hyye / lio-mapping

Implementation of Tightly Coupled 3D Lidar Inertial Odometry and Mapping (LIO-mapping)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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malloc(): memory corruption error #77

Open ArghyaChatterjee opened 3 years ago

ArghyaChatterjee commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am facing a problem regarding memory corruption. I have 2 VLP-16 pointcloud dataset (one is in front tilted with an angle of 45 degree and another one is at the centre verticle to the ground, data from both of them were merged and transformed with respect to base_link) along with imu dataset in a bag file of a rover which roves in an indoor environment for around 1500s. Special things to mention:

Now here is what the data started to produce after launching the roslaunch lio test_indoor.launch and roslaunch lio map_4D_indoor.launch & the bag file.

Note: I have changed the frame_ids accordingly and after running the launch files, there is no error on the terminal regarding tf mismatch or something similar. Initially, it starts to produce great map but lags behind as it continued to explore the other rooms inside the campus with lagging and eventually die after sometime..

The exact error was:

malloc(): memory corruption
[lio_processor - 1] process has dies [pid 24315, exit code - 6 /home/arghya/costar_ws/devel/lib/lio/lio_processor_node __name:=lio_processor __log:=/homr/arghya/.ros/log/108f743e-0034-11eb-9c75-4485007e1d87/lio_processor-1.log]. log file: /home/arghya/.ros/log/108f743e-0034-11eb-9c75-4485007e1d87/lio_processor-1*.log

Is there any solution to this problem ?