Updated the CircleCI configuration such that it will automatically build both an OracleLinux and CentOS version of HySDS Core.
Added a test workflow configuration to trigger off of the NSDS-1951 branch and this indicates that the docker images were deployed successfully for both oraclelinux and centos7
Updated the CircleCI configuration such that it will automatically build both an OracleLinux and CentOS version of HySDS Core.
Added a test workflow configuration to trigger off of the NSDS-1951 branch and this indicates that the docker images were deployed successfully for both oraclelinux and centos7
Ran a dev-e2e using develop-centos7 of HySDS Release and it passed successfully: https://swot-pcm-ci.jpl.nasa.gov/job/force-branches/job/ci-E2E_NIGHTLY-swot-pcm_develop-force-branch/807/