hyprwm / Hyprland

Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
21.95k stars 912 forks source link

Sometimes, Hyprland crashes when I plug an HDMI in #7570

Closed ValentinMATHIEU closed 3 months ago

ValentinMATHIEU commented 3 months ago



System Info and Version

System/Version info ```sh Hyprland, built from branch at commit 9a09eac79b85c846e3a865a9078a3f8ff65a9259 (props: bump version to 0.42.0). Date: Wed Aug 7 19:17:10 2024 Tag: v0.42.0, commits: 5069 flags: (if any) System Information: System name: Linux Node name: laptop Release: 6.10.6-arch1-1 Version: #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon, 19 Aug 2024 17:02:39 +0000 GPU information: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation TigerLake-H GT1 [UHD Graphics] [8086:9a60] (rev 01) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) os-release: NAME="Arch Linux" PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux" ID=arch BUILD_ID=rolling ANSI_COLOR="38;2;23;147;209" HOME_URL="https://archlinux.org/" DOCUMENTATION_URL="https://wiki.archlinux.org/" SUPPORT_URL="https://bbs.archlinux.org/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://gitlab.archlinux.org/groups/archlinux/-/issues" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/" LOGO=archlinux-logo plugins: ======Config-Start====== Config File: /home/vmathieu/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf: Read Succeeded # ########################################################## # ENV VARS env = QT_QPA_PLATFORM,wayland env = QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME,qt6ct # qt5ct / qt6ct env = QT_WAYLAND_DISABLE_WINDOWDECORATION,1 env = QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR,1 env = MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND,1 # ########################################################## # Start apps / background apps / system tray applets exec-once = swaybg --image ~/Wallpapers/3840x1600/ponta_de_sao_lourenco_madeira_portugal.jpg --mode center exec-once = swaync exec-once = ~/.config/waybar/launcher.sh exec-once = ~/.config/hypr/scripts/xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-launcher # Screen sharing exec-once = dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP # Clipboard managers exec-once = wl-paste --type text --watch cliphist store exec-once = wl-paste --type image --watch cliphist store # ########################################################## # Start workspaces apps bind = ALT, j, exec, ~/.aldris/hyprland/deploy-apps exec-once = [workspace special:magic silent] alacritty -e btop # ########################################################## # MONITORS source = ~/.config/hypr/monitor.conf/monitor bind = SUPER SHIFT, L, exec, ln -sf ~/.config/hypr/monitor.conf/laptop.conf ~/.config/hypr/monitor.conf/monitor bind = SUPER SHIFT, K, exec, ln -sf ~/.config/hypr/monitor.conf/home.conf ~/.config/hypr/monitor.conf/monitor bind = SUPER SHIFT, J, exec, ln -sf ~/.config/hypr/monitor.conf/office.conf ~/.config/hypr/monitor.conf/monitor # ########################################################## # VARIABLES source = ~/.config/hypr/input.conf/input bind = SUPER SHIFT, U, exec, ln -sf ~/.config/hypr/input.conf/input-us.conf ~/.config/hypr/input.conf/input bind = SUPER SHIFT, F, exec, ln -sf ~/.config/hypr/input.conf/input-fr.conf ~/.config/hypr/input.conf/input general { layout = dwindle gaps_in = 0 gaps_out = 0 border_size = 1 no_border_on_floating = false col.active_border = 0xffffffff col.inactive_border = 0xff444444 allow_tearing = false } decoration { rounding = 1 active_opacity = 1.0 inactive_opacity = 1.0 blur { enabled = true size = 3 passes = 1 } dim_inactive = true dim_strength = 0 drop_shadow = false shadow_range = 4 shadow_render_power = 3 col.shadow = rgba(1a1a1aee) } animations { enabled = no #bezier = myBezier, 0.05, 0.9, 0.1, 1.05 #animation = windows, 1, 7, myBezier #animation = windowsOut, 1, 7, default, popin 80% #animation = border, 1, 10, default #animation = borderangle, 1, 8, default #animation = fade, 1, 7, default #animation = workspaces, 1, 6, default } dwindle { pseudotile = yes preserve_split = yes } misc { force_default_wallpaper = 0 # Set to 0 or 1 to disable the anime mascot wallpapers vfr = true mouse_move_focuses_monitor = true } # ########################################################## # DEVICES CONFIG input { sensitivity = 0.6 accel_profile = flat force_no_accel = true numlock_by_default = true touchpad { scroll_factor = 0.2 } } device { name = Wireless Mouse MX Master sensitivity = 1.0 } device { name = logitech-g502-hero-gaming-mouse sensitivity = 1 } # ########################################################## # WINDOW RULES (use "hyprctl clients" or "hyprprop" to get class) # Dynamic rules for windows # Open those program in floating mode windowrulev2 = float,class:(1Password|subl|strawberry|piper|blueberry.py|org.telegram.desktop|org.gnome.Nautilus|minecraft-launcher|xdg-desktop-portal-gtk) # Picture-in-picture window as floating and pinned windowrulev2 = float,title:(Picture-in-Picture) windowrulev2 = pin,title:(Picture-in-Picture) # Open Google Meet in float and pin windowrulev2 = float,initialTitle:meet.google.com windowrulev2 = pin,initialTitle:meet.google.com windowrulev2 = size 850 620,initialTitle:meet.google.com # Screen sharing # @see https://wiki.hyprland.org/Useful-Utilities/Screen-Sharing/ windowrulev2 = opacity 0.0 override,class:^(xwaylandvideobridge)$ windowrulev2 = noanim,class:^(xwaylandvideobridge)$ windowrulev2 = noinitialfocus,class:^(xwaylandvideobridge)$ windowrulev2 = maxsize 1 1,class:^(xwaylandvideobridge)$ windowrulev2 = noblur,class:^(xwaylandvideobridge)$ # ########################################################## # BINDINGS # MEDIA KEYS # Sound bind = , XF86AudioMute, exec, pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle bind = , XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% bind = , XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% bind = , XF86AudioMicMute, exec, pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle # Toggle tile fullscreen bind = ALT, F, fullscreen # Toggle notification center / swaync-client bind = ALT, N, exec, swaync-client -t -sw # Toggle animations bind = ALT SHIFT, F1, exec, ~/.config/hypr/toggle_perf-mode.sh 1 bind = ALT SHIFT, F2, exec, ~/.config/hypr/toggle_perf-mode.sh 2 # System tools bind = ALT, S, exec, [floating] pavucontrol bind = ALT, P, exec, slurp | grim -g - - | wl-copy bind = ALT SHIFT, P, exec, slurp | grim -g - Screenshots/screenshot-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")-$(openssl rand -hex 4).png.png # Galculator bind = ALT, G, exec, [floating] galculator # Blueberry (bluetooth application wrapped to use gnome-bluetooth outside of GNOME) bind = ALT, B, exec, blueberry # Nautilus (file explorer) bind = ALT, E, exec, nautilus # Clipboard manager bind = ALT, L, exec, cliphist list | wofi --dmenu --width 1000 --height 300 --insensitive --gtk-dark | cliphist decode | wl-copy bind = ALT SHIFT, L, exec, cliphist wipe # Toggle gammastep bind = SUPER, G, exec, gammastep -m wayland -O 4500K bind = SUPER SHIFT, G, exec, pkill gammastep # Change Dwindle orientation split bind = ALT, Tab, layoutmsg, togglesplit # System - Screen brightness bind = SUPER, Up, exec, xbacklight -set 100 bind = SUPER, Down, exec, xbacklight -set 0.1 bind = , XF86MonBrightnessUp, exec, xbacklight -inc 5 bind = , XF86MonBrightnessDown, exec, xbacklight -dec 5 # System apps binds bind = ALT, Q, killactive, bind = ALT, Space, togglefloating bind = ALT SHIFT, Space, pin bind = ALT, D, exec, wofi --dmenu --show=drun --width 1000 --height 400 --insensitive --gtk-dark --allow-images --allow-markup --term alacritty bind = ALT, Return, exec, alacritty bind = ALT, A, exec, [floating] alacritty