i7 / kerkerkruip

Kerkerkruip - the interactive fiction roguelike game
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Faculties and weapons #12

Closed ektemple closed 11 years ago

ektemple commented 11 years ago

There are a bunch of weapons that are statistically the same, though they may have other properties. I count all of the following as mathematically equivalent (not sure if it's an exhaustive list):

All of these are 1d6 + 0, good at parrying, and hard to parry. Kind of dull!

I propose that we make a few of these more interesting by linking them to faculties. There are at least three potential models for this:

  1. Weapon is more powerful than the standard, but can only be used if the player has enough points in the appropriate faculty.
  2. Weapon graduates in power as the player gains points in a given faculty.
  3. Weapon is low-powered or generic below a certain threshold in the appropriate faculty but becomes more interesting above the threshold.

Specific proposals (Victor, you have a much better intuition for where the stats should be; these are just examples):

  1. The Defender is a large, lumbering sort of guy, so give him a large claymore that is too heavy for most folks to wield in combat. The sword does 1d8+2 damage, but it can't be used at all unless the player has committed 10 points to the body faculty.
  2. The Demon Assassin's blade is a standard 1d6+0 blade. It doesn't even flame until we have a spirit of 9 or higher. The power of the infernal flame increases as the PC's spirit climbs. The flames allow for the standard effects of heat, but the flame may also make the blade harder to parry. At the highest levels, it becomes a ranged weapon, acting like a flaming whip.
VictorGijsbers commented 11 years ago

There are parts of this post which I strongly agree, and parts of it with which I strongly disagree. Let me explain.

First, the facts about the weapons. Yes, I agree that several of them are far too alike, and I agree this should be changed. These are not just the tormentor's sword and the defender's sword, but also Fafhrd's sword and Mouser's sword. The nunchucks are wooden, which makes them slightly different, and I believe they have a slightly different parry stat, but it could use more differentiation as well. (A bonus to stunning?)

The adamantine blade, however, is very different: its stats are determined at random, and it can have surprising strengths and weaknesses. It might be worth making it more interesting, but it's certainly not identical to other weapons.

The demon assassin's blade has two big differences: hotness (which gives extra damage and a chance of the weapon being destroyed when hit), and it attacks the player 60% of the time when wielded. I think this might differentiate it enough from other weapons -- basically, it is a "wield me and you'll die" present sent to you by Malygris.

These specific cases aside, I'm all for making the weapons -- many of the weapons -- more interesting. Now the idea of having a faculty requirement ("this weapon requires 10 willpower") is something I am absolutely against. This has always struck me as the kind of badly thought out pushing-the-player-down-a-predetermined-path design that infects far too many RPGs. Often, it comes down to "this weapon requires high strength, so only a [insert class] can use it, because that's the only class for which it makes sense to have high strength". Nothing could be more boring: you make one choice at the beginning of the game, and this determines the path you'll have to walk from that point onwards.

Of course, Kerkerkruip doesn't have classes, so the problem wouldn't take that form and wouldn't be quite that big. But this kind of design still needlessly takes away choices from the player. Instead of having a choice every turn of combat about which weapon to use, you only have a couple of choices about which faculties to increase -- and this then sets you on a path you cannot step away from.

That said, I really like the idea of weapons where having a certain body/mind/spirit score unlocks new abilities. Really, really like it. If the specials are not too absurdly powerful, they'll never take away the question which weapon is the best to use at this moment; but they do add nice variety and make it much more important to think strategically about the allocation of faculty points. Plus, unlocking new abilities is cool. Plus, the scroll of skill and faculty-increasing items become more fun. I'm totally in favour of this.

(By the way, I have a bigger goal of going through the entire Items file and removing or changing anything that isn't cool enough.)

ektemple commented 11 years ago

Victor, I understand your critique of RPGs and their class systems, but I don't think that's at all how gating access to certain weapons by faculty would work in Kerkerkruip. One of the main points of the faculties system, with its election of points, is to create new strategic choices for the player, and that's where these weapons would factor in. So, if I look at the Drawing early on in the game and see that I'll be facing the fanatics of Aite, I will then include the Defender's sword (and possibly the Tormentor's sword, if it depended on a different faculty) in my calculations. Maybe in the end I'll still prefer to increase my mind to make use of the sprout power, but if the daggers are also in the dungeon... Etc. (Note that I am making a distinction between tactics, which is what you are talking about in terms of choosing between weapons, and strategy which is where I think most decisions related to faculties lie. Currently, we have a bunch of non-choices surrounding all these blades--they're all the same. But we can let the player strategize about ways to open new tactical options.)

But I'm fine with what you like in the idea, as I prefer it myself: That is, that faculties may unlock new abilities in a weapon, rather than simply gating access to the weapon.

There's a 60% chance that I will attack myself when I'm wielding the demon assassin's sword? I've only taken it up once, but I feel like I ran all over hell whacking at Malygris with it and never hit myself at all. I won't try that again!

VictorGijsbers commented 11 years ago

I actually agree with you, Erik; when I wrote "you only have a couple of choices about which faculties to increase -- and this then sets you on a path you cannot step away from", I was trying to make the point that we'd be throwing away a lot of tactical choices for just a few strategic ones. (I could have worded that more clearly, clearly!) Since we also have the choice of having both sets of choices, this is not a good idea.

Yes, the demon blade is not safe to use. I tested it just now to be sure it was working as intended, and I immediately attacked myself.

VictorGijsbers commented 11 years ago

I'm closing this issue. We probably want to make more faculty-dependent items in the future, but we don't need an open issue for that. Note that we now have 4 weapons that have some dependence on faculty:

In the future, we definitely want to have some items along the lines Dannii suggested: with special powers that only become available once a certain faculty threshold is passed. But, as I said, we don't need this issue for that.