hyye / lio-mapping

Implementation of Tightly Coupled 3D Lidar Inertial Odometry and Mapping (LIO-mapping)
GNU General Public License v3.0
897 stars 320 forks source link

lio_estimator_node error #63

Closed zhangzhouyuan closed 4 years ago

zhangzhouyuan commented 4 years ago

Hi, I try to use lio_estimator_node to generate odom,But an error occurred

roslaunch lio test_indoor.launch ... logging to /home/zyx/.ros/log/31290dc8-7faa-11ea-aefb-e8d8d16fbe3d/roslaunch-zyx-HP-Laptop-14s-cr2xxx-28107.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://zyx-HP-Laptop-14s-cr2xxx:45375/



NODES / lio_estimator (lio/lio_estimator_node) lio_processor (lio/lio_processor_node)


process[lio_processor-1]: started with pid [28145] process[lio_estimator-2]: started with pid [28146] I0416 14:19:16.431304 28145 PointProcessor.cc:82] lower_bound: -15 I0416 14:19:16.431484 28145 PointProcessor.cc:83] upper_bound: 15 I0416 14:19:16.431505 28145 YamlLoader.cc:13] config_file: I0416 14:19:16.431526 28145 processor_node.cc:90] laser_scans: 16 I0416 14:19:16.485013 28146 YamlLoader.cc:13] config_file: /home/zyx/test/src/LIO_mapping/lio-mapping/config/indoor_test_config.yaml I0416 14:19:16.493486 28146 MeasurementManager.cc:50] msg_time_delay: 0.05s I0416 14:19:16.493522 28146 MeasurementManager.cc:51] scan_period: 0.1s I0416 14:19:27.111759 28158 Estimator.cc:544] >>>>>>> extrinsic calibration failed <<<<<<< I0416 14:19:27.902637 28158 Estimator.cc:544] >>>>>>> extrinsic calibration failed <<<<<<< I0416 14:19:28.699381 28158 Estimator.cc:544] >>>>>>> extrinsic calibration failed <<<<<<< I0416 14:19:29.526885 28158 Estimator.cc:544] >>>>>>> extrinsic calibration failed <<<<<<< I0416 14:19:30.313222 28158 Estimator.cc:544] >>>>>>> extrinsic calibration failed <<<<<<< I0416 14:19:31.143107 28158 Estimator.cc:544] >>>>>>> extrinsic calibration failed <<<<<<< I0416 14:19:31.929845 28158 Estimator.cc:544] >>>>>>> extrinsic calibration failed <<<<<<< I0416 14:19:32.721494 28158 Estimator.cc:544] >>>>>>> extrinsic calibration failed <<<<<<< I0416 14:19:33.516692 28158 Estimator.cc:544] >>>>>>> extrinsic calibration failed <<<<<<< I0416 14:19:34.312844 28158 Estimator.cc:544] >>>>>>> extrinsic calibration failed <<<<<<< I0416 14:19:35.121338 28158 Estimator.cc:544] >>>>>>> extrinsic calibration failed <<<<<<< I0416 14:19:35.940508 28158 Estimator.cc:544] >>>>>>> extrinsic calibration failed <<<<<<< I0416 14:19:36.727543 28158 Estimator.cc:544] >>>>>>> extrinsic calibration failed <<<<<<< I0416 14:19:37.529842 28158 Estimator.cc:544] >>>>>>> extrinsic calibration successful <<<<<<< [ WARN] [1587017977.551398513]: >>>>>>> IMU initialized <<<<<<< lio_estimator_node: /build/pcl-OilVEB/pcl-1.8.1+dfsg1/kdtree/include/pcl/kdtree/impl/kdtree_flann.hpp:136: int pcl::KdTreeFLANN<PointT, Dist>::nearestKSearch(const PointT&, int, std::vector&, std::vector&) const [with PointT = pcl::PointXYZI; Dist = flann::L2_Simple]: Assertion `pointrepresentation->isValid (point) && "Invalid (NaN, Inf) point coordinates given to nearestKSearch!"' failed. [lio_estimator-2] process has died [pid 28146, exit code -6, cmd /home/zyx/test/devel/lib/lio/lio_estimator_node __name:=lio_estimator __log:=/home/zyx/.ros/log/31290dc8-7faa-11ea-aefb-e8d8d16fbe3d/lio_estimator-2.log]. log file: /home/zyx/.ros/log/31290dc8-7faa-11ea-aefb-e8d8d16fbe3d/lio_estimator-2*.log

How can I solve this problem? Thanks.