bind = SUPER SHIFT, Backspace, exec, wlogout bind = SUPER, L, exec, ~/.aldris/hyprland/bind-scripts/swaylock # Goto next/previous workspaces bind = ALT, right, workspace, e+1 bind = ALT, left, workspace, e-1 # Move between workspaces bind = ALT, code:10, workspace, 1 bind = ALT, code:11, workspace, 2 bind = ALT, code:12, workspace, 3 bind = ALT, code:13, workspace, 4 bind = ALT, code:14, workspace, 5 bind = ALT, code:15, workspace, 6 bind = ALT, code:16, workspace, 7 bind = ALT, code:17, workspace, 8 bind = ALT, code:18, workspace, 9 bind = ALT, code:19, workspace, 10 # Send active app to workspaces bind = ALT SHIFT, code:10, movetoworkspacesilent, 1 bind = ALT SHIFT, code:11, movetoworkspacesilent, 2 bind = ALT SHIFT, code:12, movetoworkspacesilent, 3 bind = ALT SHIFT, code:13, movetoworkspacesilent, 4 bind = ALT SHIFT, code:14, movetoworkspacesilent, 5 bind = ALT SHIFT, code:15, movetoworkspacesilent, 6 bind = ALT SHIFT, code:16, movetoworkspacesilent, 7 bind = ALT SHIFT, code:17, movetoworkspacesilent, 8 bind = ALT SHIFT, code:18, movetoworkspacesilent, 9 bind = ALT SHIFT, code:19, movetoworkspacesilent, 10 # Move current workspace to focused monitor bind = ALT CTRL SHIFT, code:10, exec, hyprctl dispatch moveworkspacetomonitor 1 current bind = ALT CTRL SHIFT, code:11, exec, hyprctl dispatch moveworkspacetomonitor 2 current bind = ALT CTRL SHIFT, code:12, exec, hyprctl dispatch moveworkspacetomonitor 3 current bind = ALT CTRL SHIFT, code:13, exec, hyprctl dispatch moveworkspacetomonitor 4 current bind = ALT CTRL SHIFT, code:14, exec, hyprctl dispatch moveworkspacetomonitor 5 current bind = ALT CTRL SHIFT, code:15, exec, hyprctl dispatch moveworkspacetomonitor 6 current bind = ALT CTRL SHIFT, code:16, exec, hyprctl dispatch moveworkspacetomonitor 7 current bind = ALT CTRL SHIFT, code:17, exec, hyprctl dispatch moveworkspacetomonitor 8 current bind = ALT CTRL SHIFT, code:18, exec, hyprctl dispatch moveworkspacetomonitor 9 current bind = ALT CTRL SHIFT, code:19, exec, hyprctl dispatch moveworkspacetomonitor 10 current # Use special workspace (scratchpad) bind = ALT, M, togglespecialworkspace, magic bind = ALT SHIFT, M, movetoworkspacesilent, special:magic # Scroll through existing workspaces with mainMod + scroll bind = ALT, mouse_down, workspace, e+1 bind = ALT, mouse_up, workspace, e-1 # Windows move # Using Left Mouse Button bindm = ALT, mouse:272, movewindow # Using keyboard # Slap window bind = ALT Ctrl, right, movewindow, r bind = ALT Ctrl, left, movewindow, l bind = ALT Ctrl, up, movewindow, u bind = ALT Ctrl, down, movewindow, d # Gently ask to move by X pixel stop bind = ALT SHIFT, right, moveactive, 50 0 bind = ALT SHIFT, left, moveactive, -50 0 bind = ALT SHIFT, up, moveactive, 0 -50 bind = ALT SHIFT, down, moveactive, 0 50 # Window resize # Using Right Mouse Button bindm = ALT, mouse:273, resizewindow # Using keyboard bind = ALT, R, submap, resize submap=resize bind = , right, resizeactive, 100 0 bind = , left, resizeactive, -100 0 bind = , down, resizeactive, 0 100 bind = , up, resizeactive, 0 -100 bind = SHIFT, right, resizeactive, 10 0 bind = SHIFT, left, resizeactive, -10 0 bind = SHIFT, down, resizeactive, 0 10 bind = SHIFT, up, resizeactive, 0 -10 bind = , escape, submap, reset submap=reset Config File: /home/vmathieu/.config/hypr/monitor.conf/monitor: Read Succeeded monitor=desc:BOE 0x0A89,1920x1080,0x0,1 Config File: /home/vmathieu/.config/hypr/input.conf/input: Read Succeeded input { # See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Variables/ # => sudo localectl set-keymap --no-convert fr us && sudo loadkeys fr us kb_layout = us kb_variant = intl kb_model = #kb_options = grp:win_space_toggle,ctrl:nocaps # Remap Caps-Lock to Ctrl kb_rules = follow_mouse = 1 touchpad { natural_scroll = yes } sensitivity = 0 # -1.0 - 1.0, 0 means no modification. } ======Config-End======== ```


