, exists: 0 [LOG] [WLOutput (FALLBACK)] Registered global [LOG] [LinuxDMABUF] Resetting format table [LOG] [AQ] drm: Disabling output DP-2 [LOG] Removing monitor DP-2 from realMonitors [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 127 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 127 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Ignoring connector 127 because it has no CRTC [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 132 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 132 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Ignoring connector 132 because it has no CRTC [LOG] [AQ] drm: Rechecking CRTCs [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-1, has crtc -1, will be rechecked [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-2, has crtc 91, will be rechecked [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-3, has crtc -1, will be rechecked [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector HDMI-A-1, has crtc -1, will be rechecked [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 0 crtc 91 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 1 crtc 95 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 2 crtc 99 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 3 crtc 103 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 4 crtc 107 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 5 crtc 111 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-1 is not connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-2 is not connected, removing old crtc 91 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-3 is not connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector HDMI-A-1 is not connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: rescanning after realloc [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connectors for /dev/dri/card1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 113 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 113 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Ignoring connector 113 because it has no CRTC [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 121 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 121 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 121 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 127 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 127 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Ignoring connector 127 because it has no CRTC [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 132 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 132 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Ignoring connector 132 because it has no CRTC [WARN] Attempted to render frame on inactive session! ```
gulafaran commented 1 month ago

Bisected @ 016da23 with swaylock & sleep 1 && hyprctl dispatch dpms off, launched from TTY. Related: hyprwm/hyprlock#434

Possibly relevant crash report while bisecting @ 928d1dd, but wasn't able to reproduce a report at the final commit: hyprlandCrashReport123094.txt

   Hyprland Crash Report
I don't feel so good...

Hyprland received signal 11(SEGV)
Version: 928d1dd38a6e4a791d4a4374a4a3bf02311adbb2

System info:
  System name: Linux
  Node name: hostname
  Release: 6.10.3-xanmod1
  Version: #1-NixOS SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue Jan  1 00:00:00 UTC 1980

  03:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Navi 22 [Radeon RX 6700/6700 XT/6750 XT / 6800M/6850M XT] [1002:73df] (rev c0) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])

  PRETTY_NAME="NixOS 24.11 (Vicuna)"
  VERSION="24.11 (Vicuna)"
  # | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland(_Z12getBacktracev+0x48) [0x7157b8]
  #1 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland(_ZN13CrashReporter18createAndSaveCrashEi+0x805) [0x66d0c5]
  #2 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland(_Z25handleUnrecoverableSignali+0x5f) [0x5dd99f]
  #3 | /nix/store/0wydilnf1c9vznywsvxqnaing4wraaxp-glibc-2.39-52/lib/libc.so.6(+0x405c0) [0x7f23287635c0]
  #4 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland(_ZN16IWaylandProtocol8protoLogIJRNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEEEv8LogLevelSt19basic_format_stringIcJDpNSt13type_identityIT_E4typeEEEDpOSB_+0x1d) [0x82339d]
      void IWaylandProtocol::protoLog<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&>(LogLevel, std::basic_format_string<char, std::type_identity<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&>::type>, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)
  #5 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland() [0x845376]
      std::_Function_handler<void (CZwlrGammaControlV1*, int), CGammaControl::CGammaControl(Hyprutils::Memory::CSharedPointer<CZwlrGammaControlV1>, wl_resource*)::{lambda(CZwlrGammaControlV1*, int)#1}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, CZwlrGammaControlV1*&&, int&&)
  #6 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland() [0x99aba4]
      _CZwlrGammaControlV1SetGamma(wl_client*, wl_resource*, int)
  #7 | /nix/store/nrr9qkx1pg9d3bypardwmz4q4n7cz2h4-libffi-3.4.6/lib/libffi.so.8(+0xa052) [0x7f2328cc4052]
  #8 | /nix/store/nrr9qkx1pg9d3bypardwmz4q4n7cz2h4-libffi-3.4.6/lib/libffi.so.8(+0x8125) [0x7f2328cc2125]
  #9 | /nix/store/nrr9qkx1pg9d3bypardwmz4q4n7cz2h4-libffi-3.4.6/lib/libffi.so.8(ffi_call+0xd8) [0x7f2328cc2d38]
  #1 | /nix/store/hgvky83ijhl0fl625g4hwllwzmpdnksl-wayland-1.23.0/lib/libwayland-server.so.0(+0xf351) [0x7f2329505351]
  #11 | /nix/store/hgvky83ijhl0fl625g4hwllwzmpdnksl-wayland-1.23.0/lib/libwayland-server.so.0(+0x9d6a) [0x7f23294ffd6a]
  #12 | /nix/store/hgvky83ijhl0fl625g4hwllwzmpdnksl-wayland-1.23.0/lib/libwayland-server.so.0(wl_event_loop_dispatch+0x1d2) [0x7f2329502ed2]
  #13 | /nix/store/hgvky83ijhl0fl625g4hwllwzmpdnksl-wayland-1.23.0/lib/libwayland-server.so.0(wl_display_run+0x25) [0x7f23295005d5]
  #14 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland(_ZN17CEventLoopManager9enterLoopEv+0x363) [0x7cb183]
  #15 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland(main+0xcf4) [0x59f2f4]
  #16 | /nix/store/0wydilnf1c9vznywsvxqnaing4wraaxp-glibc-2.39-52/lib/libc.so.6(+0x2a14e) [0x7f232874d14e]
  #17 | /nix/store/0wydilnf1c9vznywsvxqnaing4wraaxp-glibc-2.39-52/lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0x89) [0x7f232874d209]
  #18 | /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/bin/Hyprland(_start+0x25) [0x5dd655]

Log tail:
[LOG] [GammaControl] setGamma for DP-2
[LOG] [GammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting DP-2 with 3440x1440@100.00Hz
[LOG] [AQ] udev: new udev change event for card1
[LOG] [AQ] udev: DRM device card1 changed
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Got a hotplug event for /dev/dri/card1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connectors for /dev/dri/card1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 113
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 113 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Ignoring connector 113 because it has no CRTC
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 121
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 121 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 121 connection state: 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-2 disconnected
[LOG] Destroy called for monitor DP-2
[LOG] onDisconnect called for DP-2
[LOG] Removed monitor DP-2!
[LOG] [LinuxDMABUF] Resetting format table
[WARN] Unplugged last monitor, entering an unsafe state. Good luck my friend.
[LOG] Entering unsafe state
[WARN] No rule found for FALLBACK, trying to use the first.
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for FALLBACK
[WARN] updateSwapchain: No mode?
[LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible
[LOG] output FALLBACK succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888
[WARN] updateSwapchain: No mode?
[LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: 2 to arrange
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-2 auto [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: FALLBACK auto [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-2 xwayland [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: FALLBACK xwayland [3440, 0]
[LOG] Monitor FALLBACK data dump: res 0x0@60.00Hz, scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 3440x0, 10b 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 151
[WARN] updateSwapchain: No mode?
[LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible
[LOG] Added new monitor with name FALLBACK at [3440, 0] with size [0, 0], pointer 1
[LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 2, exists: 0
[LOG] [WLOutput (FALLBACK)] Registered global
[LOG] [LinuxDMABUF] Resetting format table
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Disabling output DP-2
[LOG] Removing monitor DP-2 from realMonitors
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 127
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 127 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Ignoring connector 127 because it has no CRTC
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 132
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 132 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Ignoring connector 132 because it has no CRTC
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Rechecking CRTCs
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-1, has crtc -1, will be rechecked
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-2, has crtc 91, will be rechecked
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-3, has crtc -1, will be rechecked
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector HDMI-A-1, has crtc -1, will be rechecked
[LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 0 crtc 91 unassigned
[LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 1 crtc 95 unassigned
[LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 2 crtc 99 unassigned
[LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 3 crtc 103 unassigned
[LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 4 crtc 107 unassigned
[LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 5 crtc 111 unassigned
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-1 is not connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-2 is not connected, removing old crtc 91
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-3 is not connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector HDMI-A-1 is not connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: rescanning after realloc
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connectors for /dev/dri/card1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 113
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 113 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Ignoring connector 113 because it has no CRTC
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 121
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 121 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 121 connection state: 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 127
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 127 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Ignoring connector 127 because it has no CRTC
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 132
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 132 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Ignoring connector 132 because it has no CRTC
[WARN] Attempted to render frame on inactive session!

