Open rgleason opened 7 months ago
I after setting Depth = 3 and Checking Linked, a downloaded successfully. When I use that file when it is expanded, and then opening the TOC.html and check the linking, I find that the first level does link and the levels below that don't because I can't get a depth = 5 or 6 to complete a file.
Also the TOC does link, but the Indexmenu alongside does not and it has a "Capcha" notice blocking notice.
Since the Sidebar Indexmenu does not seem to be working:
One of the other bigger problems is
Here is my site export plugin configuration setup page from previous years.
Some things have changed since then, but some things haven't From previous successful years a TOC page has to be used. We are using this code for the page:
{{indexmenu>:opencpn:manual_basic#5|msort nsort nojs skipns=/(opencpn:toc_manual_basic|opencpn:toc|opencpn:user_corner|opencpn:developer_manual|opencpn:opencpn_user_manual|opencpn:supplementary_hardware| opencpn:supplementary_software|opencpn:edit_user_manual|opencpn:community_dev|opencpn:community_user|0pencpn:dev_manual|opencpn:manual_plugins|opencpn:manual_advanced)/}}
Then to use Site Export open Table of Contents Page and go to Admin > Site Export and set the configuration.
Debug Error.log has no current errors.
I have checked all the links in many ways, and am wondering if there is anything else I should check. Also I would like to understand what these do more specifically.