hyunjimoon / SBC

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Nonlinearly increasing computation time #30

Open hyunjimoon opened 3 years ago

hyunjimoon commented 3 years ago

S = 10 ends within 1 minute, but with 100 it doesn't seem to finish (for over an hour) in result_tn_100 <- compute_results(datasets_tn_100, backend_tn) line.

mod_two_norm = cmdstanr::cmdstan_model(stan_file = "two_normal.stan") # edited from file_path to stan_file
S = 10 #100
N = 30
M = 1000
predictor = NULL
thin_ranks = 10
chains = 4
generator <- function(hyperparam, param, predictor = NULL){
  # hyperparamter
  N = hyperparam$N
  prior_width = hyperparam$prior_width
  # paramter
  loc = param$loc
  scale = param$scale
  # predictor
  # generate
  S = ndraws(param[[1]])
  y <- rvar_rng(rnorm, n = N, mean = loc, sd = scale) #n = N jic
  gen_rvars <- draws_rvars(N = N, y = y, prior_width = prior_width)
  # SBC-type reshape e.g. loc rvar<S>[1] distributed to each parallel simulation as rvar<1>[1]
    parameters = as_draws_matrix(param), 
    generated = draws_rvars_to_standata(gen_rvars)
backend_tn <- SBC_backend_cmdstan_sample(mod_two_norm, chains = chains, iter_sampling = M * thin_ranks / chains)

prior_width = 100
datasets_tn_100 <- generator(
  hyperparam = list(prior_width = prior_width, N = N),
  param = draws_rvars(loc = rvar(rnorm(S, 0, prior_width)), scale = rvar(exp(rnorm(S, 0, prior_width))))
result_tn_100 <- compute_results(datasets_tn_100, backend_tn)

two_normal.stan is:

data {
  int N;
  vector[N] y;
  real<lower=0> prior_width;

parameters {
  real loc;
  real <lower = 0> scale;

model {
  loc ~ normal(0, prior_width);
  scale ~ lognormal(0, prior_width);
  //scale ~ exponential(prior_width);
  y ~ normal(loc, scale);
martinmodrak commented 3 years ago

I just tried it myself and both versions finished in less than 20 seconds...

Are you using multiprocessing? I've used the default


Maybe some of the underlying cmdstan fits hanged?

A quick check: aren't you using some old version of cmdstanr (my version claims that file_path is not a supported argument and the docs don't mention any such argument and instead use stan_file). So maybe there is some problem there?

hyunjimoon commented 3 years ago

I've retried and this time it takes around 2 minutes for S = 100; wow how can this be finished in twenty seconds..?

I am using SBC.min_chunk_size = 5; can increasing this to 10 help? (or is 5 empirically the best, from your experience? Also, can I think of parallel processing you mentioned in code doc and multisession as the same thing? (FYI, from here it was mentioned that future_apply will be deprecated.)

cmdstan fits hanged?

Could some function that helps stuck fit easily spotted 1) noticed and 2) skipped (either manually or automatically) be possible? Maybe this will create a bias as a difficult fit comes from a specific posterior region?

  1. for "spotted" do you have any tips to monitor the process of fitting e.g. progress bar?
  2. for "skip", would storing the fit as .rda (what rstan is doing here) the only option that allows us to keep the fit until disruption? bind_result cannot do this.

A quick check:

I've edited the code.

martinmodrak commented 3 years ago

how can this be finished in twenty seconds..?

I have a quite powerful 20 core PC at work 😁

I am using SBC.min_chunk_size = 5; can increasing this to 10 help?

As discussed at the docs for the chunk_size parameter of compute_results:

We recommend setting this high enough that a single batch takes at least several seconds

On my PC even a single fit of two_normal takes a few seconds, so I didn't increase it. Increasing this is really only useful when your fits are super fast AND you are not fitting a lot of them (the default chunk size is n_datasets / n_cores so when n_datasets is large your chunks are already big enough).

Could some function that helps stuck fit easily spotted 1) noticed and 2) skipped (either manually or automatically) be possible? Maybe this will create a bias as a difficult fit comes from a specific posterior region?

That would be technically quite difficult unless cmdstanr or rstan provide functionality for this. If you had this, I would expect skipping such fits to be quite similar to removing fits that had divergences (which is OK), because the probability of fit being stuck should be just a function of data.

I've edited the code.

But make sure you have a recent version of cmdstanr (I think the latest is and Stan (2.27)- there definitely were some bugs in earlier versions of cmdstanr that could cause cmdstanr to hang, despite the underlying CmdStan process terminated succesfully.

martinmodrak commented 3 years ago

FYI, from here it was mentioned that future_apply will be deprecated.

This concerns the future_lapply function in the future package. We are using future.apply::future_lapply() as recommended on that page.

hyunjimoon commented 3 years ago

Upgraded from cmd_stan 2.21 to 2.27. It feels slightly better, but I felt that it tries to avoid heavy computation. Is this usual? For instance, I was able to run this sigmoid example with mean 5 predictors previously, but updated version doesn't support it. So I had to change this to mean 3.

For future reference, to check cmdstanr version, use sessionInfo().

martinmodrak commented 3 years ago

updated version doesn't support it

What do you mean by "doesn't support" - do you get an error? Or does it take too long?