@vaxerski thats another case of that LOGM, class constructing calling the unique_ptr from constructor before constructing crash. i think the logging in the protocols could use some kind of rewrite heh. and LOGM usage in the constructor of any protocol causes this just as the drmlease one did

ctilley83 commented 3 weeks ago

Bisected @ 016da23 with swaylock & sleep 1 && hyprctl dispatch dpms off, launched from TTY. Related: hyprwm/hyprlock#434

Possibly relevant crash report while bisecting @ 928d1dd, but wasn't able to reproduce a report at the final commit: hyprlandCrashReport123094.txt

Does the crash occur on hyprctl dispatch dpms off, or hyprctl dispatch dpms on? Are you still seeing a mouse cursor while red screened?

myned commented 3 weeks ago


All "crashes" occur only with dpms on while the monitor is essentially disconnected. Mouse cursor is usually visible and moveable unless it results in Hyprland itself crashing, which only occurred on some commits while bisecting.

For completeness, I retested @ df4f222482a7c2a1116ef5c91ba6e4b55d94ad6c:

  1. Reboot, switch to TTY2, and login
  2. Execute Hyprland --config hyprland.conf &> hyprland.log
  3. Execute foot via bind and execute swaylock & sleep 1 && hyprctl dispatch dpms off
  4. Wait until monitor goes to sleep after a 5 second countdown (or disconnect display cable) a. The red screen and other issues do not occur if the monitor is still counting down when executing dpms on
  5. Press left ctrl to turn on the display with misc:key_press_enables_dpms=true (or connect display cable)
  6. Observe red screen with moveable cursor
  7. Execute loginctl terminate-session '' via bind and repeat

Minimal config and log:

