hzeller / rpi-rgb-led-matrix

Controlling up to three chains of 64x64, 32x32, 16x32 or similar RGB LED displays using Raspberry Pi GPIO
GNU General Public License v2.0
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How to create a few FrameCanvases in Python? #1317

Open xXZyzzXx opened 3 years ago

xXZyzzXx commented 3 years ago

I have 8 chained 32x32 LED panels and I'm trying to display moving text separately in three areas of the frame:

    options.chain_length = 2
    self.left_matrix = RGBMatrix(options=options)
    options.chain_length = 4
    self.center_matrix = RGBMatrix(options=options)
    options.chain_length = 2
    self.right_matrix = RGBMatrix(options=options)

    left_matrix = self.left_matrix.CreateFrameCanvas()
    center_matrix = self.center_matrix.CreateFrameCanvas()
    right_matrix = self.right_matrix.CreateFrameCanvas()
    data = ["197", "text to display in a center", 3"]
    self.run_x_pos = center_matrix.width
    while True:
        self.textColor = graphics.Color(randrange(255), randrange(255), randrange(255))
        graphics.DrawText(left_matrix, font, self.run_x_pos, 22, self.textColor, data[0])
        text_len = graphics.DrawText(center_matrix, font, self.run_x_pos, y_pos, self.textColor, data[1])
        self.run_x_pos -= 1
        if self.run_x_pos + text_len < 0:
            self.run_x_pos = center_matrix.width
        graphics.DrawText(right_matrix, font, self.run_x_pos, y_pos, self.textColor, data[2])

It doesn't work as it should, how to create multiple matrix correctly?

I found that it is possible to create multiple panels in https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/issues/622#issuecomment-389354771 comment

Or is there some way to limit the text display area inside the root frame?

raspberry-pi-maker commented 3 years ago

I think you can write multiple text lines in one canvas. So there is no need to divide it into multiple canvases.

options.chain_length = 8
self.matrix = RGBMatrix(options=options)
canvas = self.matrix.CreateFrameCanvas()
data = ["197", "text to display in a center", 3"]
self.run_x_pos = center_matrix.width
    while True:
        self.textColor = graphics.Color(randrange(255), randrange(255), randrange(255))
        graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, self.run_x_pos, 22, self.textColor, data[0])
        text_len = graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, self.run_x_pos, y_pos, self.textColor, data[1])
        self.run_x_pos -= 1
        if self.run_x_pos + text_len < 0:
            self.run_x_pos = canvas.width
        graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, self.run_x_pos, y_pos, self.textColor, data[2])
        canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
xXZyzzXx commented 3 years ago

I think you can write multiple text lines in one canvas. So there is no need to divide it into multiple canvases.

options.chain_length = 8
self.matrix = RGBMatrix(options=options)
canvas = self.matrix.CreateFrameCanvas()
data = ["197", "text to display in a center", 3"]
self.run_x_pos = center_matrix.width
    while True:
        self.textColor = graphics.Color(randrange(255), randrange(255), randrange(255))
        graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, self.run_x_pos, 22, self.textColor, data[0])
        text_len = graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, self.run_x_pos, y_pos, self.textColor, data[1])
        self.run_x_pos -= 1
        if self.run_x_pos + text_len < 0:
            self.run_x_pos = canvas.width
        graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, self.run_x_pos, y_pos, self.textColor, data[2])
        canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)

I need the text to scroll only within its border. With one matrix, the pixels go beyond these limits and disappear only with a minus value of x. Scrolling text should not go beyond the first text.

raspberry-pi-maker commented 3 years ago

I am familiar with image processing libraries such as PIL and OpenCV. So, if I were to work, I would create 3 PIL images (64X32, 128X32, 64X32), work with text on each image, and then merge the 3 images. And I will display the combined image on one canvas like this.

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

def get_concat_h(im1, im2, im3):
    dst = Image.new('RGB', (im1.width + im2.width + im3.width, im1.height))
    dst.paste(im1, (0, 0))
    dst.paste(im2, (im1.width, 0))
    dst.paste(im3, (im1.width + im2.width, 0))
    return dst

fnt = ImageFont.truetype('./font/yourfontname.ttf', 40)
while True:
  im1 = Image.new('RGB', (64, 32),(255, 255, 255))
  im2 = Image.new('RGB', (128, 32),(255, 255, 255))
  im3 = Image.new('RGB', (64, 32),(255, 255, 255))

  draw1 = ImageDraw.Draw(im1)
  draw1.text((30,30), u'Hello World', font=fnt, fill=(0,0,255,128))
  draw2 = ImageDraw.Draw(im2)
  draw2.text((30,30), u'Hello World', font=fnt, fill=(0,0,255,128))
  draw3 = ImageDraw.Draw(im2)
  draw3.text((30,30), u'Hello World', font=fnt, fill=(0,0,255,128))

  im_pil = get_concat_h(im1,im2,im3)
  canvas = matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)