Open samaloney opened 1 year ago
Curiously extending to L1 we find one less, 2305104430
, which I don't fully understand ...
l1_files = !find . \( -name '*xray-rpd*.fits' -o -name '*xray-cpd*.fits' -o -name '*xray-scpd*.fits' -o -name '*xray-vis*.fits' -o -name '*xray-spec*' \)
l1_uids = []
for f in l1_files:
*dirs, name = f.split('\\')
parts = name.split('_')
uid, tcref = parts[-1].split('-')
So a further inspection it looks like some (4/10) of the request don't get to level L0 for other reasons the remaining (6/10) are really incomplete packets missing the closing packet.
Valid sets would be {3}
, {1, 2}
, {0, 1, 2}
for uid in lb_uids:
file = !find * -name '*{uid}*'
hdul =[0])
print(file, set(hdul[1].data['sequence_flag']))
['6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2302120212-60797.fits'] {0, 1}
['6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2209280787-63265.fits'] {0, 1}
['6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2302257105-61109.fits'] {0, 1}
['6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2203151617-62310.fits'] {0, 1, 2}
['6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_0074661904-00000.fits'] {0, 1}
['6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2304131472-49403.fits'] {0, 1}
['6/24/solo_LB_stix-21-6-24_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2209279737-62645.fits'] {0, 1, 2}
['6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2112090002-51143.fits'] {0, 1, 2}
['6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2305104430-51218.fits'] {0, 1, 2}
['6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2204028914-63370.fits'] {0, 1}
['6/20/solo_LB_stix-21-6-20_0000000000-9999999999_V01_0074661888-00000.fits'] {0, 1}
As a result of above I realised I was combining incomplete sequences and problems processing from LB to L0 so to focus on incomplete sequences I ran this scrip.
Flag Value | Flag Name | Description |
0 | Continuation | This packet belongs to a longer sequence of TM packets. |
1 | First | This is the first packet of a longer TM sequence. Must be followed by either a continuation or last sequence flag. |
2 | Last | This is the last packet of a longer TM sequence. Must have been preceded by a continuation or fist sequence flag. |
3 | Stand-alone | This packet stands for itself. |
for file in lb_files:
hdul =
seq_flag = hdul[1].data['sequence_flag']
seq_flag_set = set(seq_flag)
if len(seq_flag) == 1 and seq_flag[0] == 3: # standalone
elif len(seq_flag) == 2 and seq_flag_set == {1, 2}: # seq with no cont.
elif len(seq_flag) > 2 and seq_flag_set == {0, 1, 2}: # seq with cont.
print(file, seq_flag_set) # incomplete
./6/24/solo_LB_stix-21-6-24_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2201270032-59177.fits {0, 2}
./6/24/solo_LB_stix-21-6-24_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2201260047-59172.fits {0, 2}
./6/24/solo_LB_stix-21-6-24_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2201270033-59178.fits {0, 2}
./6/20/solo_LB_stix-21-6-20_0000000000-9999999999_V01_0074661888-00000.fits {0, 1}
./6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2204028914-63370.fits {0, 1}
./6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2209280787-63265.fits {0, 1}
./6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_0074661904-00000.fits {0, 1}
./6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2302120212-60797.fits {0, 1}
./6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2302257105-61109.fits {0, 1}
./6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2304131472-49403.fits {0, 1}
Complete requests missing L0 files
incomplete = {'0074661888', '0074661904', '2201260047', '2201270032', '2201270033', '2204028914', '2209280787', '2302120212', '2302257105', '2304131472'}
missing_l0 = set(lb_uids).difference(set(l1_uids))
{'2112090002', '2203151617', '2209279737'}
Is there any chance to recover these data at some point? For example, I was recently looking for the file with UID 2302120212 and I could not find the L1 file, although the L1A exists (but the content seems to be incomplete, according to the online quick preview)
Incomplete in this context means an incomplete packet sequence. A quick look seems to indicate it is a very low number approx 11 out of 19936 or 0.05%