[x] 1. Imaging with OSKAR, make a proper interface. We should be able to select the cell size at will. (#261)
[x] #319
[ ] 3. Skymodel=(delta Tb EOR Signal + foreground) + noise (instrumental karabo). Make 10,000 skymodels from the 10,000 lightcones from the fast 21 simulations. In frequency, there are about 500-1000 channels.
[ ] 4. Each simulation must be done for 1000 hours of integration. Test the single-channel simulation vs multiple channels for the computation and data writing. Change the long observation module to 4 hours of everyday observation and 250 days. -2 hours to +2 hours from the local zenith. See #284 #323
[ ] Pixel is scaled with the frequency. The pixel number remains the same.
[ ] Requirement: beam size information in the output fits files.
[x] Implement Beam for SKA-Low #322
[ ] 5. Point Source Subtraction in visibility space #534
For SKADC-3, we design the following experiments.