hyprland.conf ``` debug { enable_stdout_logs=true } misc { key_press_enables_dpms=true } bind=SUPER, Q, killactive bind=SUPER, T, exec, foot bindl=CTRL+ALT, Delete, exec, loginctl terminate-session '' bindl=CTRL+SHIFT+ALT, Delete, exit ```
hyprland.log ``` [LOG] User-specified config location: '/home/myned/hyprland.conf' Welcome to Hyprland! [LOG] Instance Signature: df4f222482a7c2a1116ef5c91ba6e4b55d94ad6c_1724437219_1119920039 [LOG] Runtime directory: /run/user/1000/hypr/df4f222482a7c2a1116ef5c91ba6e4b55d94ad6c_1724437219_1119920039 [LOG] Hyprland PID: 29248 [LOG] ===== SYSTEM INFO: ===== [LOG] System name: Linux [LOG] Node name: hostname [LOG] Release: 6.10.5-zen1 [LOG] Version: #1-NixOS ZEN SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 UTC 1980 [LOG] GPU information: 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Navi 22 [Radeon RX 6700/6700 XT/6750 XT / 6800M/6850M XT] [1002:73df] (rev c0) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) [LOG] os-release: ANSI_COLOR="1;34" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues" BUILD_ID="24.11.20240821.c374d94" DOCUMENTATION_URL="https://nixos.org/learn.html" HOME_URL="https://nixos.org/" ID=nixos IMAGE_ID="" IMAGE_VERSION="" LOGO="nix-snowflake" NAME=NixOS PRETTY_NAME="NixOS 24.11 (Vicuna)" SUPPORT_URL="https://nixos.org/community.html" VERSION="24.11 (Vicuna)" VERSION_CODENAME=vicuna VERSION_ID="24.11" [LOG] ======================== [INFO] If you are crashing, or encounter any bugs, please consult https://wiki.hyprland.org/Crashes-and-Bugs/  [LOG] Current splash: You can't use --splash to change this message :) [LOG] Old rlimit: soft -> 1024, hard -> 524288 [LOG] New rlimit: soft -> 524288, hard -> 524288 [LOG] Creating the EventLoopManager! [LOG] Creating the HookSystem! [LOG] Creating the KeybindManager! [LOG] Creating the AnimationManager! [LOG] Created a bezier curve, baked 255 points, mem usage: 4.08kB, time to bake: 20.82µs. Estimated average calc time: 0.04µs. [LOG] Creating the ConfigManager! [LOG] Created a bezier curve, baked 255 points, mem usage: 4.08kB, time to bake: 12.28µs. Estimated average calc time: 0.04µs. [LOG] Using config: /home/myned/hyprland.conf [INFO] !!!!HEY YOU, YES YOU!!!!: further logs to stdout / logfile are disabled by default. BEFORE SENDING THIS LOG, ENABLE THEM. Use debug:disable_logs = false to do so: https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Variables/#debug [LOG] Creating the CHyprError! [LOG] Creating the LayoutManager! [LOG] Creating the TokenManager! [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: preConfigReload [LOG] Created a bezier curve, baked 255 points, mem usage: 4.08kB, time to bake: 12.18µs. Estimated average calc time: 0.02µs. [LOG] Using config: /home/myned/hyprland.conf [LOG] Creating the PointerManager! [LOG] Creating the EventManager! [LOG] [AQ] Creating an Aquamarine backend! [LOG] [AQ] [libseat] [libseat/backend/seatd.c:64] Could not connect to socket /run/seatd.sock: No such file or directory [LOG] [AQ] [libseat] [libseat/libseat.c:76] Backend 'seatd' failed to open seat, skipping [LOG] [AQ] [libseat] [libseat/libseat.c:73] Seat opened with backend 'logind' [LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/0000:02:00.0/0000:03:00.0/drm/card1 [LOG] [AQ] libseat: Device /dev/dri/card1 supports kms [LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/0000:02:00.0/0000:03:00.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-1 [ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/0000:02:00.0/0000:03:00.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-1, no devnode [LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/0000:02:00.0/0000:03:00.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-2 [ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/0000:02:00.0/0000:03:00.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-2, no devnode [LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/0000:02:00.0/0000:03:00.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-3 [ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/0000:02:00.0/0000:03:00.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-3, no devnode [LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/0000:02:00.0/0000:03:00.0/drm/card1/card1-HDMI-A-1 [ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/0000:02:00.0/0000:03:00.0/drm/card1/card1-HDMI-A-1, no devnode [LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/0000:02:00.0/0000:03:00.0/drm/card1/card1-Writeback-1 [ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/0000:02:00.0/0000:03:00.0/drm/card1/card1-Writeback-1, no devnode [LOG] [AQ] drm: Found 1 GPUs [LOG] [AQ] drm: Starting backend for /dev/dri/card1, with driver amdgpu [LOG] [AQ] drm: Registered gpu /dev/dri/card1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Atomic supported, using atomic for modesetting [LOG] [AQ] drm: drmProps.supportsAsyncCommit: true [LOG] [AQ] drm: drmProps.supportsAddFb2Modifiers: true [LOG] [AQ] drm: drmProps.supportsTimelines: true [LOG] [AQ] drm: found 6 CRTCs [LOG] [AQ] drm: found 14 planes [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 40 has type 1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 40 has 20 formats [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 46 has type 1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 46 has 20 formats [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 52 has type 1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 52 has 20 formats [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 58 has type 1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 58 has 20 formats [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 64 has type 1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 64 has 20 formats [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 70 has type 1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 70 has 20 formats [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 76 has type 0 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 76 has 20 formats [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 82 has type 0 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 82 has 20 formats [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 88 has type 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 88 has 1 formats [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 92 has type 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 92 has 1 formats [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 96 has type 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 96 has 1 formats [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 100 has type 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 100 has 1 formats [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 104 has type 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 104 has 1 formats [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 108 has type 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 108 has 1 formats [LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers [LOG] [AQ] drm: Basic init pass for gpu /dev/dri/card1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connectors for /dev/dri/card1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 113 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Initializing connector id 113 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector gets name DP-1 [ERR] [AQ] drm: getCurrentCRTC: No CRTC 0 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 113 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 121 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Initializing connector id 121 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector gets name DP-2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 121 connection state: 1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-2 connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connecting connector DP-2, CRTC ID 91 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Dumping detected modes: [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 0: 3440x1440@59.97Hz (preferred) [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 1: 3440x1440@100.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 2: 2560x1440@59.95Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 3: 1920x1200@59.97Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 4: 1920x1080@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 5: 1920x1080@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 6: 1920x1080@59.94Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 7: 1920x1080@50.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 8: 1600x1200@59.97Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 9: 1680x1050@59.95Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 10: 1600x900@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 11: 1280x1024@75.03Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 12: 1280x1024@60.02Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 13: 1440x900@59.89Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 14: 1280x800@59.81Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 15: 1152x864@75.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 16: 1280x720@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 17: 1280x720@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 18: 1280x720@59.94Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 19: 1280x720@50.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 20: 1024x768@75.03Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 21: 1024x768@70.07Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 22: 1024x768@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 23: 800x600@75.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 24: 800x600@72.19Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 25: 800x600@60.32Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 26: 800x600@56.25Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 27: 720x576@50.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 28: 720x480@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 29: 720x480@59.94Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 30: 640x480@75.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 31: 640x480@72.81Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 32: 640x480@66.67Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 33: 640x480@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 34: 640x480@59.94Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 35: 720x400@70.08Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Physical size [Vector2D: x: 800, y: 340] (mm) [LOG] [AQ] drm: Description Samsung Electric Company S34CG50 HNBW401587 (DP-2) [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-2 crtc is capable of vrr: props.vrr_capable -> 124, crtc->props.vrr_enabled -> 24 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Explicit sync supported [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 127 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Initializing connector id 127 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector gets name DP-3 [ERR] [AQ] drm: getCurrentCRTC: No CRTC 0 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 127 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 132 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Initializing connector id 132 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector gets name HDMI-A-1 [ERR] [AQ] drm: getCurrentCRTC: No CRTC 0 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 132 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Rechecking CRTCs [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-1, has crtc -1, will be rechecked [LOG] [AQ] drm: Skipping connector DP-2, has crtc 91 and is connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-3, has crtc -1, will be rechecked [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector HDMI-A-1, has crtc -1, will be rechecked [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 0 crtc 91 taken by DP-2, skipping [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 1 crtc 95 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 2 crtc 99 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 3 crtc 103 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 4 crtc 107 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 5 crtc 111 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-1 is not connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-3 is not connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector HDMI-A-1 is not connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: rescanning after realloc [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connectors for /dev/dri/card1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 113 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 113 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 113 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 121 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 121 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-2 crtc is capable of vrr: props.vrr_capable -> 124, crtc->props.vrr_enabled -> 24 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Explicit sync supported [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 121 connection state: 1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 127 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 127 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 127 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 132 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 132 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 132 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: gpu /dev/dri/card1 becomes primary drm [LOG] [AQ] Starting the Aquamarine backend! [LOG] [AQ] Starting the Wayland backend! [ERR] [AQ] Wayland backend cannot start: wl_display_connect failed (is a wayland compositor running?) [ERR] [AQ] Requested backend (wayland) could not start, enabling fallbacks [ERR] [AQ] Implementation wayland failed, erasing. [LOG] [AQ] Created a GBM allocator with drm fd 40 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connectors size2 4 [LOG] [AQ] Created a GBM allocator with drm fd 44 [LOG] [AQ] CDRMRenderer: got a high priority context [LOG] [AQ] CDRMRenderer: success [LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 113 [LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 121 [LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 121 has output name DP-2 [LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Clearing [LOG] New aquamarine output with name DP-2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 127 [LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 132 [LOG] [AQ] CDRMRenderer: got a high priority context [LOG] [AQ] CDRMRenderer: success [LOG] Running on DRMFD: 39 [LOG] wl_display_add_socket for wayland-1 succeeded with 0 [LOG] Creating the CHyprOpenGLImpl! [LOG] Supported EGL extensions: (16) EGL_EXT_device_base EGL_EXT_device_enumeration EGL_EXT_device_query EGL_EXT_platform_base EGL_KHR_client_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_EXT_client_extensions EGL_KHR_debug EGL_EXT_platform_device EGL_EXT_explicit_device EGL_EXT_platform_wayland EGL_KHR_platform_wayland EGL_EXT_platform_x11 EGL_KHR_platform_x11 EGL_EXT_platform_xcb EGL_MESA_platform_gbm EGL_KHR_platform_gbm EGL_MESA_platform_surfaceless [LOG] eglDeviceFromDRMFD: Using device /dev/dri/card1 [LOG] EGL: IMG_context_priority supported, requesting high [LOG] EGL: EXT_create_context_robustness supported, requesting lose on reset [LOG] EGL: Got a high priority context [LOG] Creating the Hypr OpenGL Renderer! [LOG] Using: OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 