hzeller / kicad-source-mirror

(my personal sandbox copy of KiCad. Nothing to see here)
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eeschema: adding a hierarchical sheet with existing annotation #43

Open thatch opened 6 years ago

thatch commented 6 years ago

...probably ought to either clear annotation or warn if it collides with existing names.

(In the UI, you do this by using "Create Hierarchical Sheet" on the right toolbar, then specifying an existing filename. You can get into the same state using duplicated sheets -- box-select an annotated one, Ctrl-C, then use the "Paste" toolbar button.)

Tested on 4.0.6

thatch commented 6 years ago

Somewhat related, a "Duplicate Sheet" option in context menu would make that feature more discoverable. You can't right-click a hierchical sheet and copy, and it didn't occur to me to try the paste even after group-copying with Ctrl-C except someone suggested it online.