hzeller / gmrender-resurrect

Resource efficient UPnP/DLNA renderer, optimal for Raspberry Pi, CuBox or a general MediaServer. Fork of GMediaRenderer to add some features to make it usable.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Added proper support for buffering #160

Closed hrittich closed 6 years ago

hrittich commented 6 years ago

When using gmediarender I often experience some stuttering of the audio at the beginning of some playback. This patch adds proper buffer handling and fixes the undesired behavior.

hzeller commented 6 years ago

Nice, thank you! Did you check if this will seamlessly join together consecutive pieces of music (i.e. no delay to buffer the next piece but it starts already pre-buffering while the remaining file is still played)? This is in particular important for the gapless support.

hrittich commented 6 years ago

I have tried it in combination with pulseaudio-dlna. In this case it works fine.

hzeller commented 6 years ago

Cool. Anyway, merged.

HAL2005 commented 5 years ago

I have the same problem with a pi 3+. What can i do to change the buffer size after compilation? I have compiled gmediarenderer yesterday with GS 1.0 under alsa according to http://blog.scphillips.com/posts/2014/05/playing-music-on-a-raspberry-pi-using-upnp-and-dlna-v3/. Thanks!

hrittich commented 5 years ago

@HAL2005 If you use the recent version from github containing this patch, you can use the commandline option --gstout-buffer-duration to set the buffer size in seconds.