i40-Tools / I40KG

Contains the development for the Industry 4.0 standards knowledge graph (I40KG). Its current collaborative development is driven by VoCol - http://vocol.iais.fraunhofer.de/sto/
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Representing different parts of a Standard and Different Versions of a standard #38

Open PriyankaNanjappa opened 6 years ago

PriyankaNanjappa commented 6 years ago

As of now, We do not have some property representing the sub-parts of a standard. For example, This instance of a standard is talking about part 27 of the standard IEC 60255. We need to represent this meaningfully in the schema.

We have the property sto:hasEdition to deal with different versions of the same standard.

igrangel commented 6 years ago

Yes, we have the property PartOf, which is one Ontology Design Pattern (ODP from now one). But, after, checking this deeper I think the Componency ODP may be better to represent this kind of relations since it is not-transitive and the PartOf is transitive.

PriyankaNanjappa commented 6 years ago

When we talk about IEC 60255 and it's parts or any other standard and it's parts, it's worth noting that there is no generic Document called IEC 60255. There exists only documents that talk about it's parts. Starting with IEC 60255-1:2009 . Hence, Componency and PartOf might not be appropriate since we might fail to create the top level instance IEC 60255 since there is no document that refers to this in real world.

PriyankaNanjappa commented 5 years ago

I see that the property isComponentOf is created for a standard. Do we need top implement this to all other standards?

igrangel commented 5 years ago

Whenever makes sense, yes, i.e., that a given Standard is a component of other like in the AutomationML case.

PriyankaNanjappa commented 5 years ago

Could you please explain the role of isComponentOf relation in this part of the code