case_init.cgn bundled with unittests_cgnsfile was invalid. It contains no calculation result, but it had BaseIterativeData_t node with length 1 (it means that the CGNS has one calculation result data).
The data is invalid, and different from CGNS files that iRIC GUI create.
So, testing with this file will cause problems that even the unit tests pass, iriclib does not work correctly with CGNS files that iRIC GUI generates.
case_init.cgn bundled with unittests_cgnsfile was invalid. It contains no calculation result, but it had BaseIterativeData_t node with length 1 (it means that the CGNS has one calculation result data).
The data is invalid, and different from CGNS files that iRIC GUI create.
So, testing with this file will cause problems that even the unit tests pass, iriclib does not work correctly with CGNS files that iRIC GUI generates.