i-adopt / users_stories

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Scientist - find data - to calculate a Nitrogen budget for an algal population #8

Open mobb opened 4 years ago

mobb commented 4 years ago

As a...

Scientist (or scientific data analyst)

I want to...

Find datasets of

So that...

to model the relative importance of different sources of nitrogen to the annual requirements for growth of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera by characterizing their delivery.


Oceanography, nutrient chemistry, hydrology, algal growth and content

Addition Information

This analysis has been accomplished manually (https://doi.org/10.1002/lol2.10088), and some datasets are cited therein. In total, 10-12 datasets were employed (all publicly available data). As some of these datasets are ongoing, the analysis could be repeated (e.g, under a changing climate regime) or adapted for a different species of algae or functional group (bulk phytoplankton). Annotation of appropriate time series would greatly assist that effort.

mabablue commented 4 years ago

Dear @mobb could you please check whether the assigned labels fit as use cases for your user story? Please check this table to find a better or additional use case which matches better your user story.

mobb commented 4 years ago

@mabablue these look fine.