Open hyxnnii opened 2 weeks ago
Thank you for catching this bug! This is a real issue that is pointed out and we acknowledge it! However, we think this will only cause a minor inconvenience for the reader and furthermore, most of our testing and implementation instructions are given in the DG elsewhere. Additionally, resolving the issue is straightforward and does not involve changes to the product itself, minimizing the overall impact.
Hence, we feel that this bug's severity should be reduced to severity.Low
instead of a severity.Medium
. We hope you find common ground with us on this! Thank you!
Team chose [severity.Low
Originally [severity.Medium
Reason for disagreement: Thank you for the response!
While I agree that this issue does not involve significant changes to the DG itself, I feel that future developers being unable to access these links would actually affect them significantly, as it seems that these links should give information that are actually not findable in the DG itself. Referring to the original AB3 developer guide that contains the same section, their links provide information beyond manual "testing and implementation" (eg. screenshot of AB3 Testing Guide below). Therefore, I feel that the information that these links were supposed to provide are rather very different from the DG content. Furthermore, given that all the links in the section (rather than one or two) are not accessible in any way, I feel that medium severity is more appropriate.
All above links in the DG are broken. Future developers may face great difficulty in accessing these guides.