hzdg / hz-core

HZ's internal library of React Components 🚧
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Rename to hz-ui-core #28

Closed talebbits closed 4 years ago

talebbits commented 5 years ago


I think we should rename this project to hz-ui-core to make it more clear and leave core name space, so we can have hz-cli-core and other hz core library ?

lettertwo commented 5 years ago

One consideration: we are using the @hzcore npm scope for these packages. We also have an @hzdg scope, for anything we might publish that isn’t “core”, like the cli.

elainen commented 5 years ago

The name initially came from wanting to do something similar to terra-core and material-ui/core. I'm not completely against renaming hz-core but I wouldn't know what. The name hz-ui-core can also be a bit confusing cause it might end up sounding like we have a core UI displaying all of our HZ projects (which would be cool!!).

aamorozov commented 5 years ago

What if we keep the @hzdg namespace and move the core to @hzdg/core-frontend/package_name. That way cli will be smth like @hzdg/cli/cli_command_name and pip packages can be @hzdg/core-backend/package_name. I know it's more typing, but it is the least confusing structure that I can think of

aamorozov commented 5 years ago

I don't think npm supports nested scopes, but we should be able to make it work with lerna.

elainen commented 4 years ago

Closing, dont plan on renaming for now.