The Display Server crash and i am back to the Display manager.

How to reproduce

Plug a HDMI cable in

Crash reports, logs, images, videos

Hyprland Crash Report

Maybe you should try dusting your PC in the meantime?

Hyprland received signal 11(SEGV) Version: 9a09eac79b85c846e3a865a9078a3f8ff65a9259 Tag: v0.42.0 Date: Wed Aug 7 19:17:10 2024 Flags:

System info: System name: Linux Node name: laptop Release: 6.10.6-arch1-1 Version: #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon, 19 Aug 2024 17:02:39 +0000

GPU: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation TigerLake-H GT1 [UHD Graphics] [8086:9a60] (rev 01) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])

os-release: NAME="Arch Linux" PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux" ID=arch BUILD_ID=rolling ANSI_COLOR="38;2;23;147;209" HOME_URL="https://archlinux.org/" DOCUMENTATION_URL="https://wiki.archlinux.org/" SUPPORT_URL="https://bbs.archlinux.org/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://gitlab.archlinux.org/groups/archlinux/-/issues" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/" LOGO=archlinux-logo Backtrace:

| Hyprland(_Z12getBacktracev+0x61) [0x5b41c06466a1]

#1 | Hyprland(_ZN13CrashReporter18createAndSaveCrashEi+0xb89) [0x5b41c05c6609]
#2 | Hyprland(_Z25handleUnrecoverableSignali+0x71) [0x5b41c0546f71]
#3 | /usr/lib/libc.so.6(+0x3d1d0) [0x7e9da664c1d0]
#4 | /usr/lib/libaquamarine.so.2(+0x311af) [0x7e9da70721af]
#5 | Hyprland(_ZN15CPointerManager17setHWCursorBufferEN9Hyprutils6Memory14CSharedPointerINS_20SMonitorPointerStateEEENS2_IN10Aquamarine7IBufferEEE+0x2d8) [0x5b41c069ee78]
    CPointerManager::setHWCursorBuffer(Hyprutils::Memory::CSharedPointer<CPointerManager::SMonitorPointerState>, Hyprutils::Memory::CSharedPointer<Aquamarine::IBuffer>)
#6 | Hyprland(_ZN15CPointerManager21attemptHardwareCursorEN9Hyprutils6Memory14CSharedPointerINS_20SMonitorPointerStateEEE+0x217) [0x5b41c06a18d7]
#7 | Hyprland(_ZN15CPointerManager19updateCursorBackendEv+0x3d0) [0x5b41c06a1f70]
#8 | Hyprland(_ZN15CPointerManager15setCursorBufferEN9Hyprutils6Memory14CSharedPointerIN10Aquamarine7IBufferEEERKNS0_4Math8Vector2DERKf+0xb2) [0x5b41c069a712]
    CPointerManager::setCursorBuffer(Hyprutils::Memory::CSharedPointer<Aquamarine::IBuffer>, Hyprutils::Math::Vector2D const&, float const&)
#9 | Hyprland(_ZN14CCursorManager15setCursorBufferEN9Hyprutils6Memory14CSharedPointerI13CCursorBufferEERKNS0_4Math8Vector2DERKf+0x9e) [0x5b41c06789fe]