24.1.5 [LOG] Vendor: AMD [LOG] Renderer: AMD Radeon RX 6750 XT (radeonsi, navi22, LLVM 18.1.8, DRM 3.57, 6.10.5-zen1) [LOG] Supported extensions: (156) GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_depth_texture GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_NV_conditional_render GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_APPLE_texture_max_level GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_NV_pack_subimage GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_EXT_frag_depth GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_viewport_array GL_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_unpack_subimage GL_NV_draw_buffers GL_NV_read_buffer GL_NV_read_depth GL_NV_read_depth_stencil GL_NV_read_stencil GL_APPLE_sync GL_EXT_draw_buffers GL_EXT_instanced_arrays GL_EXT_map_buffer_range GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_robustness GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_NV_generate_mipmap_sRGB GL_NV_pixel_buffer_object GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_shader_group_vote GL_EXT_shader_implicit_conversions GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_tessellation_point_size GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a GL_EXT_base_instance GL_EXT_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_sub_texture GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_EXT_render_snorm GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_texture_norm16 GL_EXT_texture_view GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_NV_image_formats GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation GL_OES_copy_image GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_gpu_shader5 GL_OES_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_sample_variables GL_OES_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_OES_tessellation_point_size GL_OES_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_border_clamp GL_OES_texture_buffer GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_texture_view GL_EXT_blend_func_extended GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_float_blend GL_EXT_geometry_point_size GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_shader_samples_identical GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8 GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_geometry_point_size GL_OES_geometry_shader GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_EXT_clear_texture GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb GL_EXT_window_rectangles GL_MESA_shader_integer_functions GL_EXT_clip_control GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_memory_object GL_EXT_memory_object_fd GL_EXT_semaphore GL_EXT_semaphore_fd GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod GL_INTEL_blackhole_render GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives GL_EXT_demote_to_helper_invocation GL_EXT_depth_clamp GL_EXT_texture_query_lod GL_MESA_sampler_objects GL_MESA_bgra GL_MESA_texture_const_bandwidth [LOG] Supported DMA-BUF formats: [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB4H (0x48344241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_D (0x200000000000a01) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB4H (0x48344258) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_D (0x200000000000a01) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB48 (0x38344241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_D (0x200000000000a01) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB48 (0x38344258) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_D (0x200000000000a01) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR30 (0x30335241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018967b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_64B,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=64B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018937b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XR30 (0x30335258) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018967b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_64B,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=64B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018937b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB30 (0x30334241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018967b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_64B,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=64B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018937b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB30 (0x30334258) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018967b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_64B,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=64B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018937b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR24 (0x34325241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018967b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_64B,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=64B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018937b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB24 (0x34324241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018967b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_64B,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=64B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018937b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XR24 (0x34325258) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018967b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_64B,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=64B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018937b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB24 (0x34324258) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018967b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_64B,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=64B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018937b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR15 (0x35315241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_D (0x200000000000a01) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB15 (0x35314241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_D (0x200000000000a01) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR12 (0x32315241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_D (0x200000000000a01) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB12 (0x32314241) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_D (0x200000000000a01) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RG16 (0x36314752) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_D (0x200000000000a01) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format R8 (0x20203852) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_D (0x200000000000a01) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format R16 (0x20363152) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_D (0x200000000000a01) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format GR88 (0x38385247) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_D (0x200000000000a01) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format GR32 (0x32335247) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX9,GFX9_64K_S (0x200000000000901) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10,GFX9_64K_S_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4 (0x200000000801902) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018801b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_PIPE_ALIGN,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x20000001896bb03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=128B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018967b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_64B,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=64B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 (0x200000018937b03) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YUV9 (0x39565559) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU11 (0x31315559) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU12 (0x32315559) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU16 (0x36315559) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU24 (0x34325559) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YVU9 (0x39555659) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV11 (0x31315659) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV12 (0x32315659) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV16 (0x36315659) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV24 (0x34325659) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV12 (0x3231564e) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV21 (0x3132564e) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P010 (0x30313050) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P012 (0x32313050) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P016 (0x36313050) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P030 (0x30333050) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV16 (0x3631564e) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AYUV (0x56555941) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XYUV (0x56555958) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y410 (0x30313459) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y412 (0x32313459) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y416 (0x36313459) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YUYV (0x56595559) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YVYU (0x55595659) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format UYVY (0x59565955) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format VYUY (0x59555956) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y210 (0x30313259) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y212 (0x32313259) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y216 (0x36313259) [LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff) [LOG] EGL: 50 formats found in total. Some modifiers may be omitted as they are external-only. [LOG] Creating the ProtocolManager! [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLSeat] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLDataDevice] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLCompositor] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLSubcompositor] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLSHM] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [Viewporter] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [TearingControl] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [FractionalScale] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XDGOutput] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [CursorShape] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [IdleInhibit] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [RelativePointer] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XDGDecoration] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [AlphaModifier] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [GammaControl] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ForeignToplevel] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [PointerGestures] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ForeignToplevelWlr] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ShortcutsInhibit] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [TextInputV1] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [TextInputV3] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [PointerConstraints] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [OutputPower] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XDGActivation] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [IdleNotify] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [SessionLock] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [IMEv2] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [VirtualKeyboard] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [VirtualPointer] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [OutputManagement] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ServerDecorationKDE] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [FocusGrab] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [TabletV2] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [LayerShell] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [Presentation] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XDGShell] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [DataDeviceWlr] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [PrimarySelection] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XWaylandShell] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [Screencopy] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ToplevelExport] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [GlobalShortcuts] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [DRMLease] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [DRMSyncobj] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [MesaDRM] [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [LinuxDMABUF] [LOG] Creating the SeatManager! [LOG] Creating the ThreadManager! [LOG] Creating CHyprCtl [LOG] Hypr socket started at /run/user/1000/hypr/df4f222482a7c2a1116ef5c91ba6e4b55d94ad6c_1724437219_1119920039/.socket.sock [LOG] Creating the InputManager! [LOG] Creating the HyprRenderer! [LOG] DRM driver information: amdgpu v3.57.0 from 20150101 description AMD GPU [LOG] Creating the XWaylandManager! [LOG] Creating the SessionLockManager! [LOG] Creating the HyprDebugOverlay! [LOG] Creating the HyprNotificationOverlay! [LOG] Creating the PluginSystem! [LOG] Creating the DecorationPositioner! [LOG] Creating the CursorManager! [hc] CHyprcursorManager: attempting to find theme from env [hc] themeNameFromEnv: env unset [hc] CHyprcursorManager: attempting to find any theme [hc] CHyprcursorManager: no themes matched [ERR] Hyprcursor failed loading theme "", falling back to Xcursor. [WARN] XCURSOR_SIZE size not set, defaulting to size 24 [LOG] XCursor scanning theme default [LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /home/myned/.icons/default/index.theme [LOG] XCursor theme default inherits GoogleDot-Black [LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /home/myned/.local/share/icons/default/index.theme [LOG] XCursor theme default inherits GoogleDot-Black [LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/share/icons/default/index.theme [LOG] XCursor theme default inherits GoogleDot-Black [LOG] XCursor scanning theme GoogleDot-Black [LOG] XCursor using theme path /home/myned/.icons/GoogleDot-Black/cursors [LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /home/myned/.icons/GoogleDot-Black/index.theme [LOG] XCursor theme GoogleDot-Black inherits "hicolor" [LOG] XCursor using theme path /home/myned/.local/share/icons/GoogleDot-Black/cursors [LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /home/myned/.local/share/icons/GoogleDot-Black/index.theme [LOG] XCursor theme GoogleDot-Black inherits "hicolor" [LOG] XCursor using theme path /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/share/icons/GoogleDot-Black/cursors [LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/share/icons/GoogleDot-Black/index.theme [LOG] XCursor theme GoogleDot-Black inherits "hicolor" [LOG] XCursor using theme path /run/current-system/sw/share/icons/GoogleDot-Black/cursors [LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /run/current-system/sw/share/icons/GoogleDot-Black/index.theme [LOG] XCursor theme GoogleDot-Black inherits "hicolor" [LOG] XCursor scanning theme "hicolor" [LOG] XCursor