i7 / kerkerkruip

Kerkerkruip - the interactive fiction roguelike game
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Release notes for Kerkerkruip 8 #73

Closed VictorGijsbers closed 11 years ago

VictorGijsbers commented 11 years ago

The Kerkerkruip team is very pleased to release version 8 of the interactive fiction roguelike Kerkerkruip! This release brings some major interface changes, including:

Don't worry: you can also play Kerkerkruip in non-graphical mode if you are using screen reader technology or a slow computer. The game will ask you for your preference when it is first started.

There are of course also many changes to the game itself:

As always, we hope you'll enjoy the new version! To play Kerkerkruip:

  1. Download the zip file http://lilith.cc/~victor/kerkerkruip/Kerkerkruip-latest.zip , and unzip it in a location of your choice. It contains the game file and a .ini file for Gargoyle.
  2. Download the latest version of the Gargoyle interactive fiction interpreter: http://code.google.com/p/garglk/downloads/list . It is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux!
  3. Open the game file Kerkerkruip.gblorb with gargoyle, and you're ready to go.
VictorGijsbers commented 11 years ago


ektemple commented 11 years ago

Suggest changing the first point slightly and adding a third:

  • Introductory movies
  • A graphical main menu.
  • After you defeat a monster, it will be added to your Rogues Gallery, a collection of trading cards with stats the summarize your history with each enemy.

Technically speaking, it isn't necessary for us to do separate builds for those w/o graphics, or who are using a screenreader. The main reason to do so would be to offer a build with a much smaller file size, which may or may not be a compelling reason. (The other reason to do so is Quixe, but that's a bit different from offering a separate build for download.)

VictorGijsbers commented 11 years ago


ektemple commented 11 years ago

Oops, that should have been "stats that summarize"!

VictorGijsbers commented 11 years ago

Changed -- but I would have caught it before I made it public. ;)

VictorGijsbers commented 11 years ago

Finished, I'd say.