i18next / next-app-dir-i18next-example

Next.js 13/14 app directory feature in combination with i18next
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Hydration error #7

Closed njarraud closed 1 year ago

njarraud commented 1 year ago

🐛 Bug Report

There is currently an hydration error on the first load of a page with a language other than the fallback language. I believe that this is due to the fact that the i18next client in app/i18n/client.js is initialised with the fallback language and later on changed in useTranslation using i18next.changeLanguage(lng) which is asynchronous. Therefore the first render is made using the translation of the fallback language which doesn't match the language pre-rendered by the server.

Warning: Text content did not match. Server: "Se connecter" Client: "Login"

adrai commented 1 year ago

may be... but just a warning Need to check if we can get the language for init... maybe with the language detector

njarraud commented 1 year ago

It is actually an error even if the text says warning.

Even if it would work, the page is still rendered with the fallback language first before being updated with the requested language. So it generates an ugly flicker on load.

I have been trying to initialise i18next inside a component in the root layout, but for some reason use(initReactI18next) creates an almost infinite loop if I use resourcesToBackend.

const I18nProvider = ({ locale, children }: ProviderProps) => {
  const { current: i18n } = useRef(
          (language: string, namespace: string) => import(`shared/locales/${language}/${namespace}.json`),

  return <I18nContext.Provider value={{ locale }}>{children}</I18nContext.Provider>;
adrai commented 1 year ago

The language detector seems to help: https://github.com/i18next/next-13-app-dir-i18next-example/commit/cfe77fbdb25408f183dd2839a14a745fd1ede8f4

njarraud commented 1 year ago

Just tried your solution. The error is gone in the console.

However it flickers if you change the local manually in the url and reload. I guess it is because of the locale storage var with the key i18nextLng

adrai commented 1 year ago

I'm not able to see any flickering, but just in case: https://github.com/i18next/next-13-app-dir-i18next-example/commit/69ba28c74505ce0363cfaf7ae9c770c48bbda684

guilhermeavanci commented 1 year ago

Hi! Sorry for commenting on a closed issue, but I keep getting the same error here. Is there a fix nowadays or we're just accepting the situation?

Screenshot 2023-04-12 at 17 29 34


adrai commented 1 year ago

Not able to reproduce your issue @guilhermeavanci

SharifSitech commented 1 year ago

@guilhermeavanci did u solve it i have the same issue

guilhermeavanci commented 1 year ago


Sorry guys, my trouble wasn't related to this issue.

My situation was related to not adding the correct lng to the useTranslation hook on the client side. Maybe your issue is the same, I suggest you have a closer look into your hook's parameters.

joaopedrodcf commented 1 year ago

I was having the same issue and wrapping the application that is an CSR only in a Suspense made the fix 💯