    CCursorManager::setCursorBuffer(Hyprutils::Memory::CSharedPointer<CCursorBuffer>, Hyprutils::Math::Vector2D const&, float const&)
#1 | Hyprland(_ZN14CCursorManager17setCursorFromNameERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x183) [0x5b41c067a843]
    CCursorManager::setCursorFromName(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
#11 | Hyprland(_ZN14CCursorManager11updateThemeEv+0x149) [0x5b41c067b799]
#12 | Hyprland(+0x29095c) [0x5b41c067b95c]
#13 | Hyprland(_ZN18CHookSystemManager4emitEPSt6vectorI14SCallbackFNPtrSaIS1_EER13SCallbackInfoSt3any+0x4bf) [0x5b41c067eacf]
    CHookSystemManager::emit(std::vector<SCallbackFNPtr, std::allocator<SCallbackFNPtr> >*, SCallbackInfo&, std::any)
#14 | Hyprland(_ZN13CHyprRenderer16applyMonitorRuleEP8CMonitorP12SMonitorRuleb+0xb39) [0x5b41c0831b99]
    CHyprRenderer::applyMonitorRule(CMonitor*, SMonitorRule*, bool)
#15 | Hyprland(_ZN8CMonitor9onConnectEb+0xca1) [0x5b41c06446a1]
#16 | Hyprland(_ZN11CCompositor12onNewMonitorEN9Hyprutils6Memory14CSharedPointerIN10Aquamarine7IOutputEEE+0x329) [0x5b41c05690c9]
#17 | Hyprland(+0x186c06) [0x5b41c0571c06]
    std::any::_Manager_internal<Hyprutils::Memory::CSharedPointer<CMonitor> >::_S_manage(std::any::_Op, std::any const*, std::any::_Arg*)
#18 | /usr/lib/libhyprutils.so.1(_ZN9Hyprutils6Signal21CStaticSignalListener4emitESt3any+0x66) [0x7e9da6c0fdc6]
#19 | /usr/lib/libhyprutils.so.1(_ZN9Hyprutils6Signal7CSignal4emitESt3any+0x59e) [0x7e9da6c103be]
#2 | /usr/lib/libaquamarine.so.2(_ZN10Aquamarine13SDRMConnector7connectEP17_drmModeConnector+0x133d) [0x7e9da70e4cbd]
#21 | /usr/lib/libaquamarine.so.2(_ZN10Aquamarine11CDRMBackend14scanConnectorsEv+0xc10) [0x7e9da70df500]
#22 | /usr/lib/libaquamarine.so.2(+0xa96f4) [0x7e9da70ea6f4]
#23 | /usr/lib/libhyprutils.so.1(_ZN9Hyprutils6Signal15CSignalListener4emitESt3any+0x5f) [0x7e9da6c0fc9f]
#24 | /usr/lib/libhyprutils.so.1(_ZN9Hyprutils6Signal7CSignal4emitESt3any+0x1ee) [0x7e9da6c1000e]
#25 | /usr/lib/libaquamarine.so.2(_ZN10Aquamarine8CSession18dispatchUdevEventsEv+0x4c1) [0x7e9da70b89b1]
#26 | Hyprland(+0x2dd11a) [0x5b41c06c811a]
#27 | /usr/lib/libwayland-server.so.0(wl_event_loop_dispatch+0x1f2) [0x7e9da6fef0a2]
#28 | /usr/lib/libwayland-server.so.0(wl_display_run+0x2f) [0x7e9da6ff110f]
#29 | Hyprland(_ZN17CEventLoopManager9enterLoopEv+0x2a9) [0x5b41c06ca359]
#3 | Hyprland(main+0xc98) [0x5b41c0504768]
#31 | /usr/lib/libc.so.6(+0x25e08) [0x7e9da6634e08]
#32 | /usr/lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0x8c) [0x7e9da6634ecc]
#33 | Hyprland(_start+0x25) [0x5b41c0542fc5]

