hzeller / gmrender-resurrect

Resource efficient UPnP/DLNA renderer, optimal for Raspberry Pi, CuBox or a general MediaServer. Fork of GMediaRenderer to add some features to make it usable.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Stock Galaxy Note 3 player #56

Open WormsCH opened 10 years ago

WormsCH commented 10 years ago

Hi, unable to find the render with the stock samsung's music player. (It's working perfectly with BunnleUPnP so it's not a network issue) I've also an other Raspberry Pi with XBMC on it (RaspMBC) and I see it from the samsung's player.

WormsCH commented 10 years ago

Hi, Tested on stock Samsung galaxy s3 mini, s4 mini and tab3 10.1. They are all able to see the upnp device and broadcast music O_o

Only the GN3's player wouldn't see something else than my XBMC :(

According to gmrender-resurrect's log, there is nothing when I list the avaiable UBnP devices or hit the refresh button on my GN3 (but accessing to the file description.xml isn't loged and I don't know where adding this capability in the source file. (isn't the webserver.c supposed to serve this file ?)

When I list the avaiable upnp device with the s3 mini, s4 mini or tab3, the only thing i can see in the log is the access of "upnp/grender-64x64.png (image/png) len=8209" (7 times)

So, i don't know if the player doesn't like the notify message and ignore gmrender or if he try to get the description.xml file and decide to ignore the render after reading this file.

WormsCH commented 10 years ago

Is this project dead ?

hzeller commented 10 years ago

No, I am just pretty busy right now :)

It is hard to tell what is wrong because I don't have access to an Samsung device like that. Maybe I can get access to a 10.1 tablet.

It might be expecting something special, but that is not clear. Let's see if I can get some time next weekend to figure it out.

In the meantime, if you can post the gmrender-resurrect log somewhere, that would be useful.

hzeller commented 10 years ago

Ah, another thing: do you have connected the gmrender-resurrect via ethernet and Wifi ? In that case, you need to explicitly choose the IP-address you want to be using (there is a commandline-flag)

See #47

WormsCH commented 10 years ago

As I said, gmrender-resurrect works perfectly with a galaxy tab 3 10.1 and s3/s4 mini It's also working with Bubble UPnP, so it's not a network issue (my raspberry is only connecter over ethernet, so only one IP address)

The issue is on the Galaxy Note 3 stock player. I can't see the gmrender-resurrect in the listed device (I can only see my XBMC)

There is nothing in the gmrender-resurrect log (the access to file description.xml is not logged. I tryed to add this feature by myself but couldn't managed to do that. description.xml doesn't seem be served by webserver.c)

I don't know if the Note 3 player refuse to show gmrender-resurrect because of something in the Notify message or because of something in the description.xml (logging access with source IP to this file could be helpful).

Thank for your help.

hzeller commented 10 years ago

I don't have a Note to test unfortunately. Do you know a URL to an APK for that app?

WormsCH commented 10 years ago

I'll try to find one

WormsCH commented 10 years ago

Hi, I can take the .apk directly from /system/app but unable to install the apk on another device, so I don't know if it's helpful.

I don't know how I can help you or rather how you can help me ^^

I've some knowledge on networking and programming so if you have an idea I may make the changes and test it for you.

Thank for your help.

hzeller commented 10 years ago

I try to implement the device capability stuff discussed in some other thread, then let's go from there.

WormsCH commented 10 years ago

Any news for this issue ?

cedric-rudareanu commented 10 years ago

Hi, I've the same issue, any news/ progress on this issue ?

WormsCH commented 10 years ago

Sad to see no change since 2 month. Honestly, i can help you, I know C but don't know verry well UPNP. If you have any idea, I can do the job. If you need something i can try to give it to you. Maybe a pcap made on the RPI ? (I can't do it on my phone, it's not rooted and rooting my phone involve burning an efuse :/ ) I can give you the copied .apk from /system/app but it's not working on other devices.

In the log there is absolutely nothing about a connexion attemp from my phone (but access to the description.xml is not logged, so I guess maybe something is wrong in this file)

I hope we'll be able to fix this issue. Have a nice day.

TheAlxH commented 9 years ago

Hey guys! I've noticed the same problem with the Samsung S4 (Android 4.4.2) stock music player so I'd like to revive the discussion :-). Any progress here? BTW the stock music player of a Samsung Note 10.1 (1st gen // Android 4.4.2) works fine for me. BubbleUPnP works on both devices well (thx for the hint!).