i6mi6 / react-native-parallax-scroll-view

A ScrollView-like component with parallax and sticky header support.
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ListView renderSectionHeader #58

Open tanpuer opened 8 years ago

tanpuer commented 8 years ago

First,thanks for react-native-parallax-scroll-view. It really helps me a lot.

I found that renderSectionHeader is not working. I want a fixed header in the listview. Can you give me some suggestion?

<ListView ref="ListView" style={styles.container} dataSource={ this.state.dataSource } renderRow={(rowData) => ( <View key={rowData} style={ styles.row }> <Text style={ styles.rowText }> { rowData } )} renderSectionHeader={this.renderHeader} enableEmptySections={true}

            renderScrollComponent={props => (

                    stickyHeaderHeight={ STICKY_HEADER_HEIGHT }
                    parallaxHeaderHeight={ PARALLAX_HEADER_HEIGHT }
tanpuer commented 8 years ago

another question Is it compatible with react-native-scrollable-tab-view

mschipperheyn commented 8 years ago

I have not been able to get it to work properly with scrollable-tab-view

tanpuer commented 8 years ago

ListContainer in Facebook f8 is the exactly component I want. It is similar with the component in issue 39 https://github.com/jaysoo/react-native-parallax-scroll-view/issues/39. But it is difficult for me to override it . Can you have a try?