i-nex / I-Nex

System information tool written in gambas3, python, bash
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Update i-nex.spec #25

Closed alphastar868 closed 8 years ago

alphastar868 commented 8 years ago

Fixes to remove "Recommends:" directives from SPEC file, which breaks RedHat RPM.

eloaders commented 8 years ago

Image files for the cards must have a transparent background and size 160px / 160px

alphastar868 commented 8 years ago

Okay, I believe I corrected the issues with the logos now.

I've also included an update that should enable detection of many newer (2014 and later) Skylake, Broadwell and Haswell Intel Core-i7s.

eloaders commented 8 years ago

Good thanks. I believe that the details are correct. How do you write data? Kate, gedit?

alphastar868 commented 8 years ago

Interestingly, I found this to help alot: JSONedit

alphastar868 commented 8 years ago

FYI: Successfully compiled 0c37f17 using /dists/redhat/i-nex.spec on Centos 7.2 (1511).

Dependencies are another matter though. Here is a short guide to the steps:

  1. Enable EPEL repo from FedoraProject, to simplify finding dependency packages
  2. Install Development Tools for CentOS sudo yum group install "Development Tools"
  3. Setup the RPM build environment under CentOS
  4. (Re)build/install libcpuid11 and libcpuid-devel (from and gambas3 from copr/brollylssj repo.
  5. (Re)build/install gambas3* from Fedora Rawhide repo.

NOTE: I rebuilt the x86_64.SRPM in CentOS for steps 4 and 5, rather than install the Fedora (fc) RPM from the repo. Doing so means that you also have to satisfy the dependencies for building these packages as well.

To install dependencies required for building I-Nex do:

sudo yum localinstall ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/libcpuid*
sudo yum localinstall ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/gambas3-{devel,gb-desktop,gb-form,\

sudo yum install ImageMagick automake autoconf fdupes hicolor-icon-theme net-tools \ 
libX11-devel gtkglext-devel procps-ng procps-ng-devel i2c-tools pciutils pkgconfig xz

Build and install I-Nex packages:

  1. Download the included SPEC file
  2. Download the source: https://github.com/eloaders/I-Nex/archive/<gittag>.zip Latest commit is recommended. Recent versions include better support for CentOS.
  3. Edit the SPEC file to change %gitdate,%gitlong and %gittag to match
  4. Execute the following (replace <gittag> and <gitlong> with the correct hashes from the download above)
cp /path/to/download/i-nex.spec ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/
cp /path/to/download/<gittag>.zip ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/I-nex-<gitlong>.zip
rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/i-nex.spec
sudo yum localinstall ~/rpmbuild/{noarch,x86_64}/i-nex*<gittag>*

I-Nex is installed to Applications > System Tools in GNOME. It can also be executed from the Terminal in GNOME for debugging.