hzeller / flaschen-taschen

Noisebridge Flaschen Taschen display
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Aspect ratio and/or aliasing? #60

Open Kevin-Prichard opened 3 years ago

Kevin-Prichard commented 3 years ago

Howdy @hzeller! I hate to use an issue to pose newb questions, but where else are things flaschen-taschen discussed?

Looking thru the code to find whether specifying an aspect ratio is possible, and haven't found that yet.

Similarly, when pixels in source image data are mapped to LEDs, are they aliased?

If either or neither -- would these be (a) desirable feature(s) for the flaschen-taschen community? Would it be worth my time to add these? I mean, it would be for me, because the device I am building will result in uniformly rectangular pixel cells, and essentially have no control over that (and suspect that aspect ratio is a thing others might want)

I see that libswscale is employed, and yes it can scale images to match the wxh of an output device's aspect ratio. However, consider a device where physical layout is equivalent, widthPhys=heightPhys but pixel density is different, e.g. widthPixel=2*heightPixel.

Are such nonsquare pixel layouts accommodated by libswscale -and, if so, do I need to do anything else? Ty