i2p / i2p-browser

The I2P Browser source code
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Current default port of proxy configuration is pre-configured as 14444 instead of 4444? #3

Closed happywhitelake closed 4 years ago

happywhitelake commented 4 years ago

Thanks @mikalv for building this all-in-one I2P browser bundle, I would make it easier for non-techical users to use I2P.

I tried the latest version and recoginize that the default proxy port is set to 14444 instead of 4444, I am not sure if this is something caused by my MacOS but it was an easy fix for me, just changing the port back to 4444 and everything works normally.

Please have a look to see if this 14444 port is pre-configured in the bundle. Thank you!


mikalv commented 4 years ago

Yea this should be resolved a while back now, forgot to update this issue. Beta 7 is out and I'll confirm it's long gone with it :) - You might need to reset your data directory if you still have the issue due to it's unfortunately been written to your browser profile settings already.