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Create report on pangeo-forge bakery vs. regular rechunking workflow #383

Open amsnyder opened 9 months ago

amsnyder commented 9 months ago
amsnyder commented 8 months ago

pangeo-forge bakery has standardized template for use to fill in to rechunk a dataset

thodson-usgs commented 8 months ago

In principle, the pangeo-forge tooling seems very useful if we can jump the starting hurdle. I'm working on a recipe to process SSEBOP data for @kjdoore. The recipe was easy but I'm still working through issues

thodson-usgs commented 8 months ago

Still stuck, so I create a recipe PR to pangeo-forge. I'll follow up in their coordination meeting on Monday.

thodson-usgs commented 8 months ago

The SSEBOP recipe seems to be working now, thanks to some assistance from the pangeo-forge community.

All-in-all the recipes are fairly straightforward. Debugging Beam pipelines was challenging but I suspect that will get easier with time.

Pros: community of experts willing to help (esp if we contribute); recipes run a variety of "runners"; easier to manage large projects

Cons: Beam is harder to use than a notebook; Pangeo-forge documentation is incomplete; may create some technical lock-in or necessitate external support