hytseng0509 / CrossDomainFewShot

Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification via Learned Feature-Wise Transformation (ICLR 2020 spotlight)
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Question about model training. #33

Open jarucezh opened 2 years ago

jarucezh commented 2 years ago

Hello Dr. Tseng, Thanks for releasing your code for LFT. I am introducing your repo to reimplement the paper. I wonder whether you use some tricks, for example learning rate decay, to train the model or not. And which model do you utilize to test, the "best_model.tar", "400.tar" or something else? Thanks for your help.

ideal-123 commented 1 year ago

Hello, jarucezh, Have you found how to choose model in test time yet? I have the same question about which model used in test time, cause I found in my experiment that not a definite training model can always perform best in each test dataset. Especially I don't know how to document the results in Table 1.

jarucezh commented 1 year ago

Hi @ideal-123, I didn't find the way to choose the model. Sorry...