A Robust, Real-time, INS-Centric GNSS-Visual-Inertial Navigation System
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[ic_gvins_node-2] process has died [pid 26173, exit code -11, cmd /home/bobododo/GNC/SLAM/gvins_ws/devel/lib/ic_gvins/ic_gvins_ros __name:=ic_gvins_node __log:=/home/bobododo/.ros/log/774a84ba-2f1d-11ed-b79f-645d86a8c9dd/ic_gvins_node-2.log]. log file: /home/bobododo/.ros/log/774a84ba-2f1d-11ed-b79f-645d86a8c9dd/ic_gvins_node-2*.log #3

Closed bobododosjl closed 1 year ago

bobododosjl commented 1 year ago

how to solve this issue

thlsealight commented 1 year ago

how to solve this issue

I can't see any useful message. Maybe you should check your configuration file. Also, you need change the output path in the configuration file.

bobododosjl commented 1 year ago

how to solve this issue

I can't see any useful message. Maybe you should check your configuration file. Also, you need change the output path in the configuration file.

I launch the launch file.However, I meet the problem:Failed to open configuration file.how to solve the problem?

thlsealight commented 1 year ago

how to solve this issue

I can't see any useful message. Maybe you should check your configuration file. Also, you need change the output path in the configuration file.

I launch the launch file.However, I meet the problem:Failed to open configuration file.how to solve the problem?

Please show your ic_gvins.yaml.

bobododosjl commented 1 year ago



Output directory

outputpath: "outputpath: "/home/bobododo/GNC/SLAM/gvins_ws/src/IC-GVINS-main/output/" is_make_outputdir: true

时间信息, s

Time length for GNSS/INS intialization

initlength: 1

IMU原始数据频率, Hz

IMU sample rate

imudatarate: 100


Consider the Earth rotation

iswithearth: true

天线杆臂, IMU前右下方向, m

GNSS lever-arm in IMU body frame (front-right-down)

antlever: [-0.37, 0.008, 0.353]


IMU noise parameters

imumodel: arw: 0.1 # deg/sqrt(hr) vrw: 0.1 # m/s/sqrt(hr) gbstd: 50.0 # deg/hr abstd: 50.0 # mGal corrtime: 1.0 # hr


GNSS outage configurations, the GNSS will not be used after the gnssoutagetime

isusegnssoutage: false gnssoutagetime: 364461.5


A fixed threshold (STD, m) for GNSS outlier culling

gnssthreshold: 5


Use visualization

is_use_visualization: true


Tracking configurations

track_check_histogram: false # 直方图检查, 避免出现光照变化较大的图像 (Check histogram for drastic illumulation change) track_min_parallax: 15 # 关键帧最小像素视差 (The minmum parallax in pixels to choose a keyframe) track_max_interval: 0.5 # 最大的关键帧间隔, 超过则插入观测帧, s (The maximum lenght to choose a observation frame) track_max_features: 200 # 最大提取特征数量 (The maximum features to detect, may be more or less, see tracking.cc)


Optimization configurations

reprojection_error_std: 1.5 # 像素重投影误差 (The reprojection error std for optimizition and outlier culling) optimize_windows_size: 10 # 滑动窗口大小 (The size of the sliding window, number of the keyframes ) optimize_num_iterations: 20 # 优化迭代次数 (The iterations in total) optimize_estimate_extrinsic: true # 是否估计相机和IMU的外参 (Estimate the extrinsic) optimize_estimate_td: true # 否估计相机和IMU之间的时间间隔 (Estimate the time delay)

Camera parameters


内参 [fx, fy, cx, cy(, skew)]

# Intrinsic parameters, pinhole model

# 畸变参数 [k1, k2, p1, p2(, k3)]
# Distortion parameters

# 图像分辨率
# Resolution
resolution: [1280, 560]

# 相机IMU外参 (Camera-IMU extrinsic)
# Pb = q_b_c * Pc + t_b_c
# q (x, y, z, w)
q_b_c: [0.49452151768306785, 0.4977818081111032, 0.5055845943507494, 0.5020417891144757]
t_b_c: [1.71239, -0.247401, 0.11589]

# IMU和相机时间延时 (The time delay between the IMU and camera)
# t_i = t_c + td
td_b_c: 0.0
bobododosjl commented 1 year ago

how to solve this issue

I can't see any useful message. Maybe you should check your configuration file. Also, you need change the output path in the configuration file.

I launch the launch file.However, I meet the problem:Failed to open configuration file.how to solve the problem?

Please show your ic_gvins.yaml.

i find the fault

thlsealight commented 1 year ago

It seems that the first configuration is wrong. outputpath: "outputpath: "/home/bobododo/GNC/SLAM/gvins_ws/src/IC-GVINS-main/output/" Maybe the correct configuration is: outputpath: "/home/bobododo/GNC/SLAM/gvins_ws/src/IC-GVINS-main/output/"

thlsealight commented 1 year ago

how to solve this issue

I can't see any useful message. Maybe you should check your configuration file. Also, you need change the output path in the configuration file.

I launch the launch file.However, I meet the problem:Failed to open configuration file.how to solve the problem?

Please show your ic_gvins.yaml.

i find the fault

Good! This issue will be closed.