hytseng0509 / CrossDomainFewShot

Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification via Learned Feature-Wise Transformation (ICLR 2020 spotlight)
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Ask about the use of some codes #38

Closed dota2mhxy closed 2 years ago

dota2mhxy commented 2 years ago

Hello, thank you for your answer last time. My code ability is relatively poor, and some parts are not very clear. Could you please explain it to me 1

This is a two-dimensional convolution method. I think you choose to use nn.Conv2d or nn. functional.Conv2d according to these two parameters self.weight.fast,self.bias.fast , but I don't understand what these two parameters mean, According to the function description, it seems to be the tensor of filter,tensor of f bias,but i dont konw why do it.The code I usually see is to directly use nn.conv2d

2 I understand the meaning of this method roughly. It is based on whether the name of the network parameter contains gamma, beta. the parameter is divided into model and FW. What I don't understand is why I do this. you saved these data. It seems that you used these data in the later training. @hytseng0509