hzyu17 / VIMP

Motion Planning via Gaussian Variational Inference
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Modified double integrator to several experiments #31

Closed ChenZhenY closed 1 year ago

ChenZhenY commented 1 year ago

Now we can use the same syntax and similar xml.file as point robot to execute experiments for double integrator.

  1. running examples: ./src/pgcs/pgcs_dintegrator 32 planar_pR_map2_BRM_10nodes_time1 First argument is the number of experiments in the xml file. Second argument is the name of the config. Assumed in the configs/pgcs directory.
  2. The common code in point robot XML files need to be modified to support the current code. Last one, change the directory of your name too. <speed> 0.18 </speed> <state_cost_scale> 10.0 </state_cost_scale> <field_file>/home/zchen927/Documents/VIMP/vimp/maps/2dpR/map2/field_multiobs_map2.csv</field_file>