i-am-fyre / Scraper-Discord-Notification

A scraper used to find new Kijiji posts and send a Discord message.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 2 forks source link

Reduce ads.json size? #4

Closed i-am-fyre closed 5 years ago

i-am-fyre commented 5 years ago

Can we reduce the amount of output to ads.json? Perhaps just putting an unique ID number in there is sufficient after the ad has been sent to Discord.

{"1473635771": {"Title": "Refurb Dell PowerEdge 2950 II LFF 4-Core 3GHz 5160 32GB RAM", "Image": "<img alt=\"Refurb Dell PowerEdge 2950 II LFF 4-Core 3GHz 5160 32GB RAM\" data-src=\"https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MzgzWDgwMA==/z/fKcAAOSwihtd2PAO/$_35.PNG\" src=\"https://ca.classistatic.com/static/V/8750/img/placeholder-large.png\"/>", "Url": "http://www.kijiji.ca/v-servers/winnipeg/refurb-dell-poweredge-2950-ii-lff-4-core-3ghz-5160-32gb-ram/1473635771", "Details": "", "Description": "Refurbished Dell PowerEdge 2950 II LFF 4-Core 3GHz 5160 32GB RAM This Dell PowerEdge 2950 II comes with 2x Intel Xeon 5160 processors and 32GB (8x 4GB) of RAM. Specifications Manufacturer Dell Model: ...", "Date": "23/11/2019", "Location": "Winnipeg", "Price": "$150.00"}} down to: "{1473635771}"