Log tail: [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 13: 1440x900@59.90Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 14: 1366x768@59.79Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 15: 1280x800@59.91Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 16: 1152x864@75.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 17: 1280x720@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 18: 1280x720@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 19: 1280x720@59.94Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 20: 1280x720@50.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 21: 1024x768@75.03Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 22: 1024x768@70.07Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 23: 1024x768@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 24: 832x624@74.55Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 25: 800x600@75.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 26: 800x600@72.19Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 27: 800x600@60.32Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 28: 720x576@50.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 29: 720x480@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 30: 720x480@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 31: 720x480@59.94Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 32: 720x480@59.94Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 33: 640x480@75.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 34: 640x480@72.81Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 35: 640x480@66.67Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 36: 640x480@60.00Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 37: 640x480@59.94Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 38: 720x400@70.08Hz [LOG] [AQ] drm: Physical size [Vector2D: x: 890, y: 500] (mm) [LOG] [AQ] drm: Description Samsung Electric Company SyncMaster 0x00000001 (HDMI-A-1) [LOG] New aquamarine output with name HDMI-A-1 [LOG] New output with name HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 364 [WARN] No rule found for HDMI-A-1, trying to use the first. [WARN] No rules configured. Using the default hardcoded one. [LOG] Applying monitor rule for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] Setting preferred mode for HDMI-A-1 [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XR24 with modifier 72057594037927944 aka Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XR24 with modifier 72057594037927944 aka Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC [LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Reconfigured a swapchain to [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] XR24 of length 2 [LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible [ERR] [AQ] drm: No CRTC attached to output [ERR] output HDMI-A-1 failed basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XB24 with modifier 72057594037927944 aka Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XB24 with modifier 72057594037927944 aka Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC [LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Reconfigured a swapchain to [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] XB24 of length 2 [ERR] [AQ] drm: No CRTC attached to output [ERR] output HDMI-A-1 failed basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XBGR8888 [ERR] [AQ] drm: No CRTC attached to output [ERR] output HDMI-A-1 failed basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_INVALID [ERR] [AQ] drm: No CRTC attached to output [ERR] Couldn't commit output named HDMI-A-1 [LOG] Monitor HDMI-A-1 -> destroyed all render data [LOG] arrangeMonitors: 2 to arrange [LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 explicit [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-1 auto [-1, -1] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 xwayland [0, 0] [LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-1 xwayland [1920, 0] [LOG] Monitor HDMI-A-1 data dump: res 1920x1080@60.00Hz, scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 1920x0, 10b 0 [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 364 [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Automatically selected format AR24 for new GBM buffer [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Buffer is marked as multigpu, forcing linear [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 256, y: 256] and format AR24 with modifier 0 aka LINEAR [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Automatically selected format AR24 for new GBM buffer [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Buffer is marked as multigpu, forcing linear [LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 256, y: 256] and format AR24 with modifier 0 aka LINEAR [LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Reconfigured a swapchain to [Vector2D: x: 256, y: 256] AR24 of length 2 [LOG] Shaders initialized successfully. [LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 314

MightyPlaza commented 3 months ago

try hyprland-git and aquamarine-git

vaxerski commented 3 months ago

ye thats fixed in git

ValentinMATHIEU commented 3 months ago

Thx for the tip.

I just switched, will see !