i40-Tools / I40KG

Contains the development for the Industry 4.0 standards knowledge graph (I40KG). Its current collaborative development is driven by VoCol - http://vocol.iais.fraunhofer.de/sto/
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Properties: hasDBPediaResource, hasWikipediaArticle and hasOfficialResource #57

Closed SpyrosKou closed 3 years ago

SpyrosKou commented 5 years ago


I would like to share the following findings: Currently the following properties are defined as data properties: https://github.com/i40-Tools/StandardOntology/blob/e89369452d28773dba413b3aed5834636d0b4787/sto.ttl#L487



However their usage syntax implicitly defines them as ObjectProperties. For example:

https://github.com/i40-Tools/StandardOntology/blob/e89369452d28773dba413b3aed5834636d0b4787/sto.ttl#L1556 https://github.com/i40-Tools/StandardOntology/blob/e89369452d28773dba413b3aed5834636d0b4787/sto.ttl#L1557 https://github.com/i40-Tools/StandardOntology/blob/e89369452d28773dba413b3aed5834636d0b4787/sto.ttl#L1558

For example the syntax to use an xsd:anyUri in a dataProperty should be: sto:hasWikipediaArticle "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_National_Standards_Institute?oldformat=true"^^xsd:anyURI .

See also: [https://www.w3.org/TR/swbp-xsch-datatypes/]

Potential solutions could be to update the syntax as in a dataProperty type. Or change the declaration of these properties to suitable property types.

Thank you

igrangel commented 5 years ago

Some properties were as you mentioned and there were raising some errors in Protégé. As they are now, no errors occur when the reasoner in Protégé is used.