i-tu / Hasklig

Hasklig - a code font with monospaced ligatures
SIL Open Font License 1.1
5.56k stars 157 forks source link

Ligatures for != <= >= !%% #! && ''' #95

Open FuriouslyCurious opened 6 years ago

FuriouslyCurious commented 6 years ago

I know Haskell doesn't need them but think of the other starving programming languages! Your donation of only seven ligatures will feed us for years. YEARS!

NoahAndrews commented 6 years ago


FuriouslyCurious commented 6 years ago

Blackfont has some ligatures for C / Python: should we upstream them to Hasklig?


ghost commented 6 years ago

I'm not a Haskell user but I adore Source Code Pro and would really love if Hasklig were to be more of a general purpose font that caters to most languages.

Asuza commented 6 years ago

Please add these! But while you're in there, please don't forget !== and ===.

LanderlYoung commented 6 years ago

I'm a fan of source code pro, and I use Java Kotlin. Please add those symbols!

vikky49 commented 6 years ago

@LanderlYoung @Asuza @Krakob @FuriouslyCurious I used [https://github.com/rojiani/Ligaturizer] to patch the Source code pro. It basically patches the all the FiraCode Ligatures onto any reasonable font. Its a great utility if u like both source code pro and the Fira code style ligatures. Try it out

scp ligatures
LanderlYoung commented 5 years ago

@vikky49 That's great!!!! I'll give it a try. (I was using blackfont previously)

In Chinese this is "授之以渔"!


And here is the result. (I hope it doesn't have any copyright issue, if it does, please let me know, and I'll delete it.)


snaggen commented 5 years ago

Ligaturizer is ok, but some ligatures like && doesn't really fit with the rest of the font...

nino-moreton commented 4 years ago

@snaggen you can exclude ligatures you don't want

snaggen commented 4 years ago

@nino-moreton yes, but I still like to have ligatures, just not ligatures that doesn't fit with the font. So I actually ended up doing just that and manually edit the font to add a && liggature I created myself. That is however not production quality, since I really don't know anything about editing fonts... but it works for me. So, I currently have a SourceCodePro font with ligatures that works for me... but it would be better to have a proper solution.

PyvesB commented 4 years ago

The author hasn't done much changes to the font himself in recent years but seems open to contributions. The only way to get this implemented is probably if someone submits a pull request.

sgaliamov commented 3 years ago
