i-p-tel / sipdroid

Free SIP/VoIP client for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Improvement - Filter "extra" characters from phone numbers (i.e. "spaces" "()") #1015

Open careca1970 opened 8 years ago

careca1970 commented 8 years ago

Quite good App here, please don't let die!

Here my suggest for an improvement. Sipdroid does not "ignore" special characters like spaces or parentheses in phone numbers. These characters are commonly used to delimit parts of phone numbers containing long distance and international prefixes. Ex.: +49 (30) 1234567890

I have such problem when looking up numbers from my phone contacts. Dialing just fails in these cases. Please implement filter for these characters.

Many thanks in advance. careca

pmerle commented 7 years ago

Stripping off these characters is planned for the update in October. Thanks for your report!

pmerle commented 7 years ago

Just checked by adding () to one of my contacts. It worked fine with Android 7.0. The special characters have already been taken off by the dialer, so Sipdroid does not get them. I remember the same behaviour from ealier Android versions.

Which Android version and phone are you using?

You could also solve this by using the Search & Replace option in Advanced Settings of Sipdroid.

careca1970 commented 7 years ago

Hello, tried to create a rule to remove the parenthesis, But had no success. Could anybody help hereby? Many thanks in adv.!

pmerle commented 7 years ago

Yes, the search & replace could not do it.

For upcoming Sipdroid 3.9 I've improved it. Now you can use e.g. the rule "[^0-9]," to remove everything but digits.

Please feel free to update the wiki - FAQ on here accordingly. Thanks!

careca1970 commented 7 years ago

Hi there, Yes, I confirm. Now it works using your rule "[^0-9],". Many thanks!