Closed MP-OT closed 4 years ago
but does it log your custom ajax?
set debug: true
on init options...might show what's going wrong
@jamuhl it only show me about not found keys like:
i18next::translator: missingKey undefined translations email email
index.js:4226 i18next::translator: missingKey undefined translations email_placeholder_example email_placeholder_example
index.js:4226 i18next::translator: missingKey undefined translations email_default_error email_default_error
index.js:4226 i18next::translator: missingKey undefined translations password password
index.js:4226 i18next::translator: missingKey undefined translations password_placeholder password_placeholder
missings are your ajax function override is not don't see the console.log from your ajax function? also should show some backendConnector logs -> at least if the init you showed above does not exclude some details...
@jahed actually I am trying with this code
import i18n from 'i18next';
import XHR from 'i18next-xhr-backend';
import LanguageDetector from 'i18next-browser-languagedetector';
import { axiosDefaultConfig } from '../config/axiosConfig';
// Test Propouses
const getLangsUrl = 'https://localhost:44322/api/language/getall';
const backendOptions = {
type: 'backend',
// path where resources get loaded from, or a function
// returning a path:
// function(lngs, namespaces) { return customPath; }
// the returned path will interpolate lng, ns if provided like giving a static path
loadPath: '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json',
// path to post missing resources
addPath: 'locales/add/{{lng}}/{{ns}}',
// your backend server supports multiloading
// /locales/resources.json?lng=de+en&ns=ns1+ns2
// Adapter is needed to enable MultiLoading
// Returned JSON structure in this case is
// {
// lang : {
// namespaceA: {},
// namespaceB: {},
// ...etc
// }
// }
allowMultiLoading: false, // set loadPath: '/locales/resources.json?lng={{lng}}&ns={{ns}}' to adapt to multiLoading
// parse data after it has been fetched
// in example use
parse: function(data) {
console.log(data, 'data parse');
return data;
//parse data before it has been sent by addPath
parsePayload: function(namespace, key, fallbackValue) {
console.log(key, 'key parseLoad');
return { key };
// allow cross domain requests
crossDomain: false,
// allow credentials on cross domain requests
withCredentials: false,
// overrideMimeType sets request.overrideMimeType("application/json")
overrideMimeType: false,
// define a custom xhr function
// can be used to support XDomainRequest in IE 8 and 9
// 'url' will be passed the value of 'loadPath'
// 'options' will be this entire options object
// 'callback' is a function that takes two parameters, 'data' and 'xhr'.
// 'data' should be the key:value translation pairs for the
// requested language and namespace, or null in case of an error.
// 'xhr' should be a status object, e.g. { status: 200 }
// 'data' will be a key:value object used when saving missing translations
ajax: function(url, options, callback, data) {
axiosDefaultConfig.get(getLangsUrl).then(response => {
callback(, { status: response.status });
console.log('URL', url, 'options', options, 'callback', callback, 'data', data);
// load translation using xhr -> see /public/locales
// learn more:
// detect user language
// learn more:
// init i18next
// for all options read:
debug: false,
initImmediate: false,
backend: backendOptions,
console.log(i18n.t('password'), 'translated');
export default i18n;
It is my directory: [](Print Screen)
The console log show me it: [](Console screenshot)
The response data that I pass to the callback in ajax is this and it is working:
{password: 'contradsas'}
But if I try to show the key value with this:
console.log(i18n.t('password'), 'translated');
it only returns me the key.
init is access t
too early
// load translation using xhr -> see /public/locales
// learn more:
// detect user language
// learn more:
// init i18next
// for all options read:
debug: false,
initImmediate: false,
backend: backendOptions,
}, () => { console.log(i18n.t('password'), 'translated'); });
@MP-OT wrong mention
@jamuhl Thank you, I know how it works now. I will share my solution bellow as an example for other developers.
I solve it using React.Suspense and enabling it in i18n.Init like this:
At app index I render it :
<I18nextProvider i18n={i18n}>
<App />
And init options should look like:
react: {
wait: true,
bindI18n: 'languageChanged',
bindI18nStore: '',
transEmptyNodeValue: '',
transSupportBasicHtmlNodes: true,
transKeepBasicHtmlNodesFor: ['es', 'strong', 'i'],
useSuspense: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false,
debug: false,
initImmediate: false,
backend: backendOptions,
@MP-OT good you got it working - just a sidenote if this is a recent version of react-i18next there is no wait
option - the wait functionality was replaced with useSuspense (which already defaults to true)!
I am trying to load language from my .Net core Backend, At the client-side, I have the following code:
When I run my application for example with npm start it no send the request to load the file. from backend.