i7 / kerkerkruip

Kerkerkruip - the interactive fiction roguelike game
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Clean up VERSION output #77

Closed ektemple closed 11 years ago

ektemple commented 11 years ago

The output from the VERSION command includes a lot of stuff:

> version
Kerkerkruip - Release 8
An IF roguelike by Victor Gijsbers
Release 8 / Serial number 130515 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib 6/12N) SD
Identification number: //AC0DAF65-F40F-4A41-A4E4-50414F836E14//
Interpreter version 1.2.9 / VM 3.1.2 / Library serial number 080126
Standard Rules version 2/090402 by Graham Nelson
Numbered Disambiguation Choices version 5 by Aaron Reed
Dynamic Objects version 6/101226 by Jesse McGrew
Epistemology version 5 by Eric Eve
Glulx Status Window Control version 2/101030 by Erik Temple
Kerkerkruip Permadeath by Victor Gijsbers
Inform ATTACK version 4/130420 by Victor Gijsbers (GPL 3 licenced)
Kerkerkruip Monster Abilities by Victor Gijsbers
Dynamic Tables version 3/100623 by Jesse McGrew
Glulx Text Effects version 5 by Emily Short
Glimmr Graphic Hyperlinks version 1/130420 by Erik Temple (based on Graphic Links by Jeff 
Glimmr Canvas Animation version 1/111030 by Erik Temple
Flexible Windows version 12 by Jon Ingold (with contributions by Erik Temple)
Glimmr Canvas-Based Drawing version 3/111022 by Erik Temple
Undo Output Control version 3/110717 by Erik Temple
Fixed Point Maths version 5/130421 by Michael Callaghan
Glimmr Drawing Commands version 2/111022 by Erik Temple

I'd like to see it trimmed down a bit. It would be nice to have all the Glimmr extensions encapsulated in one line, e.g. "Includes the Glimmr suite of extensions for graphics and animation." Unfortunately, this will require using specially edited versions of the extensions.

There are a couple of Kerkerkruip extensions that should probably not be in the list.

Everything else is OK, I think.

curiousdannii commented 11 years ago

We could cheat and hand write the list of extensions. Would make it easier to sort them logically (alphabetically?) too. We can then add a note to the release protocol to check it's up to date before releasing.

ektemple commented 11 years ago

Yeah, that sounds good.

VictorGijsbers commented 11 years ago

I added authorial modesty to the two Kerkerkruip extension that did not make it into the list.

Is there a central Glimmer extension that needs to be included in all Glimmr projects? If so, you could add authorial modesty to all the other ones, Erik, and then the end result would probably be fine.

ektemple commented 11 years ago

That would work for this project, perhaps, but it's not the solution I would want to pursue for the wider Glimmr release, and I'd rather not fork the extensions for the sake of a single line.

I wish that Inform were more flexible with this credits stuff out of the box.

curiousdannii commented 11 years ago

I think we should just hand write the list. I also think it would make sense to unite this with the credits and copyright pages in the menu.

curiousdannii commented 11 years ago

I made a new credits/copyright page. What do you think?

VictorGijsbers commented 11 years ago

It looks good. Perhaps I'll make some tweaks if inspiration comes. :)

curiousdannii commented 11 years ago

Do we also want to do something to the VERSION command, or is the page in the menu sufficient? Should we redirect it to that page? (And also add a COPYRIGHT/LICENCE command?)

ektemple commented 11 years ago

I think we should redirect VERSION to your new page.

curiousdannii commented 11 years ago

The page is missing these lines, do we want to include them?

Identification number: //AC0DAF65-F40F-4A41-A4E4-50414F836E14//
Interpreter version 1.2.9 / VM 3.1.2 / Library serial number 080126
VictorGijsbers commented 11 years ago

I don't think we need them. The identification number can be read from the blorb by any software that is interested in it. I presume; and the interpreter version ... huh, I didn't even know that that could be shown in game? But I don't think it would be terribly relevant.