JWT is an open standard that allows transmitting of data between parties as Json. It is digitally signed so the data is trusted and verified. It can be signed using public/private key(ECDSA or RAS) or made secret with HMAC algorithm.
Header... Payload... Signature.
Hasing algorithm + type of token(JWT)
{ "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" }
The second part of the JWT is a payload that contains the claims. Claims are the statements about the entity, such as a user. Furthermore, the payload contains the additional metadata.
Here is the following information(Registered Claims):
iss (Issuer)
sub( Subject)
aud (Audience)
exp (Expiration Time)
nbf (Not before)
iat (Issued at)
jti (JWT id)
To create the Signature part, we have to use encoded header and payload, a secret that used by the algorithm specified in the header and sign that. The signature is used to verify that the message wasn't changed in transition.
JWT is an open standard that allows transmitting of data between parties as Json. It is digitally signed so the data is trusted and verified. It can be signed using public/private key(ECDSA or RAS) or made secret with HMAC algorithm.
Header... Payload... Signature.
{ "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" }
To create the Signature part, we have to use encoded header and payload, a secret that used by the algorithm specified in the header and sign that. The signature is used to verify that the message wasn't changed in transition.