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Inform Beginner's Guide
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Add content from 3rd edition PDF file #1

Closed zondo closed 8 years ago

zondo commented 8 years ago

Up to chapter 1 so far.

DavidGriffith commented 8 years ago

Could you roll back the release and version stuff to the Third Edition? I want to get the Third Edition committed and tagged before we start adding Fourth Edition stuff.

zondo commented 8 years ago

That's what I planned to do as well. I've renamed the milestones to make it clearer.

DavidGriffith commented 8 years ago

I mentioned this because when I built the IBG, I noticed that it identified itself as Release 4.0.

zondo commented 8 years ago

Re versioning: sphinx projects have a 'release' number. I arbitrarily put 4.0 since it will eventually be the 4th edition, but maybe it should be independent of the edition.

DavidGriffith commented 8 years ago

Please just put it at 3 (no dot) and delete the fourth edition note in the release history.

zondo commented 8 years ago


zondo commented 8 years ago

Added chapter 2.

DavidGriffith commented 8 years ago

The Copyright, Release History, Forward, and About This Guide need to be changed to be forward unnumbered sections. Sphinx is treating all sections as proper chapters. I know how to fix this in LaTeX, but not Sphinx.

zondo commented 8 years ago

Not quite sure what you mean here, unless you're looking at the output of 'make latex'. In which case, the LaTeX output can be customized in 'conf.py' (settings near the end of the file). I'm concentrating on content rather than style at the moment, but feel free to tweak those settings as you see fit.

zondo commented 8 years ago

Added chapters 3 and 4.

zondo commented 8 years ago

Added chapter 5.

DavidGriffith commented 8 years ago

I've run into two problems with Sphinx so far that cause irritating problems for accurately rendering a document into PDF: Inability to wrap text around graphics and inability to correctly number chapters. This makes me think that Sphinx won't be stable enough for this project.

zondo commented 8 years ago

These are not problems with Sphinx, but just reflect the default LaTeX settings. I haven't yet done any tweaking of these; as I mentioned above, I'm concentrating on the content right now.

Your main goal at the moment seems to be (correct me if I'm wrong) to recreate the exact look of the 3rd edition PDF. And I have no doubt that with suitable adjustment, LaTeX can do all that and more. Sphinx leaves a hook for people to include their own LaTeX preamble, which pretty much gives complete control over everything.

As an aside, while it's nice to have a printable version, IMHO the online version is going to be the preferred way to read it for many people. I certainly wouldn't want to be typing in the examples from a printed book!

DavidGriffith commented 8 years ago

I want to have this project render correctly to PDF because I would like to have it printed. If Sphinx can't handle some basic things like word wrap and chapter number, then we're going to have to look at abandoning Sphinx for LaTeX and use a LaTeX-to-html converter.

zondo commented 8 years ago

As I said, these are just the default LaTeX settings! It's not that these things can't be handled, just that they haven't been handled yet. I'd rather leave the look-and-feel of things until later.

If, at the end of the conversion, you still don't like the way the printed version looks, you can always take the LaTeX generated by Sphinx and use that as the source input for your preferred version. But I think you should at least give Sphinx a chance!

DavidGriffith commented 8 years ago

Could we pause adding content and investigate how to fix these problems? I'd hate to get it complete and ultimately find out that what I'm looking for cannot be done.

zondo commented 8 years ago

Fair enough. I'll finish off the bits I've been working on and push those for review, and then start looking at #7.

zondo commented 8 years ago

I've tweaked the LaTeX settings enough to fix #7. There's probably more tweaks to be done (e.g., start each new section on a new page) but it was good enough to publish.

DavidGriffith commented 8 years ago

I got the LaTeX side using Emerald to do the woodcut drop caps. Here's how I've been doing them:

.. only:: html
  .. image:: /images/picB.png
     :align: left

.. raw:: latex


efore we start learning to use the Inform system, it's probably sensible...

Thanks for pointing out that package to me.

DavidGriffith commented 8 years ago

I think Sphinx will work. Is there any reason I need to keep the latex branch around?

DavidGriffith commented 8 years ago

In an effort to avoid needlessly provoking merges, how about you continue on adding chapters 6 through 9 and I'll start on 10 to 17, at least for the time being?

zondo commented 8 years ago

Sounds good. I'll make a start on chapters 6--9 this evening.

Re the latex branch: if you're not planning to continue with it in parallel, then it can be closed down.

zondo commented 8 years ago

Chapters 6--9 completed. Working on rest of the appendices now...

DavidGriffith commented 8 years ago

Remaining chapters 10 to 17 have been completed. I think this concludes the transcribing phase of the project.