scanning theme GoogleDot-Black [LOG] XCursor using theme path /home/myned/.icons/GoogleDot-Black/cursors [LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /home/myned/.icons/GoogleDot-Black/index.theme [LOG] XCursor theme GoogleDot-Black inherits "hicolor" [LOG] XCursor using theme path /home/myned/.local/share/icons/GoogleDot-Black/cursors [LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /home/myned/.local/share/icons/GoogleDot-Black/index.theme [LOG] XCursor theme GoogleDot-Black inherits "hicolor" [LOG] XCursor using theme path /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/share/icons/GoogleDot-Black/cursors [LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /etc/profiles/per-user/myned/share/icons/GoogleDot-Black/index.theme [LOG] XCursor theme GoogleDot-Black inherits "hicolor" [LOG] XCursor using theme path /run/current-system/sw/share/icons/GoogleDot-Black/cursors [LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /run/current-system/sw/share/icons/GoogleDot-Black/index.theme [LOG] XCursor theme GoogleDot-Black inherits "hicolor" [LOG] XCursor already has a shape default loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape context-menu loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape help loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape pointer loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape progress loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape wait loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape cell loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape crosshair loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape text loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape vertical-text loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape alias loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape copy loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape move loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape no-drop loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape not-allowed loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape grab loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape grabbing loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape e-resize loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape n-resize loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape ne-resize loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape nw-resize loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape s-resize loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape se-resize loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape sw-resize loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape w-resize loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape ew-resize loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape ns-resize loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape nesw-resize loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape nwse-resize loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape col-resize loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape row-resize loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape all-scroll loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape zoom-in loaded, skipping [LOG] XCursor already has a shape zoom-out loaded, skipping [WARN] GSettings default schema source does not exist, cant sync GSettings [WARN] GSettings parameter doesnt exist cursor-theme in org.gnome.desktop.interface [WARN] GSettings default schema source does not exist, cant sync GSettings [WARN] GSettings parameter doesnt exist cursor-size in org.gnome.desktop.interface [LOG] Starting XWayland [LOG] Starting up the XWayland server [LOG] XWayland found a suitable display socket at DISPLAY: :0 [LOG] New output with name DP-2 [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: newMonitor [WARN] No rule found for DP-2, trying to use the first. [WARN] No rules configured. Using the default hardcoded one. [LOG] Applying monitor rule for DP-2 [LOG] Setting preferred mode for DP-2 [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 3440, y: 1440] and format XR24 with modifier 144115188488174339 aka GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_64B,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=64B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 3440, y: 1440] and format XR24 with modifier 144115188488174339 aka GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_64B,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=64B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 [LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Reconfigured a swapchain to [Vector2D: x: 3440, y: 1440] XR24 of length 2 [LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible [LOG] output DP-2 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting DP-2 with 3440x1440@59.97Hz [LOG] Monitor DP-2 -> destroyed all render data [LOG] arrangeMonitors: 1 to arrange [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-2 auto [-1, -1] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-2 xwayland [0, 0] [LOG] Monitor DP-2 data dump: res 3440x1440@59.97Hz, scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 0x0, 10b 0 [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Automatically selected format AR24 for new GBM buffer [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Buffer is marked as multigpu, forcing linear [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 256, y: 256] and format AR24 with modifier 0 aka LINEAR [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Automatically selected format AR24 for new GBM buffer [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Buffer is marked as multigpu, forcing linear [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 256, y: 256] and format AR24 with modifier 0 aka LINEAR [LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Reconfigured a swapchain to [Vector2D: x: 256, y: 256] AR24 of length 2 [LOG] Shaders initialized successfully. [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 151 [LOG] Added new monitor with name DP-2 at [0, 0] with size [3440, 1440], pointer 28f90db0 [LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 1, exists: 0 [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: createWorkspace [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 153 [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLOutput (DP-2)] [LOG] Executing systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME PATH XDG_DATA_DIRS && hash dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME PATH XDG_DATA_DIRS [LOG] Process Created with pid 29305 [WARN] No rule found for DP-2, trying to use the first. [WARN] No rules configured. Using the default hardcoded one. [LOG] Applying monitor rule for DP-2 [LOG] Setting preferred mode for DP-2 [LOG] output DP-2 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting DP-2 with 3440x1440@59.97Hz [ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting [ERR] Couldn't commit output named DP-2 [LOG] arrangeMonitors: 1 to arrange [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-2 auto [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-2 xwayland [0, 0] [LOG] Monitor DP-2 data dump: res 3440x1440@59.97Hz, scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 0x0, 10b 0 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 151 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 151 [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: render [LOG] Monitor DP-2 -> destroyed all render data [LOG] Shaders initEnvironment variable $QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME not set, ignoring. Environment variable $QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME not set, ignoring. ialized successfully. [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] Creating a texture for BGTex [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] Background created for monitor DP-2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting DP-2 with 3440x1440@59.97Hz [ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting [LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting DP-2 with 3440x1440@59.97Hz [ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting [WARN] Failed to change process scheduling strategy [LOG] Hyprland init finished. [LOG] Executing systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME PATH XDG_DATA_DIRS && hash dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME PATH XDG_DATA_DIRS [LOG] Process Created with pid 29310 [LOG] Running on WAYLAND_DISPLAY: wayland-1 [LOG] New aquamarine output with name HEADLESS-1 [LOG] New output with name FALLBACK [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 153 [LOG] Hyprland is ready, running the event loop! [LOG] [AQ] backend: poll fd 11 for implementation headless [LOG] [AQ] backend: poll fd 39 for implementation drm [LOG] [AQ] backend: poll fd 12 for session [LOG] [AQ] backend: poll fd 14 for session [LOG] [AQ] backend: poll fd 15 for session [LOG] [AQ] backend: poll fd 18 for idle [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 153 [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: tick [LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting DP-2 with 3440x1440@59.97Hz [LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 28fd7500 [LOG] [CDRMLeaseDeviceResource] Sending DRMFD 83 to new lease device [LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 29dff740 [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 22 at 292619d0 [LOG] XWayland is ready [LOG] xfixes version: 6.0 [LOG] xres version: 1.2 [LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 29e44070 [LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 290cf6d0 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 587520 to 1177344 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 1177344 to 2356992 [LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 28ffe6f0 [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 20 at 28f188a0 [LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 29e09470 [LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 29e06350 [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 23 at 28fb5a40 [LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 29e35840 [LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 2901eff0 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Power Button: 0-1 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name Power Button [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "power-button", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 29266490's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard Power Button [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 87 [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: activeLayout [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "power-button" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 29266490 and AQ: 29d4aad0 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Power Button: 0-1 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name Power Button [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "power-button-1", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 291601f0's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard Power Button [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 88 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "power-button-1" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 291601f0 and AQ: 29e89c70 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Sleep Button: 0-3 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name Sleep Button [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "sleep-button", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 29192b10's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard Sleep Button [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 89 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "sleep-button" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 29192b10 and AQ: 2b1adad0 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Generic TX-384Khz Hifi Type-C Audio: 3034-19463 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name Generic TX-384Khz Hifi Type-C Audio [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "generic-tx-384khz-hifi-type-c-audio", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 290d14e0's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard Generic TX-384Khz Hifi Type-C Audio [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 90 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "generic-tx-384khz-hifi-type-c-audio" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 290d14e0 and AQ: 28fe2690 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Nordic 2.4G Wireless Receiver: 9741-4097 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name Nordic 2.4G Wireless Receiver [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 28fbd090's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard Nordic 2.4G Wireless Receiver [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 91 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 28fbd090 and AQ: 2b2122a0 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Nordic 2.4G Wireless Receiver Mouse: 9741-4097 [LOG] New aquamarine pointer with name Nordic 2.4G Wireless Receiver Mouse [LOG] New mouse has libinput sens 0.00 (0.00) with accel profile 2 (2) [LOG] Attached pointer nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-mouse to global [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] New mouse created, pointer AQ: 28fc1e40 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Nordic 2.4G Wireless Receiver Consumer Control: 9741-4097 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name Nordic 2.4G Wireless Receiver Consumer Control [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-consumer-control", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 28f930a0's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard Nordic 2.4G Wireless Receiver Consumer Control [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 92 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-consumer-control" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 28f930a0 and AQ: 2b25cf10 [LOG] New aquamarine pointer with name Nordic 2.4G Wireless Receiver Consumer Control [LOG] New mouse has libinput sens 0.00 (0.00) with accel profile 0 (0) [LOG] Attached pointer nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-consumer-control-1 to global [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-consumer-control-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] New mouse created, pointer AQ: 28f9d4c0 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Nordic 2.4G Wireless Receiver System Control: 9741-4097 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name Nordic 2.4G Wireless Receiver System Control [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-system-control", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 28f16270's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard Nordic 2.4G Wireless Receiver System Control [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 93 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-system-control" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 28f16270 and AQ: 2b296ae0 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Kensington ORBIT WIRELESS TB Mouse: 1149-32934 [LOG] New aquamarine pointer with name Kensington ORBIT WIRELESS TB Mouse [LOG] New mouse has libinput sens 0.00 (0.00) with accel profile 2 (2) [LOG] Attached pointer kensington-orbit-wireless-tb-mouse to global [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-consumer-control-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse