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iTechX: Open source, edX-style, free course sharing platform.
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iTechX Announcements #27

Open why-in-Shanghaitech opened 2 years ago

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 2 years ago

These announcements will show up on our main website.

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 2 years ago

Welcome! Hi! Welcome to iTechX. Our new site is currently in Beta, welcome to explore and enjoy! (๑╹◡╹)ノ"""

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 2 years ago

Comments Fixed Thanks @victoryang00 finding the bug in the comment system. Now it has been fixed, and feel free to make your comments!

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 2 years ago

Mirror Site I've noticed that some iTechX visitors are encountering network issues. I prepare a mirror site in case you cannot visit our main site smoothly: itechx.netlify.app. The content is exactly the same.

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 2 years ago

Contribute to iTechX! Now everyone can create courses and upload materials in iTechX! After logging in, move your mouse to the top right corner and click on "进入个人空间". Create a personal space, upload anything you like and select "合并至主站" in the top right corner. The personal space is still in Beta public testing.

Also, welcome to promote iTechX to your peers! Ask them to share the courses they've taken, and you'll get a lot more from their sharings. (〃'▽'〃)

Feel free to tell us what you think about iTechX here.

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 2 years ago

New Members! Welcome @dxxxxx926 @lumos799 @slbln @Ankery joining iTechX as members! Great thanks for your contributions.

Anyone who wants to join iTechX, please let me know. I'll contact you as soon as possible.

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 2 years ago

Proxy is possibly failed We recently noticed that our proxy built upon Cloudflare is possibly failed. You need to switch to Github API by 设置->API->无代理. You can also use your own proxy if necessary.

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 2 years ago

The Story of iTechX Want to learn about the birth of iTechX? Read our stories from the official site of ShanghaiTech University! |ω・)و ̑̑༉

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 1 year ago

Proxy failed The GHUCS proxy seems to be failed. Click '设置' at the top bar to change the settings. We recommend switching the 'Reader' proxy to 'jsDelivr 代理 (fastly)' and switching the 'Images' proxy to 'ghproxy 代理'. I've refreshed the settings, so hopefully, no actions are required on your side.

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 1 year ago

帮助我们完善iTechX iTechX正在由极少数的学生组织和运转。我们知道,仅靠我们的力量是远远不够的。现在,iTechX的涵盖的课程正在不断增加,我们希望有更多来自不同专业、学院的同学们能够为这个社区贡献力量!点击查看如何在iTechX中创建更多课程、完善学期信息与添加课程资料。

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 1 year ago

登录代理修复 由于登录使用的代理服务无法使用,自2022年5月起,首次登录的用户在受限地区可能无法正常登录。我们近期更换了代理服务,所有用户可以在授权后正常登录iTechX。

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 1 year ago

iTechX 旧版链接失效 iTechX旧版存储服务将于2023年3月13日上午12:00结束。服务停止后,iTechX旧版所有链接将无法访问。由于人手不足,我们目前没有数据迁移的计划。服务成功迁移,原链接将被重定向到新地址。

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 1 year ago

课程移除通知(1) 经学生反馈,应任课教师要求,以下课程内容将从iTechX永久移除,并不再接受新的贡献:SI120, CS152, CS252. 以下课程将从iTechX旧版永久移除:SI120, CS152. 移除操作完成前,iTechX将无法访问。 移除已完成(#81

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 1 year ago

视频移除提示 因视频存储服务调整,所有一年内无访问的视频将被删除。删除后,iTechX中的嵌入视频将无法访问。由于我们难以统计哪些视频已经或将被移除,部分失效视频链接可能仍将储存在iTechX数据库中。

why-in-Shanghaitech commented 8 months ago

视频移除通知 因视频存储终止服务,所有视频已无法访问。iTechX已移除所有嵌入视频。如有视频访问需求、建议,欢迎至#10#97讨论。