The MRLC developers are working on updating the database and adding 2019 version. On their website they state that the science product will be added soon. I contacted them and they gave a two-week time frame for bringing the service back with the new dataset.
I have already added support for the new dataset (with this commit and tested it with the mrlc_display layers (not the science product). Once it's back up I will carry out the final tests and release a new version.
What happened: The NLCD service is down.
What you expected to happen: Layer names have been changed and some of the science products are not available as well.
Minimal Complete Verifiable Example:
Anything else we need to know?:
The MRLC developers are working on updating the database and adding 2019 version. On their website they state that the science product will be added soon. I contacted them and they gave a two-week time frame for bringing the service back with the new dataset.
I have already added support for the new dataset (with this commit and tested it with the
layers (not the science product). Once it's back up I will carry out the final tests and release a new version.Environment:
Output of pygeohydro.show_versions()
``` INSTALLED VERSIONS ------------------ commit: 90ee816f2741e0f969327406fd17f77676a8a62e python: 3.9.5 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Jun 19 2021, 00:32:32) [GCC 9.3.0] python-bits: 64 OS: Linux OS-release: 5.8.0-59-generic machine: x86_64 processor: x86_64 byteorder: little LC_ALL: None LANG: en_US.UTF-8 LOCALE: en_US.UTF-8 affine: 2.3.0 aiohttp: 3.7.4.post0 aiohttp-client-cache: 0.4.0 aiosqlite: 0.17.0 async-retriever: 0.2.1.dev28+ga7c8f33.d20210706 click: 7.1.2 cytoolz: 0.11.0 dask: 2021.06.2 defusedxml: 0.7.1 folium: unknown geopandas: 0.9.0 lxml: 4.6.3 matplotlib: 3.4.2 nest-asyncio: installed netCDF4: 1.5.6 networkx: 2.5.1 numpy: 1.21.0 orjson: 3.5.4 owslib: 0.24.1 pandas: 1.3.0 pip: 21.1.3 py3dep: 0.11.1.dev18+g13e8ea1 pyarrow: 4.0.0 pydantic: 1.8.2 pydaymet: 0.11.1.dev12+g1096693.d20210706 pygeohydro: 0.11.1.dev11+g90ee816.d20210706 pygeoogc: 0.11.1.dev31+g1c457f5.d20210706 pygeoutils: 0.11.2.dev25+g05892c6.d20210706 pynhd: 0.11.1.dev13+g3b76c3d.d20210706 pyproj: 3.1.0 pytest: 6.2.4 rasterio: 1.2.6 requests: 2.25.1 requests-cache: 0.6.4 scipy: 1.7.0 setuptools: 49.6.0.post20210108 shapely: 1.7.1 simplejson: 3.17.2 urllib3: 1.26.6 ward: None xarray: 0.18.2 yaml: 5.4.1 None ```