kensington-orbit-wireless-tb-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] New mouse created, pointer AQ: 28fa8f50 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Kensington ORBIT WIRELESS TB Consumer Control: 1149-32934 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name Kensington ORBIT WIRELESS TB Consumer Control [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "kensington-orbit-wireless-tb-consumer-control", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 2b31de60's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard Kensington ORBIT WIRELESS TB Consumer Control [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 94 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "kensington-orbit-wireless-tb-consumer-control" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 2b31de60 and AQ: 2b2bd910 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device SEMITEK USB-HID Gaming Keyboard: 7847-2311 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name SEMITEK USB-HID Gaming Keyboard [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "semitek-usb-hid-gaming-keyboard", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 2b358740's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard SEMITEK USB-HID Gaming Keyboard [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 95 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "semitek-usb-hid-gaming-keyboard" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 2b358740 and AQ: 2b2f7ab0 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device SEMITEK USB-HID Gaming Keyboard: 7847-2311 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name SEMITEK USB-HID Gaming Keyboard [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "semitek-usb-hid-gaming-keyboard-1", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 2b391a00's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard SEMITEK USB-HID Gaming Keyboard [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 96 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "semitek-usb-hid-gaming-keyboard-1" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 2b391a00 and AQ: 2b332ef0 [LOG] New aquamarine pointer with name SEMITEK USB-HID Gaming Keyboard [LOG] New mouse has libinput sens 0.00 (0.00) with accel profile 2 (2) [LOG] Attached pointer semitek-usb-hid-gaming-keyboard-2 to global [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-consumer-control-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse kensington-orbit-wireless-tb-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse semitek-usb-hid-gaming-keyboard-2, sens 0.00 [LOG] New mouse created, pointer AQ: 28f9b180 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Razer Razer Viper Ultimate Dongle: 5426-123 [LOG] New aquamarine pointer with name Razer Razer Viper Ultimate Dongle [LOG] New mouse has libinput sens 0.00 (0.00) with accel profile 2 (2) [LOG] Attached pointer razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle to global [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-consumer-control-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse kensington-orbit-wireless-tb-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse semitek-usb-hid-gaming-keyboard-2, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle, sens 0.00 [LOG] New mouse created, pointer AQ: 28f899f0 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Razer Razer Viper Ultimate Dongle Keyboard: 5426-123 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name Razer Razer Viper Ultimate Dongle Keyboard [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle-keyboard", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 2b370150's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard Razer Razer Viper Ultimate Dongle Keyboard [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 97 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle-keyboard" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 2b370150 and AQ: 2b347ed0 [LOG] New aquamarine pointer with name Razer Razer Viper Ultimate Dongle Keyboard [LOG] New mouse has libinput sens 0.00 (0.00) with accel profile 0 (0) [LOG] Attached pointer razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle-keyboard-1 to global [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-consumer-control-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse kensington-orbit-wireless-tb-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse semitek-usb-hid-gaming-keyboard-2, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle-keyboard-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] New mouse created, pointer AQ: 2b407590 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Razer Razer Viper Ultimate Dongle: 5426-123 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name Razer Razer Viper Ultimate Dongle [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle-1", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 2b3f4780's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard Razer Razer Viper Ultimate Dongle [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 98 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle-1" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 2b3f4780 and AQ: 2b3bb7c0 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device RAZER Razer Mouse Dock: 5426-126 [LOG] New aquamarine pointer with name RAZER Razer Mouse Dock [LOG] New mouse has libinput sens 0.00 (0.00) with accel profile 2 (2) [LOG] Attached pointer razer-razer-mouse-dock to global [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-consumer-control-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse kensington-orbit-wireless-tb-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse semitek-usb-hid-gaming-keyboard-2, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle-keyboard-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse razer-razer-mouse-dock, sens 0.00 [LOG] New mouse created, pointer AQ: 2b441c30 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device RAZER Razer Mouse Dock Keyboard: 5426-126 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name RAZER Razer Mouse Dock Keyboard [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "razer-razer-mouse-dock-keyboard", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 2b41cc30's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard RAZER Razer Mouse Dock Keyboard [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 99 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "razer-razer-mouse-dock-keyboard" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 2b41cc30 and AQ: 2b3e1d00 [LOG] New aquamarine pointer with name RAZER Razer Mouse Dock Keyboard [LOG] New mouse has libinput sens 0.00 (0.00) with accel profile 0 (0) [LOG] Attached pointer razer-razer-mouse-dock-keyboard-1 to global [LOG] Applied config to mouse norThe XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: > Warning: Unsupported maximum keycode 708, clipping. > X11 cannot support keycodes above 255. > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86KbdInputAssistPrevgrou > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86KbdInputAssistNextgrou Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server dic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-consumer-control-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse kensington-orbit-wireless-tb-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse semitek-usb-hid-gaming-keyboard-2, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle-keyboard-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse razer-razer-mouse-dock, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse razer-razer-mouse-dock-keyboard-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] New mouse created, pointer AQ: 2b47d440 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device RAZER Razer Mouse Dock: 5426-126 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name RAZER Razer Mouse Dock [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "razer-razer-mouse-dock-1", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 2b46a890's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard RAZER Razer Mouse Dock [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 100 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "razer-razer-mouse-dock-1" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 2b46a890 and AQ: 2b411490 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device keyd virtual keyboard: 4012-2782 [LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name keyd virtual keyboard [LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "keyd-virtual-keyboard", hasconfig: 0 [LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant (rules: , model: , options: ) [LOG] Updating keyboard 2b4b8690's translation state from a provided keymap [LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6 [LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7 [LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard keyd virtual keyboard [LOG] Updated keymap fd to 101 [LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to for keyboard "keyd-virtual-keyboard" [LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 2b4b8690 and AQ: 2b457bc0 [LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device keyd virtual pointer: 4012-6878 [LOG] New aquamarine pointer with name keyd virtual pointer [LOG] New mouse has libinput sens 0.00 (0.00) with accel profile 2 (2) [LOG] Attached pointer keyd-virtual-pointer to global [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse nordic-2.4g-wireless-receiver-consumer-control-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse kensington-orbit-wireless-tb-mouse, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse semitek-usb-hid-gaming-keyboard-2, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse razer-razer-viper-ultimate-dongle-keyboard-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse razer-razer-mouse-dock, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse razer-razer-mouse-dock-keyboard-1, sens 0.00 [LOG] Applied config to mouse keyd-virtual-pointer, sens 0.00 [LOG] New mouse created, pointer AQ: 2b4f1c30 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [seatmgr] Rejecting a setCursor because the client ain't in focus [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] Keybind triggered, calling dispatcher (64, , 116) [LOG] Executing foot [LOG] Process Created with pid 29358 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 2b4e5cb0 [LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 2b3c3280 [LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 29d46fc0 [LOG] [CTextInputV3] New tiv3 at 0000000029e3dc60 [LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 2b43df70 [LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 2b46e6f0 [LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 29e129a0 [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 24 at 28fc0ed0 [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 3 at 2b4fcd20 [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 28 at 2b436520 [LOG] [CXDGWMBase] New xdg_surface at 29d3aa20 [LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 2b43df70 gets a toplevel 2b18f330 [LOG] CWLSurface 2b4e7920 called init() [LOG] Window 2b4fd470 set class to foot [LOG] Searching for matching rules for foot (title: ) [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: windowUpdateRules [LOG] [CXDGDecoration] setMode: MODE_SERVER_SIDE. Sending MODE_SERVER_SIDE as reply. [LOG] Searching for matching rules for foot (title: ) [LOG] Layout predicts size [Vector2D: x: 3440, y: 1440] for [Window 2b4fd470: title: ""] [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 34 at 2b4fe5f0 [LOG] [CWLSubcompositorResource] New wl_subsurface with id 35 at 2b475380 [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 37 at 2b4744e0 [LOG] Window 2b4fd470 set title to foot [LOG] Searching for matching rules for foot (title: foot) [LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 29d3aa20 requests geometry 0x0 3440x1440 [LOG] New window contains HL_INITIAL_WORKSPACE_TOKEN: e10d46d7-1f38-4fda-ae45-fe013f51e662 [LOG] HL_INITIAL_WORKSPACE_TOKEN e10d46d7-1f38-4fda-ae45-fe013f51e662 -> 1 [WARN] Orphaned CWLSurfaceResource 2b4fe5f0 in setPreferredScaleForSurface [WARN] Orphaned CWLSurfaceResource 2b4fe5f0 in setPreferredTransformForSurface [LOG] CWLSurface 2b4feac0 called init() [LOG] Searching for matching rules for foot (title: foot) [LOG] OPENINGON: [Node nullptr], Monitor: 0 [LOG] Set keyboard focus to surface 2b4fcd20, with [Window 2b4fd470: title: "foot"] [LOG] Searching for matching rules for foot (title: foot) [LOG] Map request dispatched, monitor DP-2, window pos: [20.00000, 20.00000], window size: [3400.00000, 1400.00000] [LOG] Searching for matching rules for foot (title: foot) [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 29d3aa20 requests geometry 0x0 3398x1398 [LOG] cursorImage request: shape 9 -> text [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 151 [LOG] Window 2b4fd470 set title to ~ [LOG] Searching for matching rules for foot (title: ~) [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 2b435290 [LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 2b4a7190 [LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 290de8b0 [LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 29e776a0 [LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 2b4a96e0 [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 29 at 2b5017b0 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 2b483440 [LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 29e76b30 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 587520 to 1177344 [LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 1177344 to 2356992 [LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 29e72140 [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 20 at 2b501b80 [LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 29e09360 [LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 2b4cfab0 [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 23 at 29e89d40 [LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 2b4e3100 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 2b4934f0 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] Window 2b4fd470 set title to swaylock & sleep 1 & ~ [LOG] Searching for matching rules for foot (title: swaylock & sleep 1 & ~) [LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 29e72410 [LOG] [CScreencopyProtocol] Bound client successfully! [LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053 [LOG] [CSessionLockProtocol] New sessionLock with id 3 [LOG] Session got locked by 29e74130 [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 15 at 2b504f00 [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 17 at 29e80640 [LOG] [CWLSubcompositorResource] New wl_subsurface with id 18 at 2b389820 [LOG] [CSessionLockProtocol] New sessionLockSurface with id 19 [LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] CWLDataDeviceProtocol::onKeyboardFocus: cannot send selection to a client without a data_device [LOG] Set keyboard focus to surface 2b504f00 [LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] CPrimarySelectionProtocol::updateSelection: cannot send selection to a client without a data_device [LOG] cursorImage request: surface 0 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Disabling output DP-2 [LOG] Hyprctl: dispatcher dpms : off [LOG] Window 2b4fd470 set title to ~ [LOG] Searching for matching rules for foot (title: ~) [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting DP-2 with 3440x1440@59.97Hz [LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for