i2p / i2p.i2p

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caps=D @ ARM vserver ? #77

Closed Tunoac closed 2 weeks ago

Tunoac commented 2 months ago

i2p is running at an ARM vserver, but only gets caps = PRD D == Congested is probably hard coded, because 1st arm here in the past were light headed raspberry pi's ? But now we have multi cpu ARM vserver - is the "D" still required ? How can we detect it ?


Architecture:             aarch64                                                                                           
  CPU op-mode(s):         32-bit, 64-bit                                                                                    
  Byte Order:             Little Endian                                                                                     
CPU(s):                   6                                                                                                 
  On-line CPU(s) list:    0-5                                                                                               
Vendor ID:                ARM                                                                                               
  Model name:             Neoverse-N1                                                                                       
    Model:                1                                                                                                 
    Thread(s) per core:   1                                                                                                 
    Core(s) per cluster:  6         

I2P Version and Running Environment

I2P version:    2.5.1-0
API version:    0.9.62
Java version:   Debian 17.0.11 (OpenJDK Runtime Environment 17.0.11+9-Debian-1deb12u1)
Wrapper version:    3.5.44
Server version: 9.3.30.v20211001
Servlet version:    Jasper JSP 2.3 Engine (3.1)
JSTL version:   standard-taglib 1.2.0
Platform:   Linux aarch64 6.1.0-20-arm64
Processor:  (armv8)
JBigI status:   Locally optimized library libjbigi-linux-armv8_64.so loaded from file
GMP version:    6.2.0
JBigI version:  4
Encoding:   UTF-8
Charset:    UTF-8
Service:    false
Built:  2024-05-06 19:41:38 UTC
Built By:   idk


zzzi2p commented 2 weeks ago

You're right, ARM is hardcoded as "slow" which forced "D". I don't know a good metric to separate Pi's from servers, any ideas?

Tunoac commented 2 weeks ago

Hm, that leads to the question, why it was categorized as slow in the past. What is exactly the limiting factor ? speed/MHz, CPU flags, number of cpu cores ? or RAM ?

I have currently hands on an older Pi 3, and a rented ARM vserver. Please let me know what techn. details could help us here. A quick compare:

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3

Architecture: aarch64
CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
CPU(s): 4
Model name: Cortex-A53
BogoMIPS: 38.40
Flags: fp asimd evtstrm crc32 cpuid

ARM vserver:

Architecture: aarch64
CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
CPU(s): 6
Model name: Neoverse-N1
BogoMIPS: 50,00
Flags: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 atomics fphp asimdhp cpuid asimdrdm lrcpc dcpop asimddp ssbs

--> Candidate could be the aes flag ?

zzzi2p commented 2 weeks ago

The current isSlow() is roughly (see net.i2p.util.SystemVersion for source)

isSlow() = _isAndroid || _isApache || (_isArm && !_isMac) || _isGNU || _isZero || getMaxMemory() < 9610241024L || !haveJbigi

back in the day, all of those were indicators of the setup being a real dog, and the RPi 2 was the classic example, not just a slow processor but a dog JVM and dog slow I/O to the SSD card, especially writes.

Your bogomips above don't look correct to me, or may be spoofed by your VM? My RPi 2 which I still have running is reporting 698 bogomips and my other boxes range from 4000-7000 bogomips per core. On VMs you can't trust much of anything, either CPUID or /proc/cpuinfo.

Other problems are of course that there's no CPUID for ARM, and no /proc/cpuinfo for Windows.

You can see in net.i2p.util.NativeBigInteger starting at line 441 where we try to pull out of /proc/cpuinfo what type of processor we have and use that to pick the right jbigi.so to load. Perhaps we could also use that information to try to draw a line between what's slow and what's not. Or maybe combined with number of cores.

On windows all we know is isARM() and the number of cores. That's it.

zzzi2p commented 2 weeks ago

May we simply assume all Windows-on-ARM are not-slow, like we do for Mac? Seems like the Windows 10/11 requirements would be pretty high?

Tunoac commented 2 weeks ago

If we find no easy and quick way, to detect old slow arm versus new ones, e.g. Raspberry Pi 4, ARM vserver, or the new ones coming with win11: Let the user decide, and give them an option, do override the "slow mode" on their accountability.

zzzi2p commented 2 weeks ago


First of all sorry for the Windows diversion, I realized that we don't have a jbigi for ARM Windows so it will be slow anyway.

You're proposing to draw the line between (slow) Rasp. Pi 3 and (fast) Rasp. Pi 4 but that's going to be tough for the reasons above. The best I can do is assume 5 or more cores is fast, which leaves out all the Rasp. Pis but gives you what you want for your server and probably most other server-class boxes. Also marking all 32-bit ARM as slow. All Macs will stay fast even if 4 cores.

The new logic would be:

_isSlow = _isAndroid || _isApache || (_isArm && (!_is64 || _isWin || (!_isMac && getCores() < 5))) || _isGNU || _isZero || getMaxMemory() < 96*1024*1024L || !havejbigi;

How does that look?

Tunoac commented 2 weeks ago

Looks good, one remark: Since Windows is excluded by !havejbigi at the moment already, I propose to remove _isWin condition - to be prepared if ARM@Win gets a success and we get next year a jbigi :-)

Using getCores looks future proof for me, e.g. if the next Pi generation gets more than 4 cpu, e.g. 2 performance + 4 efficient core...

zzzi2p commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks again for the report and helping us work through the alternatives.

In 4033191c1cbbf15647a9bed8d6b9fea4f3bca6f6 to be 2.5.2-7

@eyedeekay please close this issue as resolved.