i40-Tools / Alligator

Alligator: Transforms the RDF files generated from AML documents into Datalog code
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Integration Algorithm Improvement #6

Open omarrana opened 7 years ago

omarrana commented 7 years ago

Current integration Algorithm is implemented.

seed 1:
1- Copy seed1 as it is in integration.aml

seed 2:
Nodes that have attributes.
e.g <Aml attribute ="121></>
2- CompareConflicts in output.txt 
       -    If found check if seed 1 has already put that in integration.aml (will always be true)
       -    Found nodes would be ignored for further processing.
       -   Elements not found in output.txt must be merged with integration.aml
       -   Attributes are matched in integration.aml
       -   Matching Elements will have its Nodes, and Ancestor Nodes match in integration.aml
       -   Matching Elements will be ignored for further processing.
4- addNonConflicts
      -   Elements not matchin no Conflicts will be added into integration.aml
      -   Appended under its parent.

Nodes that have Value.
e.g <Aml>Value</>
5- CompareConflicts in output.txt 
       -    If found check if seed 1 has already put that in integration.aml (will always be true)
       -    Found nodes would be ignored for further processing.
       -   Elements not found in output.txt must be merged with integration.aml
       -   Node are matched in integration.aml
       -   Matching Elements will have Ancestor Nodes match in integration.aml
       -   Matching Elements will be ignored for further processing.
7- addNonConflicts
      -   Elements not matching no Conflicts will be added into integration.aml
      -   Appended under its parent.
igrangel commented 7 years ago

Can you provide a figure to better represent this algorithm? Maybe with draw.io

omarrana commented 7 years ago


igrangel commented 7 years ago

Could you check this. I'd like to have something like this.

omarrana commented 7 years ago


if above link does not work try : https://www.draw.io/?rev=0B7FScfr1FLRDUzhUaW55Vm10RFR5NTNLZ3NlRFdrMnR0UlRJPQ&chrome=0&edit=_blank#G0B7FScfr1FLRDZE44QUVwN1gyMjQ