Open i-mighty opened 4 years ago
import fetchUsers from './actions/fetchUsers'function* fetchUsersSaga() { const { response, cancel } = yield race({ response: call(fetchUsers), cancel: take(CANCEL_FETCH) }) } Depending on which task resolves or rejects first, the losing effect is automatically cancelled by the middleware. i.e. if fetchUsers resolves or rejects first, the result of the race will be an object: {response: result(which could be the users or errors)}
As much as possible, avoid making changes to the configurations of the projects.
This task is to ascertain your familiarity with the stack we would be using. Please feel free to ask questions. Also, it is not within our immediate plans to integrate the codes from this task into production now or at any time in the future. We would duly notify you if that would be the case.
The Task Create a simple tab with a QR Code on one side and a QRCode Scanner on the other.
Note Although there is no strict time limit to this task, It goes without saying that finishing quicker is a plus. When you are through, create a PR and post your answers to the questions in a comment in the PR. Feel free to ask questions if you are not clear.