hyy0613 / RT-1

This is the completion of google's rt-1 project code and can run directly.
Apache License 2.0
22 stars 4 forks source link

How to use? #8

Closed Yeager-101 closed 3 weeks ago

Yeager-101 commented 4 weeks ago

Thank you very much for your work. I am a novice in this field and I really want to know how to use it. I now have a robotic arm and a Realsense camera, but it seems that you are testing with simulated data here. I want to know how to really use it on a hardware system.

hyy0613 commented 4 weeks ago

This repo is mainly based on language-table simulation environment to build the whole pipeline. If you want to test on real robots, you need to carry out the following steps:

  1. You should collect your custom datasets by telecontrol or strategy code to grab specific objects at distinct place(which we have tried is easy to get), at the beginning you can just collect about 100 episodes for a single task like grab the red block on the table with random position.
  2. Convert your custom dataset to RLDS type follow the instruction in this repo.
  3. Then you can train the model with your custom dataset with the tensorflow code of RT-1, if you prefer to use pytorch, you could follow the instruction with other repo like pytorch, but you should also change the dataset type to align with the pytorch code, which I think is easier.
  4. After you trained several steps with loss reduction, you could test them with your environment, you need to write the code to ensure communication between robot and your host service, including the robot camera sensor send an image to the server, the server run the model inference to output the action and send back to robot, then the robot execute it.
  5. I highly recommend you to use simulated environment like calvin or others at the beginning to learn the whole pipeline. Real-world environment has many factors affect the final result. Our team tried to test RT-1 on the real-world environment, the result is not good enough for fine control, so you can try other recent open-source model for instead.

Maybe after some time, I will try and open source the whole pipeline to test the boundaries of each algorithm in real environment, and make a tutorial. However I have some research work to do now, I hope this information above is helpful and wish you good luck.

Yeager-101 commented 4 weeks ago

本 repo 主要基于 language-table 模拟环境搭建整个流程,如果要在真实机器人上进行测试,需要进行如下步骤:

  1. 您应该通过遥控或策略代码收集自定义数据集,以抓取不同位置的特定对象(我们尝试过,很容易获得),一开始您可以为单个任务收集大约 100 个情节,例如以随机位置抓取桌子上的红色块。
  2. 按照此repo中的说明将您的自定义数据集转换为 RLDS 类型。
  3. 然后,您可以使用 RT-1 的 tensorflow 代码通过自定义数据集训练模型,如果您更喜欢使用 pytorch,您可以按照pytorch等其他 repo 的说明进行操作,但您还应该更改数据集类型以与 pytorch 代码保持一致,我认为这更容易。
  4. 在你训练了几个减少损失的步骤之后,你可以在你的环境中测试它们,你需要编写代码来确保机器人和你的主机服务之间的通信,包括机器人摄像头传感器将图像发送到服务器,服务器运行模型推理以输出动作并发送回机器人,然后机器人执行它。
  5. 我强烈建议您在开始时使用calvin或其他模拟环境来学习整个流程。真实环境有许多因素会影响最终结果。我们的团队尝试在真实环境中测试 RT-1,结果不足以进行精细控制,因此您可以尝试其他最近的开源模型。


God, thank you very much for your reply. I will study further according to your suggestions. At the same time, I look forward to the open source of your entire process. Thank you again for your suggestions.