Open ASimb opened 4 years ago
thanks! Can you provide this as a diff to easier see the changes ? Just do a git diff
on the modified file in your checkout.
Sorry, I'm a newbe here, so I don't know how to do a git diff :-) I try a more classic way: in the output_gstreamer_play() I added the following lines at the begining:
//ASimb: the following lines ensure, that no empty URI
// is transmitted to the GStreamer
if (gsuri_==NULL) {
Log_info("gstreamer", "setting play state failed (No URI to play)");
return -1;
and in my_bus_callback() I modified the lines at the GST_MESSAGE_EOS case after the "else":
} else {
//ASimb: the second line is needed to ensure,
// that the GStreamer really stops
Log_info("gstreamer", "%s: No further stream available", msgSrcName);
gst_element_set_state(player_, GST_STATE_READY);
if (play_trans_callback_) {
For details please see my post at the begining
@ASimb What is your setup for gmrender-resurrect & bluealsa?
#defaults.pcm.!card "btspeaker"
#defaults.ctl.!card "btspeaker"
pcm.btspeaker {
type plug
slave.pcm {
type bluealsa
service org.bluealsa
device "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
profile "a2dp"
hint {
show on
description "BT speaker (Get Together Mini)"
ctl.btspeaker {
type bluealsa
pcm.!default {
type plug
fallback "sysdefault"
slave.pcm "btspeaker"
ctl.!default {
type plug
fallback "sysdefault"
slave.ctl "btspeaker"
#ctl.!default {
# type hw
# card 0
# }
gmrenderer - start script:
# Provides: gmediarender
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog $all
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start GMediaRender at boot time
# Description: Start GMediaRender at boot time.
# User and group the daemon will be running as. On the Raspberry Pi, let's use
# the default user.
# Device name as it will be advertised to and shown in the UPnP controller UI.
# Some string that helps you recognize the player, e.g. "Livingroom Player"
UPNP_DEVICE_NAME="Mediarender Keller"
# Initial volume in decibel. 0.0 is 'full volume', -10 correspondents to '75' on
# the exported volume scale (Note, this does not change the ALSA volume, only
# internal to gmrender. So make sure to leave the ALSA volume always to 100%).
# If you explicitly choose a specific ALSA device here (find them with 'aplay -L'), then
# gmediarenderer will use that ALSA device to play audio.
# Otherwise, whatever default is configured for gstreamer for the '$DAEMON_USER' is
# used.
#Wenn aktiviert wird ein logfile erstellt
#LOG_FILE_PARAM="--logfile /var/tmp/gmrenderer.log"
# Path to the gmediarender binary.
if [ -n "$ALSA_DEVICE" ] ; then
# A simple stable UUID, based on this systems' first ethernet devices MAC address,
# only using tools readily available to generate.
UPNP_UUID=`ip link show | awk '/ether/ {print "salt:)-" $2}' | head -1 | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'`
export USER HOME
case "$1" in
echo "Starting GMediaRender"
start-stop-daemon -x $BINARY_PATH -c "$DAEMON_USER" -S -- -f "$UPNP_DEVICE_NAME" -d -u "$UPNP_UUID" $GS_SINK_PARAM $GS_DEVICE_PARAM --gstout-initial-volume-db=$INITIAL_VOLUME_DB $LOG_FILE_PARAM
echo "Stopping GMediaRender"
start-stop-daemon -x $BINARY_PATH -K
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/gmediarender {start|stop}"
exit 1
exit 0
Hi, I have two Raspberry PI running with gmediarenderer (PI4B and PI3A). The smaller one is connected to the HiFi via plug => AUX and everything runs perfectly. The other one is connected via bluealsa to BT speakers. I found out, that every time a song runs out OR I try to start "PLAY" if no URI is present, the gmediarenderer hangs up completely. I had to disconnect and reconnect the speakers to get it work again. I found out, that two modifications in the output_gstreamer.c solved the problem (for me):