i-tu / Hasklig

Hasklig - a code font with monospaced ligatures
SIL Open Font License 1.1
5.56k stars 157 forks source link

Another ligature request: =< #22

Open YashaJames opened 8 years ago

YashaJames commented 8 years ago

Hasklig works great for the ChucK language. Not only does it include a snazzy ligature for the all-important ChucK operator ( => ), but <<<, >>>, <<, >>, ==, ++, || and :: are also useful symbols in ChucK. I've been using it with success in ChucK's miniAudicle editor for Mac OS X.

If it's not too far out of scope, for symmetry's sake I'd like to request the addition of the unChucK operator: =<

Other ligature additions that would be useful in ChucK: != (does not equal) && (logical OR) -- (decrement) @=> (explicit assignment) +=> -=> *=> /=> %=> <<=> >>=> &=> |=> ^=> (various arithmetic and bitwise assignment operators). Perhaps I should be looking at creating a specialized ChucK coding typeface as a fork of Hasklig.

i-tu commented 8 years ago

Perhaps I should be looking at creating a specialized ChucK coding typeface as a fork of Hasklig

This is something I'd like to see happening more :+1:

I'll do =< && (already mostly done) and --. The others I wont't spend time on but I'm accepting contributions.