hyprwm / hyprland-plugins

Official plugins for Hyprland
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Hyprwinwrap works randomly #100

Closed offeex closed 2 months ago

offeex commented 6 months ago

Look, I don't mean any disrespect to the main developer behind hyprwinwrap, but holy fucking shit has this been an absolute nightmare to setup. I've been bashing my head against the wall trying to get a simple looping video wallpaper working with mpv.

I launch my system, thinking "Alright, easy peasy, just mpv video.mp4 --loop in the terminal." But oh no, that's just the start of my fucking Odyssey with this contraption. Nothing happens. No video, no wallpaper, just empty void laughing in my face. So I start going through all the troubleshooting steps like a goddamn tech priest. Enabling, disabling, reloading this goddamn plugin manager - you name it, I've tried it fifty fucking times over. Didn't make a lick of difference.

The only way I can sometimes, and I mean SOMETIMES, get this bastard child of Cthulhu and a dumpster fire to even maybe work, is by opening the eye-gouging config file. Then I have to furiously switch between class=mpv and class = mpv like I'm a circus bear being poked with a hot iron. Even on the rare miracle occasions when it halfway works, I feel like I've been mentally waterboarded just to get a fucking video loop as my wallpaper. I'm talking 'Nam flashback levels of trauma just from this shit.

Look, I get that software development is hard, but god damn did they fuck the dog on this one. If I were a clinic-level masochist, maybe I'd get off on this amount of struggle-fucking just to accomplish a basic task. But alas, I'm just a normal guy who wanted a little video wallpaper bling. I'm this close to just saying "fuck it" and becoming a Trappist monk to escape this unholy hell-realm of suffering. Or maybe I'll take up birdwatching. Either way, it'll be more peaceful than dealing with this swamp fuckery ever again.

vaxerski commented 6 months ago

uhhh... https://github.com/GhostNaN/mpvpaper

offeex commented 6 months ago

uhhh... https://github.com/GhostNaN/mpvpaper

well, does not work on nvidia gpu unfortunately. Only iGPU. mpv works flawlessly tho

vaxerski commented 6 months ago

that's odd. Anyways, feel free to debug yourself too, it's a small plugin :)

atikiNBTW commented 5 months ago

yeah, the plugin will only work if it sees update in the hyprland.conf. If you start the mpv in exec-once, you will need to make a script to copy the hyprland.conf to itself to get hyprwinwrap to work

Teenarp2003 commented 3 months ago

I have been having the same problem . It really works intermittently. has anybody found a fix for this? i have trawled through the entire internet to get a fix. however i tried it does not work reliably for GLava. as @offeex commented flipping though the spaces between the class = GLava and class=GLava worked but this is so intermittent and every time i relogin it stops working.

atikiNBTW commented 2 months ago

Hyprland actually does not automatically reload the config after plugin init. If you add g_pConfigManager->reload(); after registering the config value it works normally. I think this is a problem with Hyprland, but I may be doing something wrong. image <- not true, proof:
