i7 / counterfeit-monkey

Counterfeit Monkey by Emily Short
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"Pa" works but "Ma" doesn't #183

Open qwertystop opened 3 years ago

qwertystop commented 3 years ago

Testable via YAM -> MAY -> MA.

angstsmurf commented 3 years ago

I actually implemented this, but reverted it along with mama and other things in #145.

The main reason for the removal was that I'm just not great at writing description text, let alone text that fits with the style of the original author, and without good descriptions, new objects are kind of pointless. Also, every new createable object tends to allow the creation several other new ones, which will also need descriptions, and so on. Every object makes the game a tiny bit slower, and if you keep adding new ones, the slowdown will eventually become noticeable.

Still, if you have a really good description of a ma and @emshortif approves, I will consider it.

qwertystop commented 3 years ago

Fair enough. I'd think the same would be true for "pa", and it's mostly the parallel that makes this particular example feel odd (especially since, as in your previous implementation, it doesn't take much of a tweak to the "pa" description to have a "ma" one). But that's reasonable enough regardless, it's not otherwise a particularly interesting thing.

angstsmurf commented 3 years ago

I tend to agree, even if I wish the description was better. And unless I'm missing something, it will still not be possible to create a mama, so we don't need to re-add her.

Does @emshortif have an opinion on this?