DP-2 [LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor DP-2 [LOG] [AQ] udev: new udev change event for card1 [LOG] [AQ] udev: DRM device card1 changed [LOG] [AQ] drm: Got a hotplug event for /dev/dri/card1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connectors for /dev/dri/card1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 113 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 113 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 113 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 121 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 121 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-2 crtc is incapable of vrr: props.vrr_capable -> 124, crtc->props.vrr_enabled -> 24 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Explicit sync supported [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 121 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-2 disconnected [LOG] Destroy called for monitor DP-2 [LOG] onDisconnect called for DP-2 [LOG] Removed monitor DP-2! [LOG] [CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol] Resetting format table [WARN] Unplugged last monitor, entering an unsafe state. Good luck my friend. [LOG] Entering unsafe state [WARN] No rule found for FALLBACK, trying to use the first. [WARN] No rules configured. Using the default hardcoded one. [LOG] Applying monitor rule for FALLBACK [ERR] Monitor FALLBACK has NO PREFERRED MODE [WARN] updateSwapchain: No mode? [LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible [LOG] output FALLBACK succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 [WARN] updateSwapchain: No mode? [LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible [LOG] arrangeMonitors: 2 to arrange [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-2 auto [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: FALLBACK auto [-1, -1] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-2 xwayland [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: FALLBACK xwayland [3440, 0] [LOG] Monitor FALLBACK data dump: res 0x0@60.00Hz, scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 3440x0, 10b 0 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 153 [WARN] updateSwapchain: No mode? [LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible [LOG] Added new monitor with name FALLBACK at [3440, 0] with size [0, 0], pointer 29e57310 [LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 2, exists: 0 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 153 [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLOutput (FALLBACK)] [LOG] [CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol] Resetting format table [LOG] [AQ] drm: Disabling output DP-2 [LOG] Removing monitor DP-2 from realMonitors [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 127 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 127 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 127 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 132 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 132 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 132 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Rechecking CRTCs [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-1, has crtc -1, will be rechecked [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-2, has crtc 91, will be rechecked [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-3, has crtc -1, will be rechecked [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector HDMI-A-1, has crtc -1, will be rechecked [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 0 crtc 91 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 1 crtc 95 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 2 crtc 99 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 3 crtc 103 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 4 crtc 107 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 5 crtc 111 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-1 is not connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-2 is not connected, removing old crtc 91 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-3 is not connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector HDMI-A-1 is not connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: rescanning after realloc [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connectors for /dev/dri/card1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 113 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 113 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 113 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 121 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 121 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 121 connection state: 2error in client communication (pid 29430) [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 127 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 127 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 127 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 132 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 132 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 132 connection state: 2 [WARN] Attempted to render frame on inactive session! [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 20 at 2b504f00 [LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 24 at 29c32270 [LOG] [CWLSubcompositorResource] New wl_subsurface with id 25 at 2b4bca70 [LOG] [CSessionLockProtocol] New sessionLockSurface with id 26 [ERR] [src/protocols/SessionLock.cpp:26] SessionLock attached a null buffer [WARN] [src/protocols/SessionLock.cpp:47] SessionLockSurface object remains but surface is being destroyed??? [LOG] [AQ] udev: new udev change event for card1 [LOG] [AQ] udev: DRM device card1 changed [LOG] [AQ] drm: Got a hotplug event for /dev/dri/card1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connectors for /dev/dri/card1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 113 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 113 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 113 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 121 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 121 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 121 connection state: 1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-2 connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connecting connector DP-2, CRTC ID 91 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Dumping detected modes: [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 0: 3440x1440@59.97Hz (preferred) [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 1: 3440x1440@100.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 2: 2560x1440@59.95Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 3: 1920x1200@59.97Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 4: 1920x1080@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 5: 1920x1080@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 6: 1920x1080@59.94Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 7: 1920x1080@50.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 8: 1600x1200@59.97Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 9: 1680x1050@59.95Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 10: 1600x900@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 11: 1280x1024@75.03Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 12: 1280x1024@60.02Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 13: 1440x900@59.89Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 14: 1280x800@59.81Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 15: 1152x864@75.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 16: 1280x720@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 17: 1280x720@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 18: 1280x720@59.94Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 19: 1280x720@50.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 20: 1024x768@75.03Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 21: 1024x768@70.07Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 22: 1024x768@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 23: 800x600@75.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 24: 800x600@72.19Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 25: 800x600@60.32Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 26: 800x600@56.25Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 27: 720x576@50.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 28: 720x480@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 29: 720x480@59.94Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 30: 640x480@75.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 31: 640x480@72.81Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 32: 640x480@66.67Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 33: 640x480@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 34: 640x480@59.94Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 35: 720x400@70.08Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Physical size [Vector2D: x: 800, y: 340] (mm) [LOG] [AQ] drm: Description Samsung Electric Company S34CG50 HNBW401587 (DP-2) [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-2 crtc is capable of vrr: props.vrr_capable -> 124, crtc->props.vrr_enabled -> 24 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Explicit sync supported [LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Clearing [LOG] New aquamarine output with name DP-2 [LOG] New output with name DP-2 [WARN] No rule found for DP-2, trying to use the first. [WARN] No rules configured. Using the default hardcoded one. [LOG] Applying monitor rule for DP-2 [LOG] Setting preferred mode for DP-2 [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 3440, y: 1440] and format XR24 with modifier 144115188488174339 aka GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_64B,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=64B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 3440, y: 1440] and format XR24 with modifier 144115188488174339 aka GFX10_RBPLUS,GFX9_64K_R_X,DCC,DCC_RETILE,DCC_INDEPENDENT_64B,DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B,DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK=64B,DCC_CONSTANT_ENCODE,PIPE_XOR_BITS=4,PACKERS=3 [LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Reconfigured a swapchain to [Vector2D: x: 3440, y: 1440] XR24 of length 2 [LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible [LOG] output DP-2 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting DP-2 with 3440x1440@59.97Hz [LOG] Monitor DP-2 -> destroyed all render data [LOG] arrangeMonitors: 2 to arrange [LOG] arrangeMonitors: FALLBACK auto [3440, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-2 auto [-1, -1] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: FALLBACK xwayland [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-2 xwayland [0, 0] [LOG] Monitor DP-2 data dump: res 3440x1440@59.97Hz, scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 0x0, 10b 0 [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Automatically selected format AR24 for new GBM buffer [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Buffer is marked as multigpu, forcing linear [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 256, y: 256] and format AR24 with modifier 0 aka LINEAR [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Automatically selected format AR24 for new GBM buffer [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Buffer is marked as multigpu, forcing linear [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 256, y: 256] and format AR24 with modifier 0 aka LINEAR [LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Reconfigured a swapchain to [Vector2D: x: 256, y: 256] AR24 of length 2 [LOG] Shaders initialized successfully. [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 152 [LOG] Added new monitor with name DP-2 at [0, 0] with size [3440, 1440], pointer 28f90db0 [LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 3, exists: 0 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 155 [LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLOutput (DP-2)] [LOG] [CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol] Resetting format table [WARN] Attempted to render frame on inactive session! [LOG] Leaving unsafe state [LOG] onDisconnect called for FALLBACK [LOG] Removed monitor FALLBACK! [LOG] [CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol] Resetting format table [LOG] moveWorkspaceToMonitor: Moving 2 to monitor 0 [LOG] moveWorkspaceToMonitor: Plugging gap with new 4 [LOG] moveWorkspaceToMonitor: Plugging gap with existing 4 [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: workspace [LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: moveWorkspace [WARN] updateSwapchain: No mode? [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 127 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 127 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 127 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 132 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 132 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 132 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Rechecking CRTCs [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-1, has crtc -1, will be rechecked [LOG] [AQ] drm: Skipping connector DP-2, has crtc 91 and is connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-3, has crtc -1, will be rechecked [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector HDMI-A-1, has crtc -1, will be rechecked [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 0 crtc 91 taken by DP-2, skipping [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 1 crtc 95 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 2 crtc 99 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 3 crtc 103 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 4 crtc 107 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 5 crtc 111 unassigned [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-1 is not connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-3 is not connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector HDMI-A-1 is not connected [LOG] [AQ] drm: rescanning after realloc [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connectors for /dev/dri/card1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 113 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 113 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 113 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 121 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 121 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-2 crtc is capable of vrr: props.vrr_capable -> 124, crtc->props.vrr_enabled -> 24 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Explicit sync supported [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 121 connection state: 1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 127 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 127 already initialized [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 127 connection state: 2 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 132 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id err: wayland.c:2069: failed to roundtrip Wayland display: Connection reset by peer err: wayland.c:2069: failed to roundtrip Wayland display: Connection reset by peer err: wayland.c:2069: failed to roundtrip Wayland display: Connection reset by peer (EE) could not connect to wayland server warn: terminal.c:1928: slave exited with signal 15 (Terminated) err: wayland.c:2034: failed to flush wayland socket: Connection reset by peer ```
PaideiaDilemma commented 2 weeks ago

