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STIX Core functionalities
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num_energy_groups changes rapidly with time #367

Closed grazwegian closed 9 months ago

grazwegian commented 10 months ago

Screenshot 2023-10-24 at 15 32 23

When reviewing a issue related to the ELUT I noticed that the reported value in num_energy_groups seems to be different for each energy bin ranging between 3 and 15, I would have expected a constant value of 18 the total number of energy bins in for each data point. The DPDD gives the description "number of energy bands" which would seem to match my expectation. Checking with fv gives the same result suggesting this is not related to the IDL software.

e.g. using the file from the imaging demo: fits_path = solo_L1_stix-sci-xray-cpd_20200607T213709-20200607T215208_V01_1178428688-49155.fits data = stx_read_fits(fits_path, 'data') data.num_energy_groups = [15 12 9 6 3 15 12 9 6 3 15 12 9 6 3 15 12 9 6 3 15 12 9 6 3 15 12 9 6 3 15 12 9 6 3 15 12 9 6 3 15 12 9 6 3]

samaloney commented 10 months ago

Yep I see the same from a quick look at the source code all we do is extract the value from the the packet so don't think it on the fits side need to check


I should note that I expect the value to change and represent the number of channels in the current science sub structure which may vary to fit inside max packet size.

Code to reproduce

from astropy.io import fits

hdul = fits.open('http://pub099.cs.technik.fhnw.ch/data/fits/L1/2020/06/07/SCI/solo_L1_stix-sci-xray-cpd_20200607T213709-20200607T215208_V01_1178428688-49155.fits')

# array([15, 12,  9,  6,  3, 15, 12,  9,  6,  3, 15, 12,  9,  6,  3, 15, 12,
#        9,  6,  3, 15, 12,  9,  6,  3, 15, 12,  9,  6,  3, 15, 12,  9,  6,
#        3, 15, 12,  9,  6,  3, 15, 12,  9,  6,  3], dtype=uint8)

# 405

# 19

# array([[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=uint8)

I'd expect the num_energy_groups / n_energy_bin == n_times but this doesn't hold

samaloney commented 10 months ago

Ok yes the is an issue, the raw parameter look like this

[Parameter(name=NIX00258, value=[10], children=None, order=60),
 Parameter(name=NIX00258, value=[6, 4], children=None, order=60),
 Parameter(name=NIX00258, value=[10], children=None, order=60),
 Parameter(name=NIX00258, value=[2, 8], children=None, order=60),
 Parameter(name=NIX00258, value=[8, 2], children=None, order=60),
 Parameter(name=NIX00258, value=[10], children=None, order=60),
 Parameter(name=NIX00258, value=[4, 6], children=None, order=60)

These are then turned into a flat array e.g. [10, 6, 4, 10, 2, 8, 8,...] this flat array is later sliced by the unique time indices this will not match properly. What should probably happen is each list of numbers should be summed e.g. [10, 10, 10, 10, ....] and directly assigned to the final data structure.

samaloney commented 10 months ago

In the end this repeater doesn't really map back to anything meaningful in the science data. It required to define and parse the TM but it doesn't correspond to anything. The only use is as a check because sum(num_energy_groups) = n_time x n_energies. I'm going to suggest we remove it completely.

nicHoch commented 10 months ago

👍 for removing it @grazwegian for what purpose you were looking into the "num_energy_groups" value?

grazwegian commented 10 months ago

It was while I was looking into this issue: https://github.com/i4Ds/STIX-GSW/pull/185, I was trying to see if we had enough information in the data structure/extension to specify the energy binning. In the end we are now using the energy bin mask.