So the crash with to LOGM is not related to initial reported issue, where Hyprland remains locked without a client, I think, right? It seems like this is a problem with the fallback output that gets added when no output is available. And a session lock client is unable to create a session lock surface.

Related hyprlock issue: https://github.com/hyprwm/hyprlock/issues/434

myned commented 2 weeks ago


So the crash with to LOGM is not related to initial reported issue

I can't comment on this myself, I only uploaded the report in case it was relevant.

problem with the fallback output that gets added when no output is available

This is my assumption as well, since without a lockscreen (and thus no red screen), other applications such as waybar also have trouble migrating to the new output.

FWIW, this doesn't happen on my laptop where the display is likely still effectively connected.

PaideiaDilemma commented 1 week ago

After 83ab3ae0afeafe25ca2038888478740d0a80396a (crash on login before that) this can be fixed by giving the FALLBACK output a custom resolution. E.g. hyprctl keyword monitor "FALLBACK,1920x1080@60,auto,1"

Without that hyprland will not find a fitting mode for the FALLBACK output and the pixelSize will be 0,0. Somewhere this denies us to create a surface.

With the mode explicitly set we try and succeed to set a custom mode for the fallback output.

[LOG] Set a custom mode 1920x1080@60.000000 (mode not found in monitor modes)
[LOG] output FALLBACK succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888

@vaxerski I have some code that adds a case in applyMonitorRule that tries to set a custom fallback mode when no rule, no preferred and no available modes. You want me to MR that, or is this something we should fix on the aq side of things (making sure headless has some available mode)?

vaxerski commented 1 week ago

we should fix on the aq side of things (making sure headless has some available mode)?

this one. Maybe request 1920x1080 as default on creation?

PaideiaDilemma commented 1 week ago

Sounds good, even though https://github.com/hyprwm/aquamarine/commit/16bbbcba65c4700b286f9c45d91bb49f2dd3e67c already fixed the issue on my end :)

ctilley83 commented 1 week ago

I take it the latest commit that shows a sad face with commands on how to get hyprlock back up and running is a temporary fix? Do we know why hyprlock is crashing?

PaideiaDilemma commented 1 week ago

No with https://github.com/hyprwm/aquamarine/commit/16bbbcba65c4700b286f9c45d91bb49f2dd3e67c the crash does not happen any more. (at least the crash when hyprland has no monitor available)

izmyname commented 19 hours ago

If it fixed - prolly worth closing?

myned commented 19 hours ago

Yes, forcing the fallback output fixes the dpms crash for me, which is handled by default in the mentioned commit.

chmanie commented 18 hours ago

I'm on hyprland 0.43 and it still crashes, even though now with a nice error message and instructions on how to recover. Is this a config issue on my part?


To reproduce this I only have to switch off my screen or change the input source while hyprlock is active.

Here's the log of hyprlock if that helps: https://gist.github.com/chmanie/3304191230287254d3